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1) The number of livestock to be loaned to people will be defined by the allocated budget to the
2) An induction meeting will be conducted with local and refugees camp leaders to explain the
3) A meeting will be conducted with potential beneficiaries to explain to them the program
4) A model of the contract will be drafted
5) Contracts will be signed with beneficiaries
6) Train beneficiaries on good livestock keeping and forages stockage
7) Beneficiaries themselves will look for cows/goats/pigs they would like to buy within their own
community. The veterinary will check their health conditions.
8) A check for constructed cowshed and grass/forages availability will be conducted
9) Facilitate contract signing and payment through the bank account
10) Facilitate veterinary’s monthly visits and artificial insemination for cows
11) An account will be opened in a local bank, probably the Savings and Credits Cooperative
(SACCO) which is available in the community to facilitate payments and repayments
12) Repayments will be done in instalments (6-12 months), after a grace period of 1-2 months
13) A committee will be elected within targeted people to facilitate follow-up activities and
14) In this program, people in category C, composed by “middle class” people (teachers, nurses etc.)
will be targeted to get cows loans as they are the ones who are able to repay the loan and need
to be supported to avoid their falling back into vulnerable categories (A and B). The earn
monthly salaries, though small amounts. They will have to write and sign a request letter and
sign the contract. They have to be trustworthy people.
15) People from A and B categories will be given goats/pigs loans as the repayment is affordable.
They may choose to repay goats and pigs after they have given birth, and which can be given to
other vulnerable people.
16) The loan interest will be fixed at 5%. This amount may be used in follow up activities, but this
may be discussed.
17) Beneficiaries should agree to form a Self-Help Group and participate in voluntary savings and
weekly or monthly meetings of the group.
18) Bank account signatories will be composed by the Program Coordinator, beneficiaries ‘
representatives and a local leader.
19) The program will support the Presidential program of “Girinka” which aim is to see all the
Rwandans households’ own cows.
20) Beneficiaries will not be allowed to resell the cow/goat or pig before they have repaid all the
21) Failing to repay for three due instalments, the cow may be retaken back by the program and
given to another beneficiary. This will be discussed further with all the stakeholders to get a

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