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Normal Crash

Activity Titles Successor Time Cost, AUD Time Cost, AUD

A Study of Feadibilty B, C, D 6 80,000 5 100,000

B Select and Rent E 4 100,000 4 100,000


C Hire Project F 3 50,000 2 100,000


D Set up Team G 5 150,000 2 300,000


E Purchase Core G 1 180,000 1 180,000


F Hire Manufacturing G 4 300,000 1 480,000


G Manufacture J, H, I 2 100,000 2 100,000


H Produce Sample 50 K 6 450,000 5 800,000


I Advertising Product K 5 350,000 1 650,000

J Assessing User & K 3 300,000 3 300,000


K Distributing Product NONE 5 550,000 5 550,000

1. AON network planning

2. Critical Path
● A - D - G - H - K = 6 + 5 + 2 + 6 + 5 = 24 Hari

3. Project cost for normal conditions

● Total Biaya langsung: 2.610.000
● Critical path = A - D - G - H - K = 6 + 5 + 2 + 6 + 5 = 24 Hari
● 80.000 + 150.000 + 100.000 + 450.000 + 550.00 = 1.330.000

4. Jika B dikurangi 1 hari, tentukan critical path dan durasinya

5. Hitung inkremental cost-related

Normal Crash Cost to
cash per
Activity Titles Successor Time Cost, AUD Time Cost, period

A Study of Feadibilty B, C, D 6 80,000 5 100,000 20000

B Select and Rent E 4 100,000 4 100,000 0


C Hire Project Manager F 3 50,000 2 100,000 50000

D Set up Team G 5 150,000 2 300,000 50000


E Purchase Core G 1 180,000 1 180,000 0


F Hire Manufacturing G 4 300,000 1 480,000 60000


G Manufacture Prototype J, H, I 2 100,000 2 100,000 0

H Produce Sample 50 K 6 450,000 5 800,000 350000


I Advertising Product K 5 350,000 1 650,000 75000

J Assesing User & FB K 3 300,000 3 300,000 0

K Distributing Product NONE 5 550,000 5 550,000 0

TOTAL 44 2,610,000 31 605000

6. Analisis
Cara tercepat biasanya menggunakan jalur kritis A - D - G - H - K selama total 24
hari. Jika aktivitas D dipersingkat 1 hari dan kita tahu waktunya 4, maka jalur
kritis tetap sama dengan A - D - G - H - K. Kita juga tahu di atas bahwa total
crash adalah 4.800 lebih sedikit dari perhitungan normal sebelum crash

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