What Is Your Leadership Style

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Part1:I’d say that it would be accountability, the reason being is that by showing that you're

responsible for your work, for both the good and bad outcomes that stems from the objective, since
not many show this trait, I feel that you’ll gain a sense of respect from the company and the
employees as well. Which responsibility works hand in hand with this as well, because you accept
the new task that was assigned to you, and should tell them how everything is going. Empowerment
is important because it allows leaders or those of higher status to give them the responsibility to
make decisions for the company, though this must be used with caution because they should teach
the employee on how and what to do, so any unintended consequences would be less likely to
happen. I would also state that you must make sure that you must make sure to not turn into an
abusive boss, I believe I had an experience with that and would state that employee morale was
down when working with them, be a good leader, listen to what your employees need assistance on,
and help them grow. With that in mind, keeping good employee morale is important as well, because
those who are happy in the company usually performs better.
Part 2: After taking the leadership assessment, I’ve learned that my style of leadership
would be a democratic one. This type of leadership also goes by another term called
“participative leaders,” When making decisions for the group, or even solving a problem, they
would accept input from their group members, though at the end the leader would still have the
final say. This style of leadership is best suited to use with members who both know what their
role is within the group, and knows their objectives that need to be completed.
Basically to me it means that I like to ensure that the choice that I’m making with the
group would be the best choice for the group, so that nobody would feel left out if they had an
idea on how to approach the situation or objective.
So for me even though I do ask for other’s opinions on things, I’d say I don’t do it very
often, so I would need to push myself to ask more often, which should be simple, but it shouldn’t
be to the point where they feel that they’re being pestered. And I would also have to add that I’ll
have to be more stern with my answer, that is because I still feel like I’ll still let people down with
the solution I give. Like what it stated in the chapter, I need to stay professional and keep
friendships out of the way since it could produce a problem, and that no matter what there will
be someone who won’t like the decision I make, and I’ll just have to deal with it.
I’d say the two most important characteristics I would like in a team would be those who
can take accountability, and responsibility. Reason being is that they would be able to not only
try to take on new tasks when being empowered, but would be able to collaborate when the
project runs into a problem. I would also say that being able to show that they did something
wrong and are willing to try to fix it if they have enough experience shows a sense of
responsibility and accountability.

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