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PAST PAPERS 2014------------- 2017


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1. Study the map of Zambia below and answer the questions that follow.

A. Name town P

B. What is the name of waterfalls Q?

C. Give two reasons why Lusaka is densely populated.

D. Name fishery R

E. State two benefits of fishing to the people who live around fishery R.

F. State two disadvantages of open pit mining

G. What is a primary industry?



B.Victoria falls

C. -because of industries which supports employment

-because of being a capital city of Zambia

-because of improved services such as hospitals, schools, etc.

-because of improved market in the city.

D. -Lake Bangweulu

E. - it is a source of proteins

-it is a source of income to the local people

-it is a source of employment

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F. -they become flooded during the rainy season

-they pollute the environment

G. -it is an industry which produces raw materials

2. read the passage below and answer the questions that follows;

“Commercial livestock rearing is largely practiced along the line of railway although pockets of
rearing also takes place country wide.

There are different types of animals and birds kept on the farms. The distribution of the activity is
influenced by many factors…….”

A. Mention two types of commercial livestock farming practiced in Zambia.

B. Name two regions which are important for commercial livestock farming in Zambia.

C. Name two breeds of cattle kept for milk production in Zambia.

D. State two factors which favour poultry farming along the line of rail in Zambia.

E. State two problems facing commercial livestock farming in Zambia.


A. - Ranching

- dairy farming

- poultry farming

- goat rearing

- sheep rearing -

-piggery (pig rearing)

B. - Southern province

- central province

- Lusaka province

C. - Angus

- Hereford

- Friesian

- jersey

D. - Flexible transport to the market

- favourable climate for poultry farming

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- nearness to the market

E. - Long distance to the market

- poor market for the products

- livestock disease outbreak

– poor disease control mechanisms

- poor supply of breeding stocks

- high cost of cheap and long term finance

- poor infrastructure such as roads, and a lack of processing facilities in the form of abattoirs and
milk collection centres - inadequate and inappropriate research

– poor extinction support

- poor organisation of marketing services

- absence of inputs support

3. Study the map of Zambia below and answer the questions that follow.

A. Name border town A.

B. What is the name of the lake B?

C. Name the National park C.

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D. What type lake is B?

E. Give two reasons why the area around town A has high population concentration.

F. State two reasons why national park C is an important tourist attraction.

G. Name two institutions which distribute and supply electricity.


A. - Nakonde

B. - Bangweulu

C. - Kafue national park

D. - Depression

E. - It is a border post - it is an international market –

F. - It has different wildlife species which attracts tourists

- it has an international airport

- it has good tourist resorts which attracts tourists.

G. - Zambia electricity supply corporation (ZESCO)

- Copperbelt Energy Supply Corporation.

4. Study the diagram (i) and (ii) below and answer the questions that follow.

A. Name one tree specie from diagram (i) and one from diagram (ii).

B. Name two areas on the Copperbelt province where tree species in diagram (i) are found.

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C. Give two reasons why the areas mentioned in question (b) are suitable for the growth of trees.

D. State two benefits of the trees mentioned in diagram (ii).

E. Explain two differences between the trees of diagram (i) and (ii).


A. - Diagram (i) = eucalyptus

- diagram (ii) = kayimbi, mukwa, mopane

B. - Ndola – chichele

– mufulira

C. - It has favourable temperature for tree growth

– the area receives enough rainfall which supports tree growth

D. - They are good for construction work - they are hard wood trees which is good for furniture

E. - Trees in diagram (i) are softwood trees while trees in diagram (ii) are hardwood trees.

- Trees in diagram (i) grow faster than trees in diagram (ii).

5 (a) Briefly describe the relief levels of Zambia.

(b) State the uses of Zambia’s main rivers.


A. Zambia has three relief levels which are described as follows;

- Low veld which comprises the land below 900 metres above sea level

- Middle veld which comprises the land between 900 metres and 1200 metres above sea level.

- High veld which comprises the land above 1200 metres above sea level.

B. - for generating electricity

- for irrigation

- for fishing

- for transport

– for industrial and domestic use

6 (a) Explain the importance of forests in Zambia.

(b) Suggest the ways of conserving and preserving forest in Zambia.

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A. - Forests are important for oxygen production

- for wild food such as fruits, roots, leaves.

– For medicine (herbs)

– for furniture

– for building materials

– for bees honey

B. - To share information with others on deforestation and its’ effects

- To join organisations, forest-preservation societies and pressure groups that aim to help preserve
the rest of our natural resources.

- getting involved in tree planting programmes in order to replenish those that are used.

- reduce the use of artificial items, recycle more and re-use items

- Help in controlling and regulating wild bush fires including charcoal burning

- using renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and water energies instead of depending too
much on wood fuel

7.(a) State the types industries found in Zambia

(b) Describe the factors influencing the location of manufacturing in Lusaka.

( c )Explain the problems faced by manufacturing and processing industries in Zambia


A. - Primary industry

– secondary industry

– tertiary industry

B. - Nearness to the market:

- industries are located in areas that have ready market

- Availability of labour: - industries rely on the people in the areas in which they are located.

- Availability of raw materials: - most industries are located near sources of raw material.

- Availability of power supply:

- power supply are readily available.

- Good transport network: - Lusaka has available transport

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- Good government policy which allows the town to have many industries.

C.- Raw materials are very costly.

– Lack of capital – high competition

– poor transport system affects manufacturing and processing industries.

– Manufacturing and processing industries incur high storage expenses since they produce goods in
large scale.

– The market for some of the manufactured goods is not readily available.

- There are no trained man power to operate new machines

4 (a) Explain the differences between indigenous and exotic vegetation in Zambia

. (b) State the uses of forests and woodlands in Zambia

( C ) What are the measures of conserving vegetation in Zambia?


A. - Indigenous vegetation grows naturally while exotic vegetation are imported and grown in forests

B. - Forests are important for oxygen production

- for wild food such as fruits, roots, leaves.

– For medicine (herbs) – for furniture

– for building materials

– for bees honey

C. - To share information with others on deforestation and its’ effects

- To join organisations, forest-preservation societies and pressure groups that aim to help preserve
the rest of our natural resources.

- getting involved in tree planting programmes in order to replenish those that are used.

- reduce the use of artificial items, recycle more and re-use items

- Help in controlling and regulating wild bush fires including charcoal burning

- using renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and water energies instead of depending too
much on wood fuel.

9.With reference to Zambia,

(a) Name two towns where copper is mined on the Copperbelt.

(b) Describe the methods of mining used in North- Western province

( c ) Explain the effects of mining industry on the environment in North- Western province

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A. - Kitwe

– Mufulira

– Chingola

B. - Open pit mining: - this method is used to extract the ore from the deposit.

- Underground mining: - the mineral ore is reached through vertical or inclined shafts

C. - It causes pollution

– it causes land degradation

– it leads to deforestation

– it contributes to loss of biodiversity

– it contributes to the spread of diseases

– it leads to the displacement of humans and animals due to air pollution.

10(a) State different types of population migrations which take place in Zambia

(b) What are the effects of HIV /AIDS in Zambia?


A. - Rural urban migration

– rural rural migration

- urban rural migration

– urban urban migration

B. - Economic production becomes low

– lack of food security

– high death rate

11 (a) State three different types of tourist attractions.

(b) Explain the benefits of tourism to the people

( c)Suggest reasons why tourism resources should be conserved.


A. - Historical sites

- national parks

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- waterfalls

– national heritage

– museums

– traditional ceremonies

– hospitality

B. - It creates employment to the local people.

– It is a source of income

C. -They are a source of income

– they are a source of employment

– they add value to the country’s beauty

– they are natural resources.

12 (a) describe recent projects in hydro-electricity generation in Zambia.

(b) Describe non-renewable energy resources which are widely used in Zambia.


B. - Crude oil which is a liquid fossil fuel. It is refined and used in cars, aeroplanes, and motorbikes
and in homes.

- Coal which is used for heating in homes and industries, and also for electricity generation

13. with reference to the building and construction industry in Zambia,

(a) State examples of physical infrastructure developments taking place in the recent years,

(b) Explain why building and construction industry has grown in recent years.


A. - Building of bridges such as kazungula bridge and katima mulilo

- The construction of hospitals

- the construction of schools

– the construction of roads

– the construction housing infrastructures.

B. - Because of increased demand due to increased population.

14 (a) describe population distribution in Zambia

(b) Explain four different types of migrations within Zambia

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A. - Population distribution in Zambia is unevenly distributed. There is high concentration of

population in urban areas compared to rural areas.

B. - Rural- urban migration which is the movement of people from rural areas to urban areas

- Urban- rural migration which is the movement of people from urban area to rural area

- Rural- rural migration which is the movement of people from rural area to another rural area

- Urban- urban migration which is the movement of people from urban area to another urban area.

15 (a) Describe the location of plantation agriculture in Zambia.

(b) State the characteristics of plantation agriculture.

( c )Explain the effects of commercial farming in Zambia


A. - Plantation agriculture is done in some pockets of parts of the country where climate, soil, and
water is favourable for crop growth.

B. - They are usually owned by foreign large companies.

- They are labour intensive

- They require a large capital outlay

- They require long-term investment

- They require large-scale irrigation of crops

- Processing of produce is done on site to reduce on transportation costs.

- The estates are usually export-oriented.

C. -It turns the soil to acidic due to chemical fertilizers, and pesticide killers

-It contributes to water pollution as the running water from the fields flows into rivers and other
water bodies.

-Causes damage to soil through soil erosion.

-Displacement of people and wildlife

12 (a) Describe the alternative renewable sources of power and energy to meet Zambia’s energy

(b) With reference to institutions dealing in power and energy.

(i) Explain the functions of the Energy Regulation Board (ERB).

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(II) Explain the measures Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) has put in place to
conserve electricity.


A. - Solar power which is the cheap and clean source of renewable energy generated from sunlight

- wind power which drives the turbines to generate electricity

- Geothermal power which uses energy stored within the earth.

- Biogas which is a fuel produced by the fermentation of organic matter.

B.(i) - It issues licences to companies in the energy sector.

- It monitors the performance of the companies which deals with energy production

- They regulate prices

- They approves the location and construction of energy facilities.

(II) -It introduced the energy serving bulbs

-It has introduced the generation of electricity by thermal and solar

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