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A backstroke in which the swimmer swims by

kicking and extending their legs while

lifting their arms alternatively out of the
water in a backward circular motion. The PROPER EXECUTION
Floating on your back, alternating your arms in a
ease of breathing is a benefit of this
windmill-like action to move yourself backward
swimming technique, but swimmers are while you swim the backstroke. Your arms should
unable to see where they are going. begin the circular motion by pushing underwater
and recovering above water, similar to the front
crawl. You should flutter kick with your legs. Look
straight up with your face above the surface.
Maintain as much straightness in your torso as
you can. To get a stronger kick, keep your legs close
together and kick from your hips.

I have gained more knowledge

about the right execution,
I'm Louela Jean F. Espiritu, a
advantages, background, and
HISTORY psychology student at General
safety measures of various strokes as
a student who also participates in Santos Doctors' Medical School
swimming. Knowing how to swim and Foundation Incorporated. Studying
being proficient at it are crucial
because they teach us how to stay safe is not only something I do out of
near and in the water. Given that it is
taught earlier in life, it aids in the
interest; it is also the cornerstone of
growth of our physical abilities, my life. I do believe that as a
mental faculties, muscular strength,
and cardiovascular systems. psychology student, the true purpose
Additionally, it teaches us how
to save lives.
of education is to make minds.

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