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Math/ Cornput. Vol.

Modelling, pp.341-345,1988 OXY5-7177/Xx
PrintedinGreat Britain Pcrgamon Pressplc



Philip H. Demp

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Glassboro State College
Glassboro, New Jersey 08028

Abstract. The relationship between a functional disorder of the foot

and the geometric configuration of its anatomical structure has been a
subject of continuing interest among clinicians who are concerned with
the various biomechanical disabilities of the foot. A survey of the
literature shows that various geometric criteria and models have been
proposed to arrive at a diagnosis and select a" appropriate plan of
treatment. Although these models have been used in biomechanical
evaluation with varying degrees of success, their verbal descriptions
and measurements are considered as over-simplifications with respect to
both classification and discrimination. A more realistic model should
induce a classification of sufficient refinement to produce a
differential diagnosis among clinically significant variations in the
biostructure of the foot.

Based on a rationale of anatomical, physiological, and clinical

considerations, the one-quarter ellipsoid is selected as the model.
Mathematical methods are used to classify human feet into a continuum of
points representing the entire range of variations in foot shape. There
is located an optimal point (foot) from which every other point is
measured by means of a distance function. Each numerical deviation of a
particular foot reflects the biomechanical quality of that foot.

The concept of a biomechanically optimal foot which has ideal function

as opposed to normal function offers the practitioner a quantitative
rationale for the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical foot disorders.

INTRODUCTION lateral border of the foot; C is the distance

from this same midpoint to the navicular
The biostructural form of the human foot articulation. The components A, B, C can
determines the range of its function. Although roughly be called the one-half foot length,
function has a" effect upon structure, it still foot breadth and foot height respectively.
must take place within the means provided by They correspond to three rectangular coordinate
the changed form of the biostructure. The axes with the above midpoint as the origin.
actual form or geometric configuration of the All distances are measured from weightbearing
foot should be one whose inherent properties radiographs and the scale is one unit equals
allow for the maximum efficiency of function. 0.125 in. In this way, the entire population
Accordingly, this mea".s a biostructure in which of human feet is represented as a three-
the gravitational stresses being transmitted dimensional vector space such that each vector
through the foot can be dissipated with minimal is a point whose coordinates are (A,B,C).
energy expenditure. The importance of the
relation between anatomical structure and Two feet F and F' having vectors (A, B, C,) and
efficient foot function has motivated many A',B',C') respectively will be defined as
clinicians in their search for a" optimal similar if one vector is a scalar multiple of
biostructure resulting in a variety of models the other, i.e., both vectors have the same
obtained from different approaches. direction.

The "ideal foot" is defined as a one-quarter From each set of similar feet, there is
ellipsoid with specific parameters. The selected a unique foot as a representative of
reasons for this are developed in the the set.
subsequent chapters. The clinician is offered
a" infinite foot typology with a" associated The actual selection of these unique vectors is
clinical interpretation which does not depend accomplished by using the Riemann Sphere
on the concept of "normal function" or "neutral represented by the equation,
position". Considered as a generalization of
previous typologies, significant advancements 2 2
can be expected in the diagnosis and treatment x + y2, u = u
of mechanical foot disorders.
From each set of vectors with the same
THE REPRESENTATION OF FEET AS PLANAR POINTS direction (set of similar feet) and, therefore,
corresponding to a set of points lying on the
Each human foot will be represented by the same line in space is selected that point where
three-dimensional vector (A, B, C,). The the line and sphere intersect. This point is
components of this vector are defined as found by the simultaneous solution of the
follows: A is equal to one-half of the line symmetric equations for the line and the
segment between the weightbearing points of the equation for the sphere, i.e.
head of the first metatarsal bone and the
calcaneal tuberosity; B is the distance from
the midpoint of the above line segment to the

342 Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Marhemaiical Model@

x/A = y/B - u/C I!

The solution is:

i x2+ y + II2 - u
x- AC/(A'+ B2+ C');
1+;1 A

2 will be the end point of

the ray having slope equal to B/A. The set of

y- BC/(A2+ B2+ C*); all such end points will lie on a curve with
the parametric equations:
u- C2/(A2+ B2+ C2.
This point (x. y. u) lies on the sphere and is x_--+- t
2’ y-l+t2.
the uniquely selected vector, (AC/(A2+ B2+ C2), 1+t
BC/(A2+ B2+ C2), C2/(A2+ B2+ C2). The union of
all these differently directed vectors which 121-z,
Since x2+y2-y or x2+(y-7) the curve is
terminate on the sphere or, considered as
points, lie on the sphere is the constructed a circle with center at the point (0, and
subspace of non-similar feet.
radius equal to ' The intersection of this
Each set of similar feet is now in one-to-one 2'
correspondence to a point (x, y, u) defined on circle with the line, y=x, forms a bounded
the Riemann Sphere. By usng the north pole of region which defines the projected image.
the sphere as the center of projection, a
straight line is drawn from the point (0, 0, 1) Each line (ray) passing through the origin and
through the point (x, y9 u) on the sphere and lying in the bounded region is a set of points
extended to the (x, y)-plane where it corresponding to all nonsimilar feet with ratio
B/A equal to a constant and C varying from 0 to
intersects the plane at the point (xl, yl, 0). B. There are also circular paths within the
There is now established a one-to-one bounded region such that B/A varies from 0 to 1
correspondence between all sets of similar feet and C is a constant proportion d of 8. These
1 circular paths are segments of circles whose
and points (xl, y ) defined in the plane. The
projection from the point (x, y, u) to the center is the point (0, 2 d) and whose radius
point (xl, y') is accomplished by the following
equations of transformation: is id. Each point lies on the intersection of
a ray and a circular segment and, depending on
x - r/l-u its location, the corresponding foot can be
T2: described as varying from very broad to very
narrow and from very flatfooted to very high-
i yl- y/l-u arched. Thus the projected image is a bounded
This kind of transformation is called a region whose points describe a typological
stereographic projection and, in effect, has continuum of human feet.
reduced a three-dimensional representation of
feet into a two-dimensional representation. A MATHEMATICAL DEVELOPMENT OF BIOMECHANICALLY
discussion of vectors can be found in (1); one OPTIMAL PARAMETERS BASED ON A MODEL OF THE FOOT
on stereographic projection can be found in
(2). The present thesis will move from the
descriptive model to the mathematical model;
The population of non-similar feet corresponds from the changes in contour to the mathematical
to the points making up the Image of the variations in shape. In this way, the
stereographic projection. The following is a ellipsoid will become a family of ellipsoids
flow diagram from Source to Image: ranging from the degenerative ellipsoid to the
sphere. The mathematical model is an equation
2 of the ellipsoid:
A2+B2+C2' A2+B2+C2

The mathematical variations in shape are the

Foot---j Point in Sphere--$Point in plane different sets of values assigned to the
parameters, A, B, C. These parameters are
We now interpret the projected image in terms considered equivalent to the A, B, and C of
of our knowledge of feet. A is greater than or Chapter II and are defined in the same way.
equal to B and B is greater than or equal to C, When A-B-C, the shape is a sphere; when A>B=C,
i.e. At B 2 C 2 0. This implies that for any the shape is a prolate spheroid; when A=B>C,
point in the projected image, the x-coordinate, the shape is an ablate spheroid. Given any
AC/(A2+B2), is greater than or equal to the y- foot, one can determine the numerical values
for A, B, C and write down the particular
coordinate, BC/(A2+B2). If A-B-C, then the ellipsoid equation for that foot.
projected image point is (5,
' ').
2 If C=B, then
The ellipsoid itself is considered as the
transmitter of forces analogous to those forces
the x-coordinate, AC/(A2+B2) is less than or
being transmitted by the foot. The surface of
equal to AB/(A'+B') and the y-coordinate, the ellipsoid will control and guide these
forces according to the curvature or steepness
BC/(A2+B2), is less than or equal to
from point to point. This point by point rate
B2/(A2+B2). If AB/(A2+B2) is written as of surface change will be given precisely by
i/(1+($'), and B2/(A2+B2) is written the gradient vector field. The equation for
the ellipsoid is,
B2 /(l+(z)
(;) ), then the point
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling 343

interval length is close to zero; the

eccentricities, ek, are all concentrated at
zero or one; and the foot's biomechanical
quality is considered to be very poor.
The partial derivatives of z are,
Since efficiency in transmitting forces over a
2 surface is related to the gradient field, the
z _cx GZY. interval length will be defined as a measure of
A22 ’ =Y-B2/ the degree of concentration and indirectly as a
measure of efficiency in transmitting forces.
the gradient of z is, The efficiency will be considered maximum when
the degree of concentration is minimum, i.e.
grad z -
& &. the interval length is maximum.
A2z ’ B*z ’ The interval length L is equal to,
the magnitude of the gradient of z is,

by algebraic manipulation, the equation

I grad z I - k (k is a constant)
The derivative of L(x) is,
becomes the equation,

+-& =
\ 1 \ /
k2A2+C2 k2B2+C2
Setting this equal to zero, gives,
This last equation is an ellipse and is
satisfied by those points whose gradient 1
magnitude is equal to k. If this set of points x(1+x2)2 - 2x3= 0
is called Sk, then or
sk - {(x,Y)/ (grad= 1- k} x[(l+x2)2 - 2x23 = 0

The eccentricity, ek, of the ellipse satisfied

Thus, 2x2 = (1+x2)2
by Sk is,
4x4 = 1+x2

1 4x4 - x2-1 = 0
k2A2+C2 2,
ek - .r x2 =

and k approaches zero,

x = 0.8
; This means that L(x) is a maximum when B/A -
0.8. In the projected image, the ray whose
slope is 0.8 or whose angle of inclination is
as k approaches infinity, 38.7 degrees contains all those points (feet)
such that the ratio B/A is 0.8 and the C value
varies from 0 to B. This set of non-similar
feet contains the biomechanically optimal foot
lim ek -
with B/A = 0.8 as a necessary condition.
For C -0orC = B, the foot is considered to
The sat of eccentricities k<- have very poor, biomechanical quality.
Therefore, C/B will have some value between 0
is bounded as follows,
and 1 for the optimal foot. This value is
determined in the following way:

1. The intersection of the ellipsoid with the

(x,z)-plane is the ellipse

The length of this bounded interval depends on
the ratio, B/A. When B/A is close to zero, the
foot has practically no breadth and is called 2. The inner arch rests on this ellipse.
degenerate; when B/A is close to one, the
plantar, weightbearing foot structure is
practically a circle and the foot itself is
approximately a spheroid. In either case, the
344 Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling

3. The intersection of the ellipsoid with the is variably magnified in the projected image
under the transformation. This results in a
(y,z)-plane is the ellipse 5 + $ - 1. less than accurate distance relation among the
original set of non-similar feet represented by
points on the Riemann Sphere. In order to
4. The transverse arch rests on this ellipse. correct this distortion, one must use a
distance function whose domain is the set of
5. The eccentricity of the Transverse Arch points in the projected image and whose range
1 is the set of simple chord distances between
points on the Riemann Sphere. This particular
Ellipse (TAE) is, [l - (C/B)2]2 . As C/B distance function is called the Chordal
goes from 0 to 1, the eccentricity of the 1
TAE goes from 1 to 0, i.e. the Transverse 11
Distance, CD. If zl-(xi, 2) and z2-(~2,q)
Arch goes from flatness to circularity. are any two points in the projected image, then
the Chordal Distance is the simple chord
6. The eccentricity of the Inner Arch Ellipse
distance between the corresponding pre-image
1 points, Z1-(~l,yl,~l) and Z2-(x2,y2,u2) and its
(IAE) is [l - (C/A)2]2. Using the optimal
specific mathematical expression is:
ratio B/A - 0.8, multiply both sides by C/B
and obtain C/A = 0.8 C/B. Therefore, the
eccentricity of the IAE can now be written lzl - z21
L. CD - . ,
as (1 - (0.8 C/B)2]2. Now as CB goes from
0 to 1, the eccentricity of the IAE goes
from 1 to 0.6, i.e. the IAE goes from
flatness to a lesser degree of flatness. The derivation of this distance function can be
found in E. Hille's book (2).
7. The Transverse Arch Ellipse receives the
body weight and transmits it from the top Each taxonomic unit or foot type is a set of
of the ellipse. points (feet) whose Chordal Distances are equal
with respect to the optimal point. It is an
The angle midway between 0 degrees and 45 infinite taxonomy of feet in which differently
degrees is taken as the optimal angle, shaped feet can belong to the same foot type.
i.e. a - 22.5 degrees.
Because the optimal point represents the
biomechanically optimal foot, the Chordal
8. Since the tan a - C/B and tan (22.5') -
Distance can be used not only as a quantitative
0.4142, the optimal value for C/B is taken
basis for constructing a taxonomy but also as a
as 0.414.
guide for evaluating the biomechanical status
of the foot.
9. With C/B = 0.414, the IAE and the TAE will
have eccentricities of 0.9435 and 0.9102
respectively. Although both arch ellipses
have the property of more flatness than
As yet, no actual observations have been made.
circularity, the TAE has less flatness than
Therefore, a small sample of weightbearing
the IAE. This fits in with the stretch
reflex action, because the IAE can undergo radiographs is selected from patients' files.
The sample consists of 17 left feet and 16
an effective stretch excursion while the
right feet which includes 13 pairs of feet.
less flattened TAE controls overstretching
Each foot is measured for A, B, C as previously
and aids the rebound effect. Theorem: C/B
defined; these measurements are transformed
- 0.414 and B/A = 0.8 are sufficient
into a point in the projected image; its
conditions for biomechanical optimality of
Euclidean distance from the optimal point is
the human foot. As previously stated in
calculated; and its Chordal Distance from the
Chapter III, the foot maps into the
projected image point as follows: optimal point is calculated.

The B/A ratios for the left foot ranged from

0.75 to 0.917 with a mean of 0.826 and a
standard deviation of 0.0688. It is noted that
(A, 8, dB) --+ d
the B/A ratios cluster around the optimal ratio
i of 0.8.

If d = 0.414 and B/A = 0.8, The C/B ratios for the left foot range from
where C = dB.
0.25 to 0.545 with a mean of 0.398 and a
standard deviation of 0.0838; for the right
0.414 d (0.2,0.16) foot they range from 0.292 to 0.55 with a mean
l+(O.S) of 0.422 and a standard deviation of 0.079. It
is noted that the C/B ratios cluster around the
The point (0.2, 0.16) represents the optimal ratio of 0.414.
biomechanically optimal foot in the
projected image. Consideration is given to a weighting scheme
that gives a large value for the biomechanical
A TAXONOMY BASED ON CHORDAL DISTANCE quality of a foot (point) near 0; a small value
for a foot (point) greater than 0.179.
Attention will now be directed toward this Accordingly, a cumulative distribution function
chordal distance relation among the points in is constructed from the P proportions of the
the projected image. In the transformation, random variable Chordal Distance. Those feet
T2, from the Riemann Sphere to the projected (points) whose Chordal Distance is greater than
0.179 should have small percentiles to reflect
image, there occurs a reduction of dimension-
ality in which a one-to-one correspondence of poor quality; those feet (points) whose Chordal
points is maintained. However, the transfor- Distance is close to 0 should have large
mation does not preserve distance. The percentile values. In order to satisfy these
distance between points on the Riemann Sphere conditions, the cumulative percentages
Proc. 6th Int. Conf: on Mathematical Modelling

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