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Doane Christian International School Foundation, Inc.

5th Avenue Ledesco Village, La Paz, Iloilo City


I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson about 90% of grade 7 students must be able to:
1. define what microscope is;
2. identify the parts of microscope;
3. demonstrate the proper way of using compound microscope;
4. Label the parts of microscope; and
5. value the use microscope in our daily lives.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic:
 The Microscope

B. Key concepts
 Types of Microscopes
a. Simple Microscope
b. Compound microscope
 The Parts of a CLM are categorized into three: illuminating parts, magnifying parts
and mechanical parts.

C. Materials: Laptop, Projector, Learner’s Material, Science 7 book,Compound microscope

D. References:
 Science 7 Textbook
 Reece Jane B, Campbell Biology. 9th ed.. Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as
Pearson Benjamin.

D. Science Process Skills:

 Observing( Basic)
 Measuring (Basic)
 Inferring (basic)
 Comparing (Basic)
 Classifying (Basic)

E. Scientific Attitude/Value Foci:

 Curiosity
 Beliefs
 Open-mindedness
 Objectivity
 Patience
 Accuracy
 Responsibility
III, Learning Tasks/ Developmental Activities
A Pre- Activity
1. Prayer
 Appoint student to lead the prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Review
 Let the students recall the different types of cells
 Use Venn diagrams to differentiate the parts of plants and animal cells
4. Motivation
 Let the students read and explain the quotation “ The eye of a human being is a microscope, which
makes the world seem bigger that it really is”- Khalil Gibran

5. Presentation
 Introduce the topic of the day
 Define what microscope is
 Discuss the development and its historical of microscope
 discuss the different types of microscope
 explain the parts and function of compound microscope
 demonstrate the proper way of using compound microscope

B. Activity Proper
 Let the students draw the compound microscope in a short/Long bond Paper and let them label the

C. Assessment
 In a one whole piece of paper student will:
A. explain the importance of microscope ( 10 points)
B. arrange the following sentences on how to use the microscope properly. Use 1-6 number to show
your arrangement.

_________A. Turn off the power,lower the stage, remove your specimen and cover the equipment with a
dust- repellant cover.
_________B. Look through eyepiece
_________C. turn the nose piece turret until the shortest lens is above your sample.
_________D. reposition the slide as necessary to situate the area of desire study directly under your gaze.
_________E.Inspect the head. The head holds the optical elements, which include the eyepiece and
eyepiece tube, the nose piece, and the objective lenses.
_________F. Position your sample between 2 pieces of glass to make a slide.

D. Agreement
 Let the students bring the following materials for the next day experiment. (Materials can be found on
science 7 textbook page 106)
“ For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.”
2 timothy 1:7

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