OpenTxt VIM Tables

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/OPT/VIM_BL_DTYP Base line Doc types /OPT/VIM_1HEAD

/OPT/VIM_BL_GR_MOVE_TYPE_ST Movement type for PO lines /OPT/VIM_1ITEM
/OPT/VIM_BL_NPTX Tax Issues for Non ? PO based Invoices /OPT/VIM_1ITEM_S
/OPT/VIM_BL_POAP PO Approval Required Number Range /OPT/VIM_1LOG
/OPT/VIM_BL_SCRN Base line screen configuration /OPT/VIM_DP_STATUS1
/OPT/VIM_BL_SCRT Base line screen configuration /OPT/VIM_DP_STRUCTURE
/OPT/VIM_BL_SCRV Generated Table for View /OPT/VIM_DP_SYNC
/OPT/VIM_BL_TAX Tax Issues for PO based Invoices
/OPT/VIM_BL_UTLV Utility Vendors
/OPT/VIM_BL_VAUD Vendor Audit Required
/OPT/VIM_BUKRS_ST Structure for company codes
/OPT/VIM_CA_TAX Tax Code Determination Configuration for Canada
/OPT/VIM_CCODE_A VIM Roll Out: Allowed Company Codes
/OPT/VIM_CCODE_ST Structure for Company Code download data
/OPT/VIM_CFG_VER Table to store ICC Configuration data versions
/OPT/VIM_CHINA_DATA Index Data for CHINA Localization
/OPT/VIM_CHNL Maintain Channel
/OPT/VIM_CHNL_T Text Table for Channel ID
/OPT/VIM_CHNL_V Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_CONFIG_LIST_ROW Structure for configuration file data
/OPT/VIM_CONFIG_ROW Structure for configuration file data
/OPT/VIM_COUNTRY Structure for Country keys
/OPT/VIM_CTRY Country Determination
/OPT/VIM_CUST_ROW Structure for customizing data
/OPT/VIM_DATA_STG_LIF_IN Staging data ? Vendor master for ICC-India Specific-Append
/OPT/VIM_DISPLAY_STRUCTURE VIM IE Monitor: Structure for output Display
/OPT/VIM_DL_POHEAD Structure: PO Header
/OPT/VIM_DL_POITEM Structure: PO line items
/OPT/VIM_DOCVIEW_STRUCTURE VIM IE Monitor: Structure for DOC View output Display
/OPT/VIM_DOC_URL Table: XML Document URL(of DP document)
/OPT/VIM_DOWNLOAD Download Structure for AFTCS ? China
/OPT/VIM_DTYPE_A VIM Roll Out: Allowed Document Types
/OPT/VIM_DUPLICATES Structure for duplicate lines
/OPT/VIM_ERROR Structure to return extraction/validation errors
/OPT/VIM_FCODE Opentext: VIM IE Monitor fcode put on control toolbar
/OPT/VIM_FGROUP VIM Analytics frequency Group Configuration table
/OPT/VIM_FGRPT VIM Analytics frequency Group Configuration Text Table
/OPT/VIM_FLD_SCH Find Text for Field at Header and Line Item Level
/OPT/VIM_GRP Table Mappings for upgrade
/OPT/VIM_HD_PO_OLD_KEY Old PO document Key
/OPT/VIM_ICC_CFG Table to store ICC Configuration data
/OPT/VIM_IMG_URL Table: Image URL of DP Document
/OPT/VIM_INDIA_DATA Index Data for India Localization
/OPT/VIM_INDIA_DATA_STG_LIF Staging data ? Vendor master for ICC-India Specific
/OPT/VIM_I_SCRN DP Line item screen configuration
/OPT/VIM_JOB_LIST_ROW URLs for DP Document number
/OPT/VIM_JOB_METADATA_ROW Structure: Table parameter of job metadata
/OPT/VIM_LIFNR_ST Structure for Vendor numbers
/OPT/VIM_LOAD_LG Log of data load
/OPT/VIM_MAP Maintain Mapping IDs
/OPT/VIM_MAP_T Text Table for Mapping ID
/OPT/VIM_MAP_V Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_MSG_T Table to store messages
/OPT/VIM_NW_SCRN Base line screen configuration
/OPT/VIM_NW_SCRT Base line screen configuration
/OPT/VIM_PLANT_A VIM Roll Out: Allowed Plants
/OPT/VIM_PMAP Custom Process Type before upgrade versus after upgrade
/OPT/VIM_POTV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_PO_DEL_ST Structure:
/OPT/VIM_PO_RUN Table to store time entry for PO download runs
/OPT/VIM_PO_WID VIM Report: WI Header Data for PO Invoices
/OPT/VIM_PO_WIH VIM Report: WI Header Data for PO Invoices
/OPT/VIM_RESULTDATA_ROW Structure: Invoice info captured from OCR process
/OPT/VIM_RESULTDATA_ROW_N Structure: Invoice info captured from OCR process (EXTINDEX)
/OPT/VIM_RETRY Table to maintain the Retries & Time Limit for extr/Vald
/OPT/VIM_RPT_DISPALY_HEADER 5.1: display structure for header
/OPT/VIM_S1_REMINDER_DISPLAY Display Structure for Reminder report
/OPT/VIM_S1_REMINDER_MAILBODY Display Structure for Reminder report
/OPT/VIM_SLOGTXT VIM-System Log FunctionTexts
/OPT/VIM_SREPLOG Sync Report Log
/OPT/VIM_STATUS VIM Status table ? Header
/OPT/VIM_STATUS_STRUCTURE i5.1: Document stattus
/OPT/VIM_STG_LIF Table: Staging data ? Vendor master for ICC
/OPT/VIM_STG_PO Table: Staging data ? Purchase Orders & Deliveries for ICC
/OPT/VIM_STG_POH Table: PO header staging data for Download Infrastructure
/OPT/VIM_STG_POI Table: PO Item staging data for Download Infrastructure
/OPT/VIM_STR_DET Ship-To-Region Maintenance
/OPT/VIM_SYS Maintain System Determination IDs
/OPT/VIM_SYS_LD VIM System Landscape
/OPT/VIM_SYS_LDT OpenText : System Landscape Directory ? Text Table
/OPT/VIM_SYS_LDV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_SYS_T Text Table for System Determination ID
/OPT/VIM_SYS_V Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_S_IT_OCR_READY Structure for DP Document Tries count
/OPT/VIM_TAX_CFG Tax Code Determination Configuration
/OPT/VIM_TAX_PRO Country Specific Tax ? Province Relationship
/OPT/VIM_TBRSNV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_TEXPV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_TFRSNV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_TITEM Document Item
/OPT/VIM_TMRSNV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_TPOL PO Line determination logic Group Definition
/OPT/VIM_TPOL3 PO line logic Check Group Fields
/OPT/VIM_TPOL3V Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_TPOLT PO Line determination logic Group Definition
/OPT/VIM_TPOLV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_TRIANGU Triangulation Vendors
/OPT/VIM_TVAL Validation determination logic Group Definition
/OPT/VIM_TVAL3 Validation logic Check Group Fields
/OPT/VIM_TVAL3V Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_TVALT Validation determination logic Group Definition
/OPT/VIM_TVALV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_UPD_CFG Configuration of Update FM exits
/OPT/VIM_UPG Table Mappings for upgrade
/OPT/VIM_UPG_GRP Table Mappings for upgrade
/OPT/VIM_UPG_GRT Group Texts
/OPT/VIM_UPG_GRV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VIM_UPG_S Table Mappings for upgrade
/OPT/VIM_UPG_SPT Text Table fo Activity used in Upgrade Tool Program
/OPT/VIM_URL1 Structure: URL for DP Document number
/OPT/VIM_VAL_AGT Table: DP documents and correspnding VALIDATORs
/OPT/VIM_VAL_DET Table for OCR validation determination
/OPT/VIM_VENDOR_ST Structure: Vendor look up data for OCR
/OPT/VIM_VENDOR_ST_N Structure: Vendor look up data for OCR enhanced structure
/OPT/VIM_WFVIEW_STRUCTURE VIM IE Monitor: Structure for WF View output Display
/OPT/VIM_WF_TEMPLATE VIM Workflow Template
/OPT/VIM_WI_DISPLAY_FIELDS VIM IE Monitor: Structure for WF View output Display
/OPT/VIM_WI_PROCESS_FIELDS VIM IE Monitor: Structure for WF View Process
/OPT/VIM_YEND_L Year End Processing log
/OPT/VIM_YEND_SP Steps for year end process
/OPT/VIM_YKEY Structure for Exporting to Memory
/OPT/VIM_Y_LOGD Year End log details
/OPT/VIM_ZCONST Generated Table for View
/OPT/VINFO_UPDATE_OUT_ST All reports: Output structure for details about last update
/OPT/VPR Vendor Portal Registration
/OPT/VPROD_AGGR_GEN_ST Productivity report: General part of aggregate structure
/OPT/VPROD_OUT_AGGR_GEN_ST Productivity report: General part of aggr. output structure
/OPT/VPROD_OUT_DOCLIST_ST Productivity report: Document list output structure
/OPT/VPR_ADDR Vendor Address for Registered Vendor and Partner
/OPT/VPR_LOC Vendor Registration Location
/OPT/VPR_PARTNER Partners for Registered Vendor
/OPT/VPR_ROUT Vendor Portal Registration: Approval Routing Config.
/OPT/VPR_RTEP Vendor Portal Registration: Approval Routing Entry Points
/OPT/VREP_CHAR72_ST Structure with field of length 72 (everywhere available)
/OPT/VSS_CONFIG VSS Configuration Sets
/OPT/VSYSTEM_RANGE_ST Structure of range table for logical systems
/OPT/VTABLENAMES_ST Structure of table names
/OPT/VTIICBTNS Custom Buttons for Integrated Invoice Cockpit
/OPT/VTIICBTNST Text Table for Custom Buttons for the IIC
/OPT/VTIICNOD2TX IIC: Texts for level 2 nodes
/OPT/VTIICOBJDAT IIC: Function modules to determine object data
/OPT/VTIICWFTASK IIC: Workflow tasks
/OPT/VTIMESTAMP_RANGE_ST Structure of range table for time stamps
/OPT/VTRGEXT_ST Extended structure for target table processing
/OPT/VT_AGENT Work Item agents
/OPT/VT_A_BKELOG Aggregation report: Logging for back end systems
/OPT/VT_A_BKESYS Aggregation report: Back end systems
/OPT/VT_A_GRP Aggregation report: Groups
/OPT/VT_A_TRGTAB Aggregation report: Target data tables
/OPT/VT_BLOCK Block Reason Texts
/OPT/VT_BUKRS Reporting table: Company codes
/OPT/VT_CAT_GRP Master Table for Invoice Category Group
/OPT/VT_CAT_GRPT Text Table for Applicable Invoice Category
/OPT/VT_CAT_ID Summary Report Category Id
/OPT/VT_CAT_IDV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VT_CAT_MAP Mapping of Invoice categories to Groups
/OPT/VT_CAT_TEXT VIM Summary Report Category Text
/OPT/VT_CAT_TV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VT_CGRP_ID Summary Report Category/Group ID
/OPT/VT_CGRP_IDV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VT_DOC_DET PO Document Type Determination based on Chinese Vendor
/OPT/VT_DOC_H Reporting table: Document header
/OPT/VT_DOC_HEA1 Document Header ? copy of /opt/vt_doc_head
/OPT/VT_DOC_HEAD Document Header
/OPT/VT_EXC Reporting table: Exception definitions
/OPT/VT_EXCDET Reporting table: Exception mapping
/OPT/VT_EXC_T Reporting table: Text table for exception definitions
/OPT/VT_GROUP_ID Summary Report Group ID
/OPT/VT_GROUP_T Text Table for Group Id : Summary Report
/OPT/VT_GROUP_TV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VT_GRP_IDV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VT_IMDOCT Reporting table: IM document types
/OPT/VT_IMDOCT_T Reporting table: Text table for IM document types
/OPT/VT_INIT_FLD Detailed field config for the initializing procedure
/OPT/VT_INIT_PRO Initializing Procedure for the creation of Service Requests
/OPT/VT_INV_CAT Invoice Category
/OPT/VT_INV_CATT Invoice Category Text
/OPT/VT_JOB Job Details
/OPT/VT_KPI_SRC Source Table for the Aggregations of the KPI Dashboard
/OPT/VT_KPI_SRCE Contains All Occured Exceptions during the whole process
/OPT/VT_KPI_SRCV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VT_KPI_URL URL Parameter for KPI Dashboard Link
/OPT/VT_LATE_DP Table to store late DPs
/OPT/VT_PARKING Parking Reason Texts
/OPT/VT_PTYPE Process Type Texts
/OPT/VT_ROLES Reporting table: Roles
/OPT/VT_ROLESDET Reporting table: Role mapping
/OPT/VT_ROLES_T Reporting table: Text table for roles
/OPT/VT_ROLEUPG Role mapping ? Used in Upgrade
/OPT/VT_RPT_SUMMARY_HEADER Display Structure for Summary Report Header
/OPT/VT_SR_POINT Mapping of Initializition procedures to SR creation points
/OPT/VT_ST_STAT Status of Steps In Upgrade Tool
/OPT/VT_SUM_CATV Generated Table for View
/OPT/VT_SUM_STAT VIM Summary Report status
/OPT/VT_SYS_MAP Logical systems ? handles
/OPT/VT_USER User Details
/OPT/VT_USR Reporting table: Users
/OPT/VT_USR_ORG Reporting table: Assignment User ? OrgUnit
/OPT/VT_VEND Reporting table: Vendors

Document Header /OPT/VIM_8HEAD OpenText VIM Document Log /OPT/VT_WI

Document Item /OPT/VIM_8LOG OpenText VIM Document Log /OPT/VT_WI_ACTN
Document Log /OPT/VT_WI_AGENT
Document Processing – OCR Log Data /OPT/VT_WI_AGNT
Dp Document status /OPT/VT_WI_STEP1
i5.1: DP substructure for display structure /OPT/VT_WI_STEPS
VIM DP Trigger Program Sync Table /OPT/VT_WKT_PARK

Reporting table: Workitems /OPT/VIM_RPT_DIS_FIELDS

Work Item Actions /OPT/VIM_RPT_DP_KEY
Reporting table: Workitem activities /OPT/VIM_RPT_HD_NPO_ONLY
Reporting table: Current agents of workitems /OPT/VIM_RPT_HD_PO_ONLY
Reporting table: Current agents of workitems /OPT/VIM_RPT_HEADER
Work Item Steps – Copy of /opt/vt_wi_steps /OPT/VIM_RPT_LIX_MTR_KEY
Work Item Steps /OPT/VIM_RPT_NPO_KEY
Dialog Workitem Versus Parking Reason Mapping /OPT/VIM_RPT_PO_FIELDS
Work Item Header Table – Real Time /OPT/VIM_RPT_PO_KEY
Work Item Header Table – Copy of /opt/vt_workitem /OPT/VIM_RPT_ZVALUE
Work Item Header Table /OPT/VIM_FREQ

VIM IE Monitor: Common Display Fields

VIM IE Monitor: key for DP Invoices
VIM IE Monitor: Header Data for NPO Invoices only
VIM IE Monitor: Header Data for PO Invoices only
VIM IE Monitor: Structure for header information
Blocked line item key
VIM IE Monitor: key for NPO Invoices
VIM IE Monitor: Header Data fields for PO Invoices
VIM IE Monitor: Key Fields for PO Invoices
VIM IE Report- ZValue
VIM IE Monitor: Structure for FREQUENCY
VIM IE Monitor: Structure for GROUP
VIM IE Monitor: Header Data for DP Invoices
VIM IE Monitor: Header Data for Parked NPO Invoices
VIM IE Monitor: Header Data for Parked PO Invoices
VIM IE Monitor: Processing fields for all Header Tables
VIM IE Monitortable: WI Header Data for NPO Invoices
VIM IE Monitortable: WI Header Data for NPO Invoices

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