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Prepared by:

College Instructor
CURRENT APPLICATION: Definition of terms

No. of hours: 3 hours Period: Prelims

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

a. Understand the technology and its current applications

b. Define evaluation, technology and educational technology and ICT

In your own understanding, without looking at the any dictionary,
what is an evaluation?


The current educational scheme has changed significantly because of

the introduction of the new technology. It has a great effect to daily living of the
people. Even in teaching and learning process it has an effect. At home, in just a
minute you will have the food that you want. It makes our daily living easy. And that is

The fast grow of the technology cannot be stopped and avoided.

Everywhere and everyday people are continue discovering on how to improve
technology. How to make our lives easy to adapt to the environment. Discover things
that will give us a big help especially at home, at work, on learning and of course in

In this topic we will be tasked to evaluate the application of Educational

Technology to the teaching and learning processes.


The current educational landscape has changed significantly with the

introduction of new technologies. They have affected the way people live, work,
play and learn. In the last couple years, administrators of schools, colleges and
universities have been preoccupied in putting up computer laboratories and in
procuring hardware and software so as to keep abreast with the fast changing
mode of teaching and learning.
The term evaluation is used extensively in here and it means considering
the merits of the materials used, its strengths and weaknesses as a tool for
learning. It includes many aspects of consideration like sixe, attractiveness,
relevance and economy, ease of handling, novelty and practicality. But the
most important consideration is whether or not the technology facilitated

It is also important to possess a working understanding of the term

technology per se and educational technology. As per Webster’s Thrid New
International dictionary, technology is the science of the application of
knowledge to practical purposes in a particular field. It also means the totality of
the means employed by a group of people to provide itself with the objects of
material culture.

Educational Technology has been defined by several authors as:

✔ According to the Council for Educational Technology for the United

Kingdom in 1997, Educational Technology is the development, application and
evaluation of systems, techniques and aids to improve the process of human
✔ The Commission on Instructional Technology in the United States
contended that educational technology is a systematic way of designing,
implementing and evaluating the total learning and teaching process in terms of
specific objectives based on research on human learning and communication;
and employing a combination of human and non-human resources to bring
about more effective instruction (cited by Lucido, 1997)
✔ Garo (2004) also stated that it is the application of the results of
researches or scientific studies, which may be material or non-material to
improve teaching and learning.
lo- tech materials or the indigenous
Material Technology hi- tech materials- communication
equipment or hardware and software
specifically the computer based

Theories, principles, laws, methods

Non- Material and strategies of teaching, also
Technology includes the products of researches
which when applied properly greatly
raised the effectiveness of teaching
and learning

SAQ # 1: It is used extensively in considering the merits of the materials used, its strengths
and weaknesses as a tool for learning. (4 points of class standing)

SAQ # 2: It is science of the application of knowledge to practical purposes in a

particular field. (4 points of class standing)

SAQ # 3: What are the two (2) types of educational technology according to Garo? (4
points of class standing)

SAQ # 4: Give the different non-material technology. ((4 points of class standing)

To further enhance your knowledge on educational technology you can

download its different meanings at URL; (cited at De La Salle University
Pathfinders, 2003). In here, educational technology is the use of tools by teachers to
improve their capacity to educate students.

Information and Communication Technology or ICT refers to the use of

electronic communication system which has made the sharing of information faster
and more effective. The system also provides the student easier and faster access to
adequate materials which were formerly supplied by the teacher. ICT has converged
with educational technology, so in education particularly in teaching and learning, ICT
tools are being used. ICT tools refer to the computer and its various applications like
word processing, power point, excel, publisher, particularly the Internet and the e-mail
(Margaret Bell and Peter Avis, Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2002).

SAQ # 4: This refer to the use of electronic communication system which has made the
sharing of information faster and more effective? (4 points of class standing)

⮚ Evaluation is used extensively in here and it means considering the merits of the
materials used, its strengths and weaknesses as a tool for learning.
⮚ Technology is the science of the application of knowledge to practical purposes
in a particular field. It also means the totality of the means employed by a group
of people to provide itself with the objects of material culture.
⮚ Educational Technology has been defined by several authors as:
✔ According to the Council for Educational Technology for the
United Kingdom in 1997, Educational Technology is the development,
application and evaluation of systems, techniques and aids to improve the
process of human learning.
✔ The Commission on Instructional Technology in the United States
contended that educational technology is a systematic way of designing,
implementing and evaluating the total learning and teaching process in terms of
specific objectives based on research on human learning and communication;
and employing a combination of human and non-human resources to bring
about more effective instruction (cited by Lucido, 1997)
✔ Garo (2004) also stated that it is the application of the results of
researches or scientific studies, which may be material or non-material to
improve teaching and learning.
⮚ Information and Communication Technology or ICT refers to the use of electronic
communication system which has made the sharing of information faster and
more effective.

H. EVALUATION/ TEST (basis for class standing)

Chose the correct answer.

1. It is the development, application and evaluation of systems, techniques and
aids to improve the process of human learning.
a. Information and Communication Technology
b. Educational Technology
c. Evaluation

2. It is used extensively and it is considering the merits of the materials used, its
strengths and weaknesses as a tool for learning.
a. Technology
b. Evaluation
c. Internet
3. This refers to the computer and its various applications like word processing,
power point, excel, publisher, particularly the Internet and the e-mail
a. Evaluation
b. Technology
c. ICT tools

4. It is the totality of the means employed by a group of people to provide itself

with the objects of material culture.
a. Technology
b. Evaluation
c. Internet

5. It is classified as the indigenous materials.

a. Lo-tech materials
b. Hi-tech materials
c. Materials

Name: Course/Year: Date:

SAQ # 1: It is used extensively in considering the merits of the materials used, its strengths
and weaknesses as a tool for learning. (4 points of class standing)
ASAQ: ____________________________________________________________

SAQ # 2: It is science of the application of knowledge to practical purposes in a

particular field. (4 points of class standing)
ASAQ: ____________________________________________________________

SAQ # 3: What are the two (2) types of educational technology according to Garo? (4
points of class standing)
ASAQ: _____________________________________________________________

SAQ # 4: Give the different non-material technology. ((3 points of class standing)
ASAQ: _____________________________________________________________

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