Analisis Kepuasan 2

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Structure Matrix

harga 1.000
multifungsi a
bahan_awet a
desain_ergonomisa -.151
kenyamanan_penggunaa .033
Pooled within-groups correlations
between discriminating variables and
standardized canonical discriminant
Variables ordered by absolute size of
correlation within function.
a. This variable not used in the analysis.

Tests of Equality of Group Means

Wilks' Lambda F df1 df2 Sig.
desain_ergonomis .993 .243 1 33 .626
bahan_awet .990 .346 1 33 .560
multifungsi .995 .175 1 33 .679
harga .891 4.019 1 33 .053
kenyamanan_pengguna .946 1.888 1 33 .179
Group Statistics
Valid N (listwise)
kategori Mean Std. Deviation Unweighted Weighted
puas desain_ergonomis 2.5000 1.15470 16 16.000
bahan_awet 2.5000 1.03280 16 16.000
multifungsi 2.5000 .96609 16 16.000
harga 3.1875 .83417 16 16.000
kenyamanan_pengguna 2.9375 .85391 16 16.000
tidak puas desain_ergonomis 2.6842 1.05686 19 19.000
bahan_awet 2.6842 .82007 19 19.000
multifungsi 2.3684 .89508 19 19.000
harga 2.5263 1.07333 19 19.000
kenyamanan_pengguna 2.5263 .90483 19 19.000
Total desain_ergonomis 2.6000 1.09006 35 35.000
bahan_awet 2.6000 .91394 35 35.000
multifungsi 2.4286 .91670 35 35.000
harga 2.8286 1.01419 35 35.000
kenyamanan_pengguna 2.7143 .89349 35 35.000

Analysis Case Processing Summary

Unweighted Cases N Percent
Valid 35 72.9
Excluded Missing or out-of-range 0 .0
group codes
At least one missing 0 .0
discriminating variable
Both missing or out-of-range 13 27.1
group codes and at least one
missing discriminating
Total 13 27.1
Total 48 100.0
Classification Resultsa,c
Predicted Group Membership
kategori puas tidak puas Total
Original Count puas 12 4 16
tidak puas 10 9 19
% puas 75.0 25.0 100.0
tidak puas 52.6 47.4 100.0
Cross-validated b
Count puas 12 4 16
tidak puas 10 9 19
% puas 75.0 25.0 100.0
tidak puas 52.6 47.4 100.0
a. 60.0% of original grouped cases correctly classified.
b. Cross validation is done only for those cases in the analysis. In cross validation, each
case is classified by the functions derived from all cases other than that case.
c. 60.0% of cross-validated grouped cases correctly classified.

Variables Not in the Analysis

Step Tolerance Min. Tolerance Sig. of F to Enter Min. D Squared
0 desain_ergonomis 1.000 1.000 .626

bahan_awet 1.000 1.000 .560

multifungsi 1.000 1.000 .679

harga 1.000 1.000 .053

kenyamanan_pengguna 1.000 1.000 .179

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