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Mathi Conzpuf. Modelling, Vol. I I, pp.

256-259,1988 0895-7177/88
Printedin Great Britain Pergamon Pressplc



Xingren Ying and I. Norman Katz

Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130

Abstract. New extraction methods have been developed by Babuska et al

which apply post-processing of finite element solutions to determine
generalized stress intensity factors and to compute stress singular terms
at corners. These quantities are of importance in fracture mechanics. The
new methods make use of an asymptotic expansion (in terms of
eigenfunctions) which describes the local behavior of displacements and
stresses. Eigenvalues are roots of a nonlinear eigenequation and must be
determined together with associated eigenfunctions prior to the use of the
finite element analysis. The coefficients in the asymptotic expansion are
then determined very efficiently from the finite element solution.

In the case of a composite wedge containing N?2 isotropic materials both

the formulation and the solution of the eigenequation are difficult.
Furthermore, in order to assure that the important lower order terms in the
asymptotic expansion are used, it is essential that all eigenvalues with
smallest real part be computed. Iterative solutions, which generally
converge only locally, may omit important eigenvalues. This paper
describes the formulation and solution of the eigenequation f(z)-0 for an
angular wedge composed of N>2 isotropic materials.

A new, reliable, root solving algorithm has been developed which determines
all the roots of an analytic function f(z) in a bounded domain D in the
complex plane. The algorithm automatically searches through D and returns
small domains which contain all the zeros of f(z) in D up to some
prespecified accuracy. The solver is based on an exclusion method an can
be implemented using any exclusion function (a function which excludes
domains having no zeros). A simple exclusion function is described, and a
method is presented to determine a bounded domain D which contains all the
zeros of f(z) for a large class of functions.

Kewords. Uniform formulation; stress singularities; composite materials;

eigenequation; eigenfunction.

This research was supported by the U.S. Air force Office of Scientific
Research under grant number AFOSR-82-0315.

INTRODUCTION which automatically return all eigenvalues with

small positive real parts and their correspond-
The study of stress concentrations is of ing eigenfunctions.
paramount interest in solid mechanics. In
particular the behavior of stresses at a corner 2. THE UNIFORM EIGENEQUATIONS
of a plate composed of several materials is of
importance, for example, in fracture mechanics. Consider plane stress in thin homogeneous
isotropic plates in extension. N-material meet
In linear elasticity, these stresses or their
The precise at an angle as shown in the figure.
derivatives are often unbounded.
nature of the stress singularity has received
much attention.

Recent developments in Finite Element Analysis

which use postprocessing [l], [2], [3] rely
heavily on knowledge of the nature of the
stress singularities. Several eigenvalues with
fractional positive real part and their as-
sociated eigenfunctions are needed. They are
used to achieve greater efficiency and higher
accuracy in the computation of various quan-
tities of engineering interest including stress
intensity factors.
where E is Young's modulus and Y is
Poisson's ratio for each material.
In this paper, we give a uniform eigenequation
for free and clamped boundary conditions of a
The concept Using the method in Williams' paper [5], we
uni-, bi- and trimaterial wedge.
employ computer symbolic operations on a large
of a dominated function is introduced and is
determinant described in [6] to yield the
used to find an upper bound for the imaginary
following results.
part of all eigenvalues whose positive real
part is less than a given number. A reliable
The uniform eigenequation for a uni-material
root solver is described and some of its
open wedge is
properties are proved. These results are used
in the implementation of a reliable program

Proc.6th Int.Conf.on Mathemn~icalModelling 251

DIW - $a, o + bl 01 (1) - C3,2a2,1C~:lal,0 - C3,2a2,1Cl,lbl,0
ba bb
where - C3,2b2,1Cl,lal,0 - C3,2b2,1Cl,lbl,0
- 2[(1-sO)(l-sl)cos2xsL-l], - a3,2C;:2"2,1Cl,O - a3,2C2,2b2,1C1,0
ba bb
- 2X2[1-Cos2el]+sO(2-sO)+sl(2-sL) - b3,2C2,2a2,1Cl,0 - b3,2C2,2b2,1Cl,0
bl,O ab ba
- a3.2C?lal,0 - a3,2c2,2b2,0 - b3,2C2,1al,0
0 if edge-0 is free, b; ab
so - t - b3.2C2.1bl.0 - a3.2C;:2a2,0 - a3,2C2,2b2,0
4 if edge-0 is clamped, ba bb
l+vl - b3,2C2,2a2,0 - b3,2C2,2b2,0 - a3,LCY:Lal,O
ab ba bb
0 if edge-l is free, - a3,1C1,1b1,0 - b3,1C1,1a1,0 - b3,1Cl,lbl,0
s1 - t + a3,2C;;2a2,1C;:lal,0 + a3,2C;:2a2,1C1,1bl,0
4 if edge-l is clamped.
l+vl ab ba ba aa
+ a3,2C2,2b2,1Cl,lal,0 + b3,2C2,2a2,1Cl,lal,0
ab bb ba ab
It is easy to verify that the uniform formula- + a3,2C2,2b2,1C1,1bl,0 + b3,2C2,2a2,1Cl,lb1,0
tion in (1) includes the three equations in [5] bb ba bb bb
for a single material. + b3,2C2,2b2,1Cl,lal,0 + b3,2c2,2b2,1cl,lbl,01
The uniform eigenequation for a bi-material
- 2[(1-so)cos2xel-1],
composite open wedge is a1,0
D2(X) - - 2[cos2x(02-e1)-1],
- 2[(1-s3)cos2x(s3-s2)-11,
%2 a2,O+b2,0+C2,lal,O+C2,lbl,O+a2,lCl,O+b2,1C1,O '3,2
- 2[(1-so)cos2x02-l],
ab ba - 2[(l-s3)cos2A(e3-el)-1],
-a2,1C~~lal,O-a2,1Cl,lb,l,o-b2,1Cl,lal.o - a3,1
- 2[(l-so)(l-s3)cos2xB3-11,
bb a3,0
b2,1C1,1b1,0] (2)
- 2x2[1-cos2e1] + So(2-So),
- 2x [1-cos2(s2-el)],
- 2((1-so)cos2xel-1],
%,o - 2x2[1-cos2(s3-s2)] + S3(2-S3)
- 2[(1-s2)cos2x(82-01)-11, b3,2
- 2[(1-s,)(l-s2)cos2xs2-l], - 2A2[1-cos2e2] + So(2-So),
a2,0 b2,0
- 2x2[1-cos2811 + So(2-So), - 2X2[l-cos2(s3-el)] + S3(2-S3)
bl,O b3,l
- 2X2[1-Cos2(s*-el)l + S2(2-S2), - 2A2[1-cos2e31 + So(2-So) + S3(2-S3),
b2,l b3,o
- 2x2[1-cos2e2] + So(2-So) + S2(2-S2), 0 if edge-0 is free,
so- t4
0 if edge-0 is free, if edge-0 is clamped,
so- t_ 4 if edge-0 is clamped,
if edge-3 is free,

0 if edge-2 is free, if edge-3 is clamped.

s2- c 4 if edge-2 is clamped
-1 -1
- E
-1, C3,1 - E2 (El -l),
ba -1-1
CT:1 - 61(61+El-l)/c1' cl,1 - 61(61+c1)/c1' %,O - E1(C2_L), '3,2 = '2 '
ab 2
Cbb - 61/'1, Caa
Cl,1 - 61(61-1)/cl' l,l CT:1 - 61(61+El-l)/Cl' 2,2- 62(62+E2-1)/C2'
ab ab
C2,1 - c;l-1, - cl-l,
Cl,0 Cl,1 - 61(61-l)/cl' c2,2 - 62(62-1)/E2'
-1 ba
Cba - 62(62+c2)/c2,
El - E2/El, 61 - E2(~2 - fil
-)/a. c1,1 - 61(61+9)/9' 2,2
2 2
Cbb - Q/El' Cbb - 62/"2#
The uniform formulation in (2) includes the L,L 2,2
different eigenequations for free and clamped ab ba
-l-l) + 26162/c1 + ('2-1)cl,l'
boundary conditions of an open wedge in 141. C;:l - C2,2(9
ab ab
- C2 2(+) + 26162/cl + (c~-L)C~~,
The uniform eigenequation for a tri-material c2,1
composite open wedge is ba bi
- c2 2(";L-L) + 26162/L1 + (c2-1)C;al'
bb b; bt;
D3(M - :[C3,lal 0 + C3 2a2 1Cl 0 + a3 2C2 0
- c2 2(~;1-1) + 26162/~1
, + (c2-1)cl,L’
'c "' "
+ C3,2a2,0 + a3,1 l,o + a3,0
'1 - E2/glv 61 - E2(r;l-r;l)/8,
+ C3,lbl,O + C3,2b2,1C1,0 + b3,2C2,0
c2 - E3/g2s 62 - E3(rj1-r+
+ C3,2b2,0 + b3,lCl,O + b3,0
258 Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling

For constant shear modulus JJ'.we prove the eigenequations. Then we choose the zero with
following theorem by induction. the smallest real part.

Theorem The idea for a solver based on a" exclusion

method is very simple. For a given bounded
For a" N-material composite plate with shear domain D, use the exclusion function EXCL(D).
modulus p constant in all sectors, the eigene- If EXCL(D) = TRUE then D contains no zeros, so D
quation is D(X)-0, is excluded (the empty domain is returned).
Otherwise D may have zeros. Divide D into
subdomains each with one half of diameter of D,
D(X) = ’ y ; [X2(Yi+1-Vi)(“j+l-Yj)C~s2(ej-Bi) test each subdomain again, until the size of the
2j-0 i-0 tested domain is less than the given accuracy.
(y;+l-v'i)(v'j+l-Y;) cos2x(Bj-Bi)l It is clear that this solver can easily be
implemented using parallel computations. We do
(4) not enter into the details here.
= 0 and B l,82,...,BN are the angles between Our root solver based on a" exclusion method is
eO presented as a psuedo-code in recursive form of
edge-0 and each interface up to edge-N. the procedure FIND(D,c).
vi - Yk k=1,2,...,N is Poisson's ratio for
Procedure FIND(D,E)
each material,

- VN+l - -1
if not EXCL(D) then
vb= -: if edge-0 is free,
t if edge-0 is clamped; if IDI/ 2 E then

if edge-N is free, partition D into similar domains

vi+1 = -3'
t if edge-N is clamped;
Di' i-1,2,...,2N where lDil - ID1/2, Vi

There are a" infinite number of zeros

(eigenvalues) for the eigenequations (l), (2),
(3) and (4), but the behavior of singularity is end do
dominated by the eigenvalue with smallest posi- else
tive real part. The concept of dominated output D
function and Theorem 2 are used to find a" upper end if
bound for the imaginary part of all zeros whose end if
positive real part are less than any given &.
positive number x0.
The procedure FIND(D,c) gives a reliable algo-
rithm to find all the roots of a system of
Definition. A Function G: IR++ IR is a nonlinear equations in a finite domain.
Find(D,c) returns all (small) domains which
Dominated Function of F: n c IRN --tIRN with
contain all the roots of f(z) in the domain D,
respect to the mapping B: n --tIR + iff and each small domain has a diameter less than
(a) IIF(x)II2 G(B(x)) V=n, 2E. It is easy to see that the effectiveness of
(b) there exists an ro, r. > 0 such that this algorithm depends upon the particular
exclusion function EXCL(D) which is used.
G(ro) 2 0 and
Theorem 3 gives a very efficient exclusion
(c) G is nondecreasing for all r > r1 where function.

G(rl) > 0.
Theorem 3. Assume that F is twice differenti-
able on a real or complex one- dimensional
Theorem 2. Assume that f(z) = F a Zk"n W. closed cube D, and that for each
n=O " . 1” d c D, IF"(x)1 5 M(d) < -, Vxed.
where a"@, k"?O, Win E(SinfJi"z, CosRi" z;ii"~O1
Let EXCL(d) 2 (IF(x)) > IF'(x)lr + $M(d)r2),
and ,j"b xi0 eio- Cinein>o, n = 1,2,...,N. Then where x is the center of d, r - ;ldl. Then:

all the zeros of f in n=(zcC IRe zI 5 x0) are in

(1) EXCL(d) is a" exclusion function;
the bounded domain (z~C IRe zI 5 x0, (2) The union of output domains of FIND(D,c)
converges to the set of zeros in D as c+O;
(Im zI 5 b(xo)) where b(xo) is any positive
(3) If x0 is a simple zero of F in D, in a
point of the Dominated Function
sufficiently small neighborhood of x0
G(y)=laoly II Sinhtiioy- 1 IaJP" _IICoshBi"y. FIND(D,c) almost always returns only the
i0 n=l I" domain which contains x0 when E is small;
MO. and where
(4) If x0 is a double zero of F in D, there is
2k 4Y
exp (-=) + xo)kn when k" > 0 a" upper bound on the number of domains
n returned by FIND(D,c) in a neighborhood of
x0 for any E;
1 when k" = 0
(5) The Running Time of FIND(D,c) Satisfies
T(c) = O(logt) = n(log$), if the given D
contains only simple and double zeros.
Now, we need a root solver to find all the zeros
in a bounded domain for these complicated For a proof see [6]
Proc. 6th Int. Cons. on Mathematical Mod&q 259

If an upper bound for the norm of the first or [31 Babuska, I., and Miller, A., The Post-
second derivative of F(z) is known on the domain processing Approach in the Finite Element
a priori (by study of the physics of the problem Method - Part 3: A Posteriori Error
or mathematical analysis or any other way), it Estimates and Adaptive Mesh Selection, Int.
can be used in the exclusion function directly. J. Nuxxer. Methods Eng. 20 (1984) 2311-2324.
In general, however, an upper bound of a func-
tion on a domain can be calculated in a [41 Dempsey, J.P., and Sinclair, G.B., On the
systematic way by using the concept of a Singular Behavior at the Vertex of a Bi-
"Dominating Function." material Wedge, J. Elasticity 11 (1981)
Definition. A function P: no c IRN+ IR is a Williams, M.L., Stress Singularities
Resulting From Various Boundary Conditions
Dominating Function for F: n c IRN --tIRN, iff P in Angular Corners of Plates in Extension,
is monotone in each dimension of no and I[F(x)III J. Appl. Mech. 19 (1952) 526-528.
P(x) Vxa, where "0 is a N-dimensional cube,
[61 Ying, X., A Reliable Automatic Root Solver
no 3 n. for Computers with Application to Stress
Analysis of a Composite Plane Wedge.
Obviously, the value of P at sane vertex of n Doctoral Dissertation, Washington
0 University in St. Louis (1986).
in n.
is an upper bound for //F(x)II Once a
dominating function P is known we can easily
obtain an upper bound of llF(x)/l
in any subdomain
of n by evaluating P at a vertex of a cube which
covers the subdomain.

The following algorithm offers a mechanical way

to construct a Dominating Function for a class
of explicitly given functions in two dimensions.

Aleorithm. Let F(x,y) = &,lI Wj be defined in

the first quadrant of the complex plane, where
Bj Bj'

wjaz ,e , Sinajz, Cos~jz, Sinhfijz, Coshpjz 1

z-x+iy, Vaj>O), oiE(c, Vi,j. Then P(x,y) =
C l~il ' is a dominating function for F(x,y)

if V. is determined by the following:


='j ~ (x2 + y2)'j'2, eSjZ ~ eBjX.

Singjz + Cosh fljy , COS,~~Z + Coshajy,
Sinhajz -+ Coshfljx , Cosh/Jjz + Coshajx.

The Domination Function P(x,y) here is non-

decreasing in the x and y directions.


An automatic computer program E-VALUES, which

uses input geometry and material property data,
to find all eigenvalues with smallest positive
real part, is based on the results above. The
associated program E_FUNCTS is used to find the
corresponding eigenfunctions. The computation
of most of the eigenfunctions is straight-
forward, but we consider also a logarithmic
eigenfunction and an adaptive technique. For
the computer programs, numerical examples and
details, see [6].


Cl1 Babuska, I., and Miller, A., The Post-

processing Approach in the Finite Element
Method - Part 1: Calculation of
Displacements, Stresses and Other Higher
Derivatives of the Displacements. Int. J.
Numer. Methods Eng., 20 (1984) 1085-1109.

[7-I Babuska, I., and Miller, A., The Post-

processing Approach in the Finite Element
Method - Part 2: The Calculation of Stress
Intensity Factors, Int. J. Numer. Methods
Eng., 20 (1984) 1111-1129.

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