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In each number there are 4 statements where each number has column M (to choose 1 statement that best describes you
choose 1 statement that most does not describe you), so in each number there will only be 2 answers from you, where 1 a
column M & 1 answer in column L.
It is possible that you will find a number where almost all or even all statements describe you or don't describe you at all,
are still required to choose 1 answer in column M & 1 answer in column L (so this test is a forced choice).

Make sure the number under each M & L column is 8

No. M L Statement No. M L

1 sociable, easy to agree, friendly 9 1
1 trust other people 1
adventurer, risk taker
1 tolerant, respectful
2 1 quiet, gentle 10
optimistic, visionary 1
1 being the center of attention, sociable
the bearer of harmony, conciliator 1
3 motivate / encourage others 11
1 strive for perfection 1
1 be part of a team / group
want to reach the goal 1
4 1 become frustrated when conditions are not appropriate 12
harbored feelings
convey a personal point of view 1
1 ready for opposition / different opinions
5 1 lively / agile, like to talk 13 1
1 move fast, full of confidence 1
try to maintain balance
try to follow the rules
6 1 manage time efficiently 14 1
1 often in a hurry, feeling depressed 1
social issues are important
finish what has begun
7 reject sudden changes 15
easy to promise 1
1 be alone when depressed
1 not afraid to debate / confront 1
8 1 motivator, a good supporter 16 1
a good listener
sharp analyzer 1
1 delegator, good delegate

8 8 7 8

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1 M L
mn M (to choose 1 statement that best describes you) & L (to
mber there will only be 2 answers from you, where 1 answer in
statements describe you or don't describe you at all, but you
mn L (so this test is a forced choice).

Statement No. M L
prioritizing results 17 1
do correctly and accurately
make work fun
work together 1
restraint, can live without having 18
buying based on impulse / desire
will wait without being depressed 1
buy what is planned 1
friendly, easy to make friends 19 1
unique, bored with routine
actively making changes
want everything to be accurate and certain 1
relent, don't like opposition 20
full of details 1
changed on the last minute
claimant, rude 1
want progress / improvement 21 1
satisfied with the situation, easily satisfied
describing open feelings
humble, simple 1
calm down, be quiet 22
happy, carefree 1
pleasant, kind hearted
undaunted, brave, resolute 1
make time for others 23 1
planning, preparing yourself
towards a new adventure 1
get an award if it works
regulations need to be tested 24
rules make fair 1
the rules are boring
regulations create security 1
8 8

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Easy to make desicion
Love a challenge
Happy with details, thourough

education, culture
achievements, awards
safety, security
outreach, group friendship
take control, be firm, direct
sociable, enthusiastic
predictable, consistent
be careful
not easily conquered
follow orders, follow leaders
happy, cheerful
want everything organized, neat
I will lead them
I will follow
I will convince them
I will get the facts
think about other people first
like challenges, compete
optimistic, positive thinking
think logically, systematically
fun people, friendly
laugh out loud, live
brave, resolute
calm down, be quiet
want more power / authority
want a new opportunity
avoid any conflict
want clear instructions
reliable, trustworthy
creative, unique
result oriented, profit / profit
holding high standards, accurate


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