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Name: Reyna Fernanda Aguilar Calderón

Date: October, 15 2022


Grammar and vocabulary: choose the correct answer according to the context.
1.- You ________ eat soup or any kind of food in a classroom. It is no allowed.
a) should b) can´t c) must d) don’t have to

2.- You ______ listen to the teacher when you are in class if you want to learn something.
a) should b) mustn’t c) can to d) can’t

3.- It’s cold! _______ you close the window, please?

a) Have to b) can c) should d) can’t

4.- A: I have a problem with my girlfriend and I don´t know what to do. Can you give me
an advice?
B: Yes of course, you _______________ talk to her.
A) have to B) can C) should D) can´t

5.- My dad __________ work in USA because he doesn´t have a work permit.
A) can B) can´t C) should D) don´t have to

6. If my little sister goes to the library, she _______ be quiet.

A) must to B) shouldn´t C) should to D) has to

7. If you want to be healthy, you ____ eat junk food.

A) shouldn´t B) don´t have C) should C) can´t to

8. My nephew doesn´t eat ____ meat. He is a vegetarian.

A) The B) - C) a D) an

9. _____ children from my street go to a soccer course every Sunday from 2 to 5.

A) The B) - C) a D) an
10. When I was going home yesterday, I sat next to ____ very weird old man in the bus.
A) The B) - C) a D) an

11. My niece travelled to ____ Monaco last year.

A) The B) - C) a D) an

12. I love ____ jacket you gave me in my last birthday.

A) The B) - C) a D) an

13. My father and I saw ____ UFO last weekend, that was incredible.
A) The B) - C) a D) an

14. The shop hasn’t got _____ vegetables.

A) a few B) few C) much D) many

15. I can see _____ newspapers.

A) lots of B) most C) a little D) much

16. I just have ____ tomatoes and peppers to prepare the pizza.
A) any B) some C) little D) a lot

17. Can you give me a ____ milk for my cereal?

A) a B) an C) some D) any
Listening: Pay attention to the following recording and choose between True or False.

1.- If you go to Greece, you must take your shoes off in someone´s house. _TRUE_
2.- When Greek people dance, you shouldn´t join them. _FALSE___
3.- If you go to South Korea, you should wait for the youngest person at the table to eat
first. _FALSE_
4.- When you meet someone, you can shake your hands or bow in South Korea. _TRUE___
5.- When you go inside someone´s house in South Korea, you can´t take your shoes off, it
is not polite. _FALSE__

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