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The Memphis Rite

Legitimately Dubious

By Robert H. Johnson

Amongst the varied spurious bodies within the wide lens of Freemasonry, perhaps none are
more infamous than the Rite of Memphis. Of course within Freemasonry today, there are two
Rites which are undoubtedly recognized: the York Rite and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite. There are a multitude of other offshoots which existed in the past, with their own
specialties, lessons and claims of antiquity. Today we have Sciots, Shriners and a slew of
others, but none are true Rites.

The York Rite, 4˚-7˚ (RAM), 8˚-10˚ (Cryptic Council), 11˚-13˚ (Knight Templar) carries on the
legends portrayed in our Craft Lodges, or rather fills in some holes in the first three degrees (i.e.
the “true” word), what was going on in the world of the Fellowcrafts, and the candidate may
even find himself privy to private conversations between Hiram Abif and another individual in
which he discloses the cryptic location of the foundation stone. The capstone in the system is to
receive your Templar Orders (something which is usually reserved only for those who either
profess Christianity or in some cases merely agree to defend Christianity).These degrees
operate in much the same way that our Craft Lodges operate; each man is a candidate and that
man is the singular one receiving the degree. *There are class versions but it is not the norm.*

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, depending on your jurisdiction--Northern Masonic
Jurisdiction or Southern Jurisdiction, is a little different. The NMJ (Northern Masonic
Jurisdiction) takes each degree as a morality lesson which has no true connection to the
Hiramic legend portrayed within the Craft Lodges for the most part. Degrees 4˚-32˚ are
conveyed. A member of this Rite sits through a few key degrees such as the 4˚ Master Traveler,
14˚ Grand Elect Mason, 18˚ Knight of the Rose Croix de Heredom and 32˚ Sublime Prince of the
Royal Secret. After receiving these mandatory degrees, a Brother is commissioned as a 32˚
Mason. He then is urged to come back to the lodge, called a Valley (an allusion to a low vale as
laid out within our Craft Lodges), to receive other degrees over the years. These degrees are
presented as plays in which the candidate is not typically involved other than to be an audience

The Southern Jurisdiction, in contrast to the NMJ, bases its first degrees, 4˚-14˚, on the
continuation of the Hiramic Legend. Degrees 15˚-32˚ focus on other philosophical tenets which
expound about the lessons we are called to learn within our Craft Lodges, although with a much
deeper, philosophical and cultural influence. In the same fashion, a man will receive the
mandatory degrees, which may vary from time to time, depending on who is running the
organization. This is true of the NMJ as well. These mandatory degrees are generally the same
for the Southern Jurisdiction; the 4˚ The Secret Master, 14˚ The Perfect Elu, 18˚ Knight Rose
Croix, and 32˚ Master of the Royal Secret.

Administratively, the York Rite has a head in each state who oversees each of the Royal Arch
Chapters, Cryptic Councils and Commanderies within their constituency. The Scottish Rite has
a Supreme Grand Inspector General or SGIG for each state who report to the Supreme Council-
-respectively in their own jurisdictions, whether NMJ or Southern Jurisdiction. Each Supreme
Council is headed up by their “President” called the Grand Commander. Within the York Rite,
the leaders are in place for a single term. In the AASR NMJ/SJ the leaders are usually in their
respective positions for years.

The aforementioned details on these two rites is relevant to our research and exposé on the
Rite of Memphis. Both systems above convey only the 4˚ degree and higher, although there is
one exception to this which the reader may choose to commit his time to if he so chooses; I
would direct them to the Scottish Rite Craft Lodge Degrees as explained in Esoterika by Albert
Pike and annotated by Arturo de Hoyos. The other exception is, of course, the Rite of Memphis
which did in fact confer the Craft degrees along with 94 others.

Its [The Rite of Memphis] predecessor and later counterpart, the Rite of Misraim (or Mizraim)
was referenced as early as 1738. Other traces of the beginnings of the Rite of Memphis can
also be linked to the 1773 Rite of Philalethes, or Lovers of Truth. The origin of what we know on
the Rite of Memphis begins in 1814. The creator was known only as a Seraphic Priest named
Orphus, a mysterious individual from whom the Rite was given to a Mr. Samuel Honis, a native
of Cairo, Egypt. Samuel Honis had been initiated in a lodge in Cairo which had ties to Napoleon
and General Klebers, both of whom were tied to Egyptian mysteries. What is suspect from the
beginning is, of course, the name and origin of the “Priest”. A Seraphic priest can allude to many
things within the body of spiritualism and in the 19th century, particularly the early part of, was
likely attributed with the idea of antiquity, something valued among those who seek legitimacy of
a system of Rites.

The name “Orphus” is another call to antiquity; likely, the name should evoke thoughts of
Orpheus, Orphic priests, the Cults of Orpheus which passed on the secrets of Bacchus also
named or reincarnated as (in no particular order) Iacchus, Dionisis, Osiris, Zagreus, Liber,
Hades etc. These secrets were given to initiates of systems in ancient Rome in the
amalgamated version of Mithras, and before this in Greece who purportedly lifted from Egypt
who received them from a time before time, a prior age, antediluvian if you will.

At a point in 1815 men we refer to repeatedly in this text (Gabriel Mathieu Marconis de Nègre,
Baron Duman, Moullet, the Marquis de Laroque, J. Petit, Hypolite Lebrunie, and others) met up
to form this Rite into a “Grand Body”. This occurred on April 30th, 1815 in Montauban France.
About thirty days later they were then constituted as the Disciples of Memphis. On January 21st,
1816, Gabriel Mathieu Marconis de Nègre is made the Grand Hierophant. Not one year later
the organization went dark. They remain so for a period of ten years until 1826, when there was
a brief revival.

In 1838, the Rite was revived fully with the founding of Osiris Lodge in Brussels. This was made
possible by the son of the former Grand Hierophant, Gabriel Mathieu Marconi de Negre, Jean
Etienne Marconis de Negre. Lodges are then set up in Paris and Marseilles. The Rite is formally
named “The Rite of Memphis” on the account of its content and where it was received.
Originally, the ritual of the Memphis Rite was likely penned by the father, Gabriel Mathieu, which
included alterations to the Misraim-esque Rite, much the way Pike added to the manuscripts of
the AASR in order to make skeleton degrees (degrees which were no more than a password
and a general idea) into full blown plays. Some degrees continued to remain without content.

Something of note which is often called to our attention is the argument of the origins of
Freemasonry and the connections to the Egyptian Mysteries. Many claim that Freemasonry’s
origins lay in the mists of the Egyptian Rites, and then of course there are those who discredit
this. Those of the latter opinion will be quick to point out (correctly I might add) that the flair for
Egyptian connections was largely in part due to the discoveries made in Egypt in the early 20th
century. This, along with the full-fledged religion of Spiritualism, which among other things was
intimately concerned with the concept of reincarnation. However, to have this fascination and
emphasis on the Egyptian motif in the early 19th century, is slightly more rare and cannot be
ascribed to the typical rationalization of “Egyptian Fever” when explaining away the Rite of

It was apparent that this Rite of Memphis was an offshoot, child of, or at the very least modeled
after the defunct Rite of Misraim (or Mizraim) as mentioned earlier. Readers will note that often
times when we hear of the Rite of Memphis, it is automatically assumed that that this is
Memphis-Misraim, however we will recognize here that they were separate for a long time and
only later combined, through some very questionable means.

The degree system was intricate. The first set of degrees was considered the 1st through the
35th. These degrees were largely the degrees of the AASR, which was formed only fourteen
years prior in Charleston, NC. The system used was likely based off of the original Francken
Manuscripts (The Rite of Perfection - The forbearer to the 33 degree system worked today). A
small selection of these degrees were split into additional degrees that they might stand alone
and convey a portion of a lesson which needed to be emphasized. Thus, having essentially 25
classic degrees of the Rite of Perfection broken up in a fashion which allowed a total of 35.

The remaining degrees are a mixture of those degrees offered in other systems which were
deemed to have merit as it fit into the system of the Memphis Rite. What likely began as a
sincere desire to practice the ancient teaching conveyed, much like the AASR, became a quest
in what would seem to be wealth and prestige.

By 1839 several lodges were working, among them; The Lodge of Osiris, Des Philadelphes, La
Bienveillance, and De Heliopolis. Des Philadelphes was composed of about 100 members and
was constituted on January 31st, 1851 and operated into the 1870s.

In the beginning, the Rite of Memphis was not recognized. The power to recognize them at this
time was the sole responsibility of the Grand Orient of France. By February 1841 all lodges in
France, whether recognized or not, were closed by the order of the civil magistrate. The police
were apparently investigating the Rite of Mizraim and at this time the Grand Hierophant, Jean
Etienne orders the lodges to suspend meeting. In the historical documents we see the
phrasing, “...lodges went to sleep.” After a term of years, on March 5th, 1848 lodges began
working again. At some point herein, the father Gabrielle Mathieu passes away, leaving his son
Jaque Etienne to man the helm of the organization.

In the years that followed the Rite had spread across much of the world. In 1852 to sometime in
1861 the Rite had once again been put to sleep in France. In the interim, in 1857 Jaque Etienne
along with David McClelland travelled to New York, there to set up the Rite. McClelland
becomes the Grand Master over the body formed there. The influence spreads across America.

It is necessary to state that at this time the Rite of Memphis has continually maintained that it is
only to work the degrees of 4˚-97˚ and never to anyone who is not a Master Mason in good
standing. They had at this point (and into the future) always maintained the legitimacy of the
Craft Lodges. In fact at a single point in Egypt there were three workings of Freemasonry, all
working in conjunction with each other: the AASR, The Rite of Memphis and Craft Masonry.
Today (2019), there is no recognized Freemasonry in Egypt. A study of why this is will reveal
connections to the Memphis Rite; although the scope of this document is not concerned with
this, the reader may indulge their curiosities on their own.

Jaque, according to the historical documents, had conferred or caused to be conferred the
degrees for Mr. Harry J. Seymour, who would be the harbinger of doom. It had not been known
at the time however Harry J. Seymour had been “Struck from the roles of AASR”; it’s unclear if
this meant his outright expulsion or not. Had Jaque known this, things may have been much
different. On April 27th, 1861, the then Grand Master, David McClelland had to report for war,
he being with the 79th regiment in the National Guard for New York. As such he relinquished all
papers, warrants, charters and power to Harry J. Seymour. David McLelland lost his life on May
5th at the Battle of Williamsburg in Virginia.

A short while later Harry J. Seymour travels to Europe to check on the Rite’s status. He finds it
to be satisfactory and arrives in Paris a short while later.

Jaque Etienne travels back to Paris, France where the mounting pressure of caving to the
Grand Orient becomes too much. In 1862, the Rite of Memphis takes yet another hit. In order to
bring the lodges back from “sleep” and to make things simpler, more succinct and to be in line
with the prevailing more successful systems being practiced around the globe, Jaque Etienne
meets with the Grand Orient. Also present is Harry J. Seymour.

The Grand Orient offered Jaque a deal: they would honor his request for true recognition and
respect, provided he take an oath which mandated that he forever divest himself of any
authority or power in the Rite of Memphis. To this he gives his ascent. To Harry J. Seymour they

award a patent, for the official formation of the “Sovereign Sanctuary of the Ancient and
Primitive Rite of America”, to which he is in control, and also the degree of Illustrious Grand
Master (33˚-96˚). The Rite of Memphis now falls under the purview of the Grand Orient of
France who takes all the degrees from 34˚-97˚ and locks them away, stating the legitimacy of
the 1˚-33˚ only. In addition, the 4˚ though the 33˚ were retained by the Memphis Rite but under a
stipulation that they were only allowed to work them by special dispensation, of which none was
ever given. The alternative explanation is that they were allowed to work this system but that the
33 degrees were divided into three sections, Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master
Mason. Depending where a member was in his journey, he would simply fall into one of these
groupings. The convenient story is one told of a consolidation of sorts, since many of the
degrees were title only and contained no actual work outside of a concept.

The fallout from this action by the Grand Orient was far and wide. When the existing lodges
working the Memphis Rite were admitted and recognized, they were notified of the
aforementioned details regarding the working of their Rite and in addition that they were never
allowed to work any degree higher than that of Master Mason. Those members who had
obtained higher degrees than Master Mason must here forward surrender their titles unto the
Grand Orient. Anyone retaining a title or using it in any station in life, whether personal or
fraternal was to be labeled Clandestine, and further would be deemed a “high Masonic offense.”

Examples of some of these titles or degrees higher than Master Mason included but are not
limited to; Sages of the Pyramids, Grand Architect of the Mysterious City, Sovereign Princes of
the Magi of the Sanctuary of Memphis, Sovereign Princes of the Lodge, Sovereign Princes of
the Mystical Temple, Sovereign Princes of the Liturgical College, Sovereign Princes of the
Grand Consistory. The reader will note the repeated use of the word Sovereign.

The official correspondence which was received by all constituent lodges was as follows:

In the name of the Sovereign Sanctuary of Ancient anti Primitive Freemasonry according to the
Rite of Memphis, in and for the Continent of America, sitting In the Valley of New York.
Salutation on all points of the Triangle Respect to the Order



Whereas, The Grand Orient of France, and the Grand Bodies of the Masonic Rite of Memphis,
have mutually agreed that there shall be but Thirty-three Degrees ; the 31st, 32nd and 33rd, of
which shall be conferred only by authorization of the Supreme Body; and, Whereas, said
agreement was solemnly ratified by the late Ill. Brother, the Marshal Magnan, 33rd deg., Grand
Master of Masons for France and the French possessions, and the Ill. Bro. Marconis de Negre,
and the officers of the Grand Orient and Rite of Memphis; and, Whereas, The Officers and
Members of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis, deem it for the best interests of the Rite

and Masonry generally, that the degrees be condensed; thereby concentrating the sublime
Morals, Symbols, Allegories, Antique Legends, and Philosophical Dissertations, into Thirty-three
degrees, the better to maintain its unity, exercise benevolence, propagate knowledge, and avoid
the differences which unhappily exist in other Masonic Rites: Therefore, We, the Grand Master
General, by and with the advice and consent of the Grand Officers of the Ancient and Primitive
Rite do hereby agree that the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis shall consist of Thirty-three
Degrees, divided as hereinafter
SECTION I-CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX 19th Degree Sage of Truth.
4th Degree Discreet Master. 20th Degree Hermetic Philosopher.
5th Degree Sublime Master. SECTION III - SUBLIME COUNCIL
6th Degree Sacred Arch. 21st Degree Grand Installator.
7th Degree Secret Vault. 22nd Degree Grand Consecrator.
8th Degree Knight the Sword. 23rd Degree Grand Eulogist.
9th Degree Knight Jerusalem. 24th Degree Patriarch of Truth.
10th Degree Knight the Orient. 25th Degree Patriarch the Planispheres.
11th Degree Rose Croix. 26th Degree Patriarch of the Sacred Vedas.
SECTION II - SENATE OF HERMETIC 27th Degree Patriarch Isis.
PHILOSOPHERS 28th Degree Patriarch Memphis.
12th Degree Knight of the Red Eagle. 29th Degree Patriarch of the Mystic City.
13th Degree Knight the Temple. 30th Degree Master the G.W.P.P.
14th Degree Knight the Tabernacle. SECTION IV - OFFICIAL
15th Degree Knight the Serpent. 31st Degree Grand Defender of the Rite.
16th Degree Knight Kadosh. 32nd Degree Sublime Prince of Memphis.
17th Degree Knight of the Royal Mystery. 33rd Degree Sov. Grand Conservator of the
I8th Degree Grand Inspector. Rite.

And, furthermore, it is decreed, that the Ancient and Primitive Rite do now and forever waive
and renounce all claim over the first three or Symbolic Degrees, and that no person shall be
received unless he be a Master Mason in good standing.
H. J. Seymour, 33rd degree ……..M. Ill. Sov. Grand Master

Harry J. Seymour returns to New York to oversee the Rite in the US and to celebrate the new
Sovereign Sanctuary of the United States. At this, an exceptional growth happens; it spreads to
major cities across the United States including Detroit Michigan, and Chicago, Illinois.

In 1865 the Sovereign Sanctuary extends an offer for an honorary membership to the order for
Giuseppe Garibaldi: the very same man who would later unite the Rites of Memphis and
Misraim in Italy and subsequently, the rest of Europe.

After the consolidation of degrees, there is much consternation regarding the loss of the other
34 degrees which had been held in high regard by not just men who valued the historical, but
also the practical sides of those degrees. Conspiracy began to take hold. Because Jaque was

the son of the original Hierophant, his father Gabrielle, he was the one entrusted with the care of
the Rite after his father’s death. But it was argued that Jaque was only a caretaker and not the
owner and thus had no authority to act on behalf of the Memphis Rite and that the action of
condensing the degrees was therefore invalid. Harry J. Seymour however, disagreed. As the
Grand Hierophant by acclimation of the Grand Orient of France, what he said, went. Harry J.
Seymour was, due to his position on the matter, becoming unpopular himself.

In 1868 the Grand Hierophant of the Rite in Paris, Jacque Etienne Marconis de Negré dies.
When this occurs, the power of the Rite falls under the provision of the Grand Orient, which
moves its home back to Egypt with Marquis de Beauregard as its new top man.This leaves
Harry J. Seymour the ranking man in the Rite of Memphis within the United States. All was good
for a year.

As mentioned earlier, the Rite of Memphis held a deep respect for the Grand Lodges of the
states and territories. This came to a head in 1869 when the Grand Orient of France decided to
recognize a number of Craft Lodges operating in Louisiana clandestinely, without the approval
of the Grand Lodge of the state. Because of this, the Sovereign Sanctuary of America in New
York pulled recognition of the Grand Orient and cut off all communication. We may discern two
possibilities from this.

First, it could be argued that this was an easy way for Seymour to establish true independence
of the Rite of Memphis, to stand up for something as commonplace as this in order to justify the
declaration of true sovereignty, even from Marquis de Beauregard. Secondly, it would give
Harry J. Seymour a reason to cut off communication due to the Grand Orient of France’s later
claims as outlined by Albert Gallatin Mackey and Charles T. McClanahan, in their wonderful
work, The Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences. This side of the story will
be examined now.

On February 23rd, 1872 Harry J. Seymour travelled with a contingent to the United Kingdom to
install a Sovereign Sanctuary in Great Britain. John Yarker is made the Grand Master (33˚ / 96˚)
of this Sanctuary. Remember, the RIte of Memphis now is only legally able to confer to the
degrees of 33˚ under the patent issued by the Grand Orient of France. Even though they were
not in amity wth the Grand Orient at this time, the powers and warrant were clear….or were

Garibaldi is at once made an honorary member of this [Sovereign Sanctuary of Great Britain
and Ireland] organization as well. In 1872 a Provincial Grand Master in the United Kingdom
writes the Grand Orient of France, expressing some questions regarding this Rite of Memphis
which had set up shop in Lancashire, who had been in attendance at the meetings, and who
had met at Freemasons Hall.

The Provincial Grand Master who had inquired about the Rite of Memphis in Lancashire
received a notice back from the Grand Orient of France. The content of the message said that
the Rite was “Dead” and that no one had any authority to work it. A direct quote as outlined in

the text states, “The Rite of Memphis has been silenced. We tried and succeeded in destroying
it.” Further the Grand Orient says that while Harry J. Seymour was present when Jaque signed
over the Rite to them [The Grand College], that they NEVER gave him any power whatsoever,
that even if he [Seymour] has some sort of charter or diploma showing the Grand Orient’s
Grand Master’s signature it would give Seymour no authority outside of conferring the first three
Craft Degrees.

The powers that be in Lancashire confronts the Rite Of Memphis working there and
subsequently shuts them down and sends notice back to the Grand Orient of France confirming
the action.

*A note* While the Regular Grand Lodge of the jurisdiction “shuts down” a spurious order, it
simply means they make it known to their constituents that anyone associating themselves with
such spurious order will be deemed clandestine and expelled. Grand Jurisdictions sole authority
rests in their sovereign claim to be an authority on who is and is not regular and in conformity
with whatever is deemed appropriate.

Recognition issues ensue for years. Something interesting happens in 1880 when the
Sovereign Sanctuary of Great Britain and Ireland get together with the representatives of the
order of Misraim and they mutually exchange charters for each respective system. This is under
the watch of Giuseppe Garibaldi and John Yarker.

It now becomes the proper time to introduce a new character in the wild story of the Rite of
Memphis: Calvin C. Burt. In 1862, before Jaque Etienne signed over the powers of the Rite of
Memphis to the Grand Orient, he took in a man by the name of Calvin C. Burt who was made a
95˚ and who later, after the consolidation was, for a time, 33˚-95˚. Burt plays a pivotal role later
in our selected history.

Let us move forward in time to the next chapter in the Rite of Memphis. In the year 1874, the
Rite had been largely dissatisfied with Harry J. Seymour, their Grand Master. Because of this,
they offered him $3,000.00 ($90,000.00 in 2019) to resign, and at the June annual meeting, he
announced his retirement in the following correspondence.

T. T. G. O. T. S. A. O. T. U.
Ancient and Primitive Rite, in and for the Continent of America.
VALLEY OF NEW YORK, May 1, 1874.

VERY DEAR AND ILLUSTRIOUS BRETHREN - Co-workers in the Masonic Science, in which
we have passed so many, many happy days, months and years, the time has come that
compels me to retire from the OFFICE OF THE GRAND MASTERSHIP. You were kind enough
to elect me after my appointment in France, and recognition by the several Grand Orients of the
world. I am proud to say, that by and with your assistance, our Rite has been organized in
almost every State in America, extending even to Chili, on the shores of the Pacific; also, Great

Britain and Ireland. You have adopted a Constitution, and enacted Wise, Simple, and Just
Laws, to guide your deliberations and to govern your works. The beautiful machinery of our
beloved Rite is in good Working order and, guided by its teachings, you cannot err from
attaining happiness and honor in this world, and a sublimity of bliss in that Holy Sanctuary
where the Sublime Architect eternally presides. And, in as much as an Elective Grand
Mastership will be more consonant to American principles, your will is my law.

Receive, dear brethren, the Salutation of our Rite,

"Pax Vobiscum,"
The Most Illustrious Sovereign
Grand Master General.

Upon this resignation there was a subsequent meeting and a vote to elect the new Grand
Master. On June 18th the Rite elected Alexander B. Mott to the office of Illustrious Sovereign
Grand Master General.

Meanwhile a growing mob of members, dissatisfied with the reduction of the degrees, formed a
new the Sovereign Sanctuary and Grand Body and Jurisdiction of the Egyptian Masonic Rite of
Memphis for the Continent of America, under the Grand Mastership of none other than Calvin C.
Burt. A book was published in 1879 which contains the following copied text as to their right to
form a separate body.

From the introduction:

“...Together with a history of titles Ancient Order from its origin, through the dark ages of the
world, to its recognition in France and promulgation in Europe, and its final translation,
establishment and enunciation in America, history of the formation of bodies, and record of the
present Grand Body (or Sovereign Sanctuary) in 1867, with copies of charters and other
correspondence of this Ancient and Primitive Rite, viz: the Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis:
together with its Masonic Calendar and translation of the non-esoteric work. With the refusal of
the Craft to accept of any reduction of degrees to thirty-three (33°,) and the consequent
abrogation of the higher degrees above the 33° by the Seymour body, and the continuation of
the old work, and formation of a new and original contribution of this Ancient and Egyptian
Masonic Rite of Memphis, of Ninety-six degrees, and no less number, with full history of the
matter and documentary correspondence on this subject. Issued and promulgated by this
Sovereign Sanctuary, and only Grand Body in this Rite of the original 96 degrees in the world,
from the 1˚ to the 96°, with a history of its present status and eminent membership, being the
only true and original source of all mystic ceremonies and Masonic degrees, from which all
other Rites, Societies and Associations have copied to a greater or less extent, and from which
all other Masonic work are mere scintillations of the true light.”

The full declaration is worth reading, however for space, here are the some of the more
interesting parts.

City of Chicago, State of Illinois.

'June 17, A. D. 1867.

By reason of a notice for a Convention of Masons belonging to the Rite of Memphis, issued
May 4th, 1867, the brethren of the Order, representing one Grand Council, 90°; two Senates,
45°; ten Rose Croix Chapters, 18°, and about fifty ninety degree (uninitiated) members
assembled together this day in the Masonic Temple, in Apollo Commandery Hall or K. T. Room,
to organize a Grand Body, and form a Constitution.

Whereas, when we received the degrees of the Memphis Rite, we were taught that the Rite
contained 96 degrees, and as such, received our degrees, and the several bodies in this Rite
were formed in this State, and represented here this day, as well as each, all and every member
of this Rite heretofore, was so instructed and obligated; all of whom have been made and the
bodies formed by H. J. Seymour, 96°, Grand Master, and Calvin C. Burt, 96°, Deputy Grand
Master and Grand Representative General at large, as a Rite of ninety-six degrees and no less;

And whereas, we have now been notified by the aforesaid Grand Master, that the Grand Orient
of France has reduced the degrees to 33, and changed the names of some of them, and as we
believe unlawfully interfered with the original and ancient work, thereof; greatly in our opinion
injuring its beauty, usefulness, and antiquity; And whereas, we are informed that our worthy
and an Illustrious Brother and Deputy Grand Master, Calvin C. Burt, 96°, has not accepted of
the change, and does not believe that such power exists in the Rite, and that the adoption of
such a reduction will be attended with bad results;

And whereas, our former Grand Master, H. J. Seymour, 96°, has abjured, renounced and
abrogated the Rite of Memphis, containing 96 degrees, for, and adopted the 33° Rite, and that
there is, not now, either in this country or in France, any persons working the 96° Rite;

And whereas, we are members of the 96° Rite, and have, by an authority of 96° Rite, issued by
the Grand Hierophant, 97°, of France, countersigned, acknowledged, vised, and recognized by
all the great and grand jurisdictions of Europe, and all other nations of the world where the work
is known ;

And whereas, we, as Masons, of our own free will and accord, became so, so we intend to
remain, and we do as the entire representatives and representation of the Rite of Memphis in
America, in convention assembled, solemnly and firmly Resolve, That we will not acknowledge
or subscribe to any such reduction of degrees, believing as we do, that the Orient of France, nor
any other Masonic body in this Rite, can lawfully require us to do so; therefore we
conscientiously refuse, and do henceforth, and forever declare ourselves a sovereign grand
body for this continent of the Rite of Memphis, of 96 degrees, and do hereby absolve and

withdraw from all other bodies of Memphis Masons of less than 96 degrees, and hereby offer
this as a proper beginning of a new body in the old Rite.”

On motion of Bro. Leonard, the resolution was unanimously adopted.

Whereupon, Bro. Allen offered the following, viz: That we do declare Bro. Calvin C. Burt, 96°,
our Sovereign Grand Master, and that we proceed to place him in the Orient, with a request
that he appoint temporary officers, in order that we may proceed to the business of a
permanent organization of a grand body. Which was unanimously adopted, and a committee
consisting of Bros. Allen, Patrick, Brier lee, appointed to escort the M. W. Grand Master to the
Chair, where he was so placed and declared Grand Master ad Vitem, and so saluted by the
whole body. Whereupon he took the gavel, appointed the officers of the Sovereign Sanctuary,
and opened the body in due form, which was announced and declared the Sovereign Sanctuary
for America, sitting in the valley of Chicago, duly organized by the representatives of one
Council, two Senates, and ten Rose Croix Chapters, and the whole 96° representatives in
America, in convention assembled. A record was opened and the foregoing and following record
made and entered in due Masonic form, when the following entry on motion was ordered
entered, viz : on motion of Bro. Starrett, a committee of three brothers were appointed to submit
the names of proper persons to fill the several offices in this grand body, viz. Brothers Gurney,
Storey, and Dyche, who retired to consult and report. The committee on nomination and
permanent organization reported as follows,”

A listing of names follows who form a committee on writing a new constitution. This is done and
the new Rite under Calvin C. Burt was born. The Year was 1872.

In the months following Calvin C. Burt continued to make new members of the Rite, however it
was alleged that all the fees associated with the degree conferrals were directly deposited into
Calvin C. Burt’s accounts.

The fee structure was similar to today’s York rite in which there is a petition fee and degree fee
for each body within the Rite. e.g. Royal Arch, Cryptic Council and Knight Templar. In the
Memphis Rite, there were several groups, all of which had to have been petitioned to join as
well as pay for the degrees. It was of no cheap affair. For instance, the constitution suggests the
following from their own bylaws; To join a Chapter, a petition was $5.00, and the degrees were
never to be conferred for less than $15.00. This is roughly $600.00 US, in 2019. After this, one
would then join the Senate. The petition fee for the senate was $10.00 and the fee for the
degrees could not be less than $50.00. In 2019 this equates to $1,800.00 US. The next logical
step in the system was to join the Council. The petition fee for the Council was $10 and the
degrees were not to be received for less than $100.00. The cost of this in 2019 is $3,306.00 US.
If elected to the Sovereign Sanctuary, the cost would be $10.00, which in 2019 equates to,
$300.00 This makes the total cost of joining the Rite of Memphis approximately $6,006.00 U.S.
at a minimum.

This cost is significantly high. It should be noted that in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of
Illinois 1877-1890, the Rite of Memphis is discussed. They were called Carpetbaggers and that
they “...sold very cheap masonry.” This is a very curious sentiment considering the costs
outlined above, in addition to the other various fees and dues assessed by the members as
outlined by their bylaws. Also of note is that, in most cases, the fees for degrees, petitions etc,
all went to the Grand Master. While Calvin C. Burt may have collected these fees for himself, it
seems to be a part of the bylaws, regardless of one's opinion of this. It may interest the reader
that the AASR was no different in its practice in the early days. Returning to what the Grand
Master of Illinois said of the RIte in 1887-1890, “The Grandmaster (IL) further says: “This person
(Burt aka Grand Hierophant) has been circulating somewhat extensively among the fraternity in
this State, peddling out what he terms the higher degrees of Masonry, (somewhere near as high
as a hundred, I believe), at the rate of ten cents a piece. Very cheap Masonry, if it is Masonry;
and still the supply is greater than the demand; for his carpet-bag has seemed to suffer no

The Grand lodges around the nation were taking notice of this Rite, in that it’s deputies and
representatives had become concerned with its influence. This is the only logical case one can
think of. At this time, there were several Grand Masters from various states who were members.
Although some stayed with the semi-legitimate 33˚ system under Alexander Mott, a great deal
felt they had been dealt a blow when the degrees were condensed and hence followed Calvin
C. Burt’s new order. It was only at this time that Grand Lodges around the nation begin to pay
attention to the goings on of the Rite of Memphis. In many Grand Proceedings, it is written that
Calvin C. Burt was an expelled Mason, which further added to the idea of their dubious nature.
It’s also to be of note that Burt claims he received a reentrance after serving his time. That he
was once expelled, he made no rejection. The reason for his expulsion from Craft Masonry was
apparently, unmasonic conduct.

The legitimate body of the Rite of Memphis (Under Alexander Mott) had real concern because
this spurious body of the Primitive Rite was giving them all a bad name. The Spurious body of
the Rite, under the command of Burt, had become dissatisfied with him. So, as was the custom,
Burt sold his power and patents to Darius Wilson for the sum of $1,000.00 ($30,000.00 in 2019).

More turmoil happens when the body of spurious Memphis Rite members does not accept
Darius as their leader, so about half of them elect another leader, a man named Judge Parish.
To top it off, though Burt had sold his right to confer degrees, he remained doing so. So we had
three spurious versions of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis working, all within the
same area. This action forced Darius Wilson, the man who bought the rights from Burt, to hold a
tribunal in which Burt was expelled. They deemed him a liar, swindler and a counterfeiter.

Meanwhile the home jurisdiction of Darius Wilson was Massachusetts. Their opinion of Wilson
was that he was running the Rite of Memphis for the exclusive purpose of making money. They
then expelled Darius Wilson. When Wilson found out he’d been expelled, he readily continued
to run the Rite of Memphis, but with this addition, he would have no problems conferring the
Craft Degrees as well.

What followed was a scene too convoluted to detail, suffice to say that the semi-legitimate order
of the Rite of Memphis (Alexander Mott’s) attempted to form a Sovereign Sanctuary in Canada,
which violated their charter. Canada had already established their own, and also Darius Wilson
was involved with it. At this there was another mess occuring with the Rite of Mizraim which was
also running amok.

Wilson later attempts to merge his Rite with that of Motts. Mott refuses.

To cap all of this off, many of the men within these Rites being discussed were also members
within good standing of the Supreme Council of the AASR. Harry J. Seymour’s name appears in
the roles of those named to be expelled by the AASR for having been involved with the Cerneau
Rite. Another fine mess that deserved it’s own book, which was in fact written by Arturo de
Hoyos and Brent S. Morris titled, Committed to the Flames.

Today the only Rite of Memphis that is in practice is considered clandestine by the “Regular”
system of Freemasonry.

Below is a listing of degrees. The descriptions of each set are quoted from the great compiled
work by Rui Alexandre Gabirro. A note to the reader, you will encounter the word Auserwahlter
in the below tables. It simply means chosen or select.

In the First Order:

‘The First Order teaches morality, gives the meaning of Symbols, guides its Adepts to the love
of Humanity, teaches the first part of the Story of the Order and reveals the science of Nature.”
It contains the following degrees:
1-3, symbolical; 17 Prince of the Aurora and of the Sunset;
4 Secret Master; 18 Knight Rose Croix;
5 Master Architect; 19 High Priest of Jerusalem;
6 Honoured Master; 20 Grand Master of the Temple of Wisdom;
7 Just and Perfect Master; 21 Noachite Knight of the Tower;
8 Knight of the Auserwahlter 22 Knight of Lebanon;
9 Auserwalther Knight of the Nine; 23 Knight of the Tabernacle;
10 Auserwalther Knight of the 15; 24 Prince of Tabernacle;
10 Auserwalther Knight of the 123 25 Knight of the Brazen Serpent;
11 Exalted Auserwalther Knight; 26 Trinitarian Knight;
12 Knight Grand Master Architect; 27, Sovereign Grand Commander of the
13 Royal Arch; Temple;
14 Knight of the Sacred Arch; 28, Knight of St. John, or of the Sun;
15 Knight of the Sword; 29, Knight of St. Andrews;
16 Prince of Jerusalem; 30, Knight Grand Kadosch.

“The Second Order teaches Philosophy and History, explains Indian Geometric theorems,
fables and the poetic myths of Antiquity, the Zendavesta, the Manu of Harmasasha, the Sacred
Vedas and the forth. The ultimate object is to stimulate investigation of First Principles and
Bases and to promote sentiments of humanity and sympathy.” It contains the following degrees.
31, Grand Inquisitor; 46, King Hirt der Hutz;
32, Sovereign Prince of the Mystery; 47, Prince of Holy Hill;
33, Knight General Grand Inspector; 48, Sage of the Pyramids;
34, Knight General of the Red Order; 49, Philosopher of Samothrace;
35, Knight Master of the Angel; 50, Knight of the Camaso;
36, Knight of the Holy City; 51, Knight of the Phoenix;
37, Knight Adept; 52, Sublime Skalde;
38, High and Auselwahlter Knight of Truth; 53, Knight of the Sphinx;
39, Knight Philalethe; 54, Knight of the Pelican;
40, Doctor of the Planisphere; 55, Sublime Knower of the Labyrinth;
41, Wise Sabaist; 56, Priest of Cadmea;
42, Sapient Hermetic Philosopher; 57, Sublime Magus;
43, Knight of the Seven Stars; 58, Brahmin Prince;
44, Sovereign Lord of the Star; 59, Priest of Ogigia;
45, High Priest of Isis; 60, Scandinavian Knight.

“The Third Order teaches the remainder of the story of the Order. It Applies itself to high
philosophy, declares the re-establishment of the fire, the great Revelation of Light, studies the
religious legends of the various ages of antiquity and leads to the boldest Theosophical studies.”
It compromises the following degrees:

61 Knight of the Work of the Seven Colours; 77 Supreme Master of the Sloka;
62 Knight of the Temple of Truth; 78 Doctor of the Sacred Fire;
63 Sage of Heliopolis; 79 Doctor of the Sacred Vedas;
64 Priest of Mitra/Mithra; 80 High Knight of the Gilded Vliesses;
65 Prince of Truth; 81 High Knight of the Shining Triangle;
66 Sublime Kawi; 82 High Knight of the Fearsome Sadch
67 Most Wise Muni; Sadch;
68 Architect of the Mysterious city; 83 High Knight Theosophist;
69 Sublime Knight of the Holy Veil; 84 High Grand Inspector of the Order;
70 Commentator of the Symbol; 85 High Auserwahlter of the Lybian Chain;
71 Orphic Doctor; 86 High Master of the Shining Bird;
72 Custodian of the Three Fires; 87 High Master of Masonry;
73 (wanting); 74, Sovereign Master of 88 High Knight of the Kneph;
Wisdom; 89 Auserwahlter of the Mystic City;
75 Knight of the Golden Bough of Eleusis; 90 High Master of the Great Work.
76 Sovereign Grand Master of the Mystery;

The remaining were those of the Supreme Councils. The degrees are styled thus:

91 Grand Tribunal;
92 Grand Liturgical College;
93 Grand General Council;
94 Mystic Temple;
95 Sanctuary.

“This is a structure of the Order of Memphis in its complete Organization. As regards the
number of degrees, it explained that the three Orders or series are a symbol of the three sides
of a right angled triangle and contain the Wisdom of all Masonic degrees; for the first series
represents the Apprentice; the second, Fellow Craftsmen; the Third, Master Masons. The 90th
degree is perfect because the right angle of a right angled triangle is equal to the other two. It
does not appear to be necessary, however, that in order to pass into a series everyone should
have obtained all the degrees of the preceding series; he is only required to have worked in a
Lodge, or Chamber, of the lower Order and have at least been Initiated in some key degrees.
But in any case, he must first submit a written treatise for judgment by the Lodge, or Chamber,
into which he is to enter. As regard the last five degrees, they are invited, in the General
Meetings of deputies from all the Lodges or Chambers, to consider, confer and decide upon, by
a majority of Votes, all questions regarding the Order which do not exclusively pertain to the
competence of any of the Superior Councils.”

Finally the two remaining degrees are:

96. Sovereign Patriarch Grand Defender of Truth, Sovereign Sublime Magus of the 96th
Degree. (Equivalent to the Grand Master)
97. Grand Hierophant (Leader for all Rite of Memphis worldwide for life.)

Some tantalizing quotes from the degree work can be noted here. Within the 3˚ the candidate
represents Osiris. In the 4th degree, “Secret Master”, “...The human head cultivated the
dwelling place of God.” “knowing thyself is the key to knowing the true Name…” In the 6th
degree, “Sublime Master”, the focus is on the burial vault of Osiris and the Shekinah is
described in detail, the candidate represents Anubis. A quote from this degree, “The Obelisk is
four sides representing the tenets of the Rite of Memphis; Reverence, Truth, Justice and Purity.”

In the 13th degree, “The Royal Arch of Enoch”, those familiar with the tale will find it interesting
that each vault had a name plate above the doorway, inscribed with mystic words like, Jaho,
Jah, Eleial, Eliah, Joheb, Adonai, Elehannan, Jubel...etc. In the 14th degree, “The Secret Vault”,
there is a genealogical pedigree of everyone who had known the true word or name of God.
Further that “...the number of the corrupted name, is 9.”

Decor within these lodges was much more of an alchemical and ancient style. Symbols of
Egypt, Mesopotamia were prevalent as well as ideas like the Orphic Egg, the number nine, and
other important concepts related to Egyptian mythos.

Today Grand College of Rites owns the rituals and one can read them if they so choose,
however no one is allowed to exemplify them, not even for educational purposes. I would also

be remiss if I did not mention that the Rite is still in practice all over the world, regardless
whether or not Grand Lodges recognize them. Just a few years ago, there was a system being
worked in Tennessee, in the United States.

When one reads the books by Calvin C. Burt and others, one cannot help but feel as if they
were wronged. Yes there was a questionable practice in money for power and charters. But that
was the product of the day. To run something like this, was a job. One reads the rituals, and is
necessarily intrigued at the ancient concepts contained from within. It seems that the teachings
were very serious, that the members also had to be practitioners and had to pay lots of money.
These three things could set them aside as opposite to the rest of the craft in whole. By
comparison, the rest of Masonry pays little money, takes almost no time investment, and has no
element of practicing in regards to the philosophy of actual teachings.

It seemed that the Rite in whole was genuinely disheartened by the negativity put to it. I wonder
still if they deserved it. The dream of Gabriel Mathieu Marconis de Negra never truly emerged
but for a brief period, perhaps in the years 1815-1816. What started as a beautiful system was
tarnished by its members’ hunt for money and power, who became mixed up with the spurious
Rites of Misraim and especially the Cerneau Rite fiasco. It was post Morgan affair, a time when
Grand Lodges wanted nothing to do with high dollars and esoterics. It was just too weird and
wasn’t for the “everyman”. Dr. J A. Gottlieb called the Rite of Memphis, a “Religion.” Masonry
perhaps could not handle another controversy. Couple this fact that with so many Grand
Masters as members, all subordinate to one Grand Master or Hierophant, it didn’t make the
grand jurisdictions comfortable. The head of the Rites of Memphis could influence the Grand
Masters of states for nationwide direction.

To quote the good Doctor once more, J.A. Gottlieb claimed, “...Haut Grade (high grade)
Masonry was in use as far back as 2100 years before the Christian Era!” continues, “...It is
impossible to call into question the authenticity and legitimacy of the Rite of Memphis.”

Selected Bibliography

Burt, Calvin C. Egyptian Masonic History of the Original and Unabridged Ancient and Ninety-Six
(96) Degree ; Rite of Memphis. White & Floyd, 1879.

Gabirro, Rui Alexandre. A Complete History of the Ancient and Primitive Rite from Its
Establishment Down to the Present Time, Together with Translations of Original Manuscripts
and Illustrated. Sovereign Sanctuary of the 95th and Last Degree of the Ancient Rite Regular
Masonic Body of Freemasonry, 2002.

Yarker, John. Lectures of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Freemasonry. J.W. Petty and Sons,

Yarker, John. Secret High Degree Rituals of the Masonic Rite of Memphis. Kessinger, 2012.

Sovereign , Sanctuary Canada. Ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Egyptian Rite of Memphis
96˚. Sovereign Sanctuary Valley of Canada, Published: Unknown.


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