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Chapter 2

1.7 Review of Related Literature

1.7.1 ARCHITECTURAL Relevance to green building to sustainability

According to (Franco, Pawar, & Wu, 2020) the start of shifting to “green” has been a trend
worldwide that serve as a strategical method to ensure sustainability of green building attributes.
The purpose of receiving a certification is to comply the guidelines, conditions and needs that is
based on the specific country’s standards. Moreover, to receiving a certification, they may also
receive incentives from the local government (LGU) or the private sector in recognition of the
applying of green building development. A new character of this has been pursued since the start
of the twentieth century. In response to the emergence of new issues like ozone depletion,
climate change (Carlsson, 2017)—and biodiversity loss, the call for sustainable development
emerged resolve these issues. (Gutierrez, et al., 2018). To minimize the current conditions, an
existing “Green Building Code” (GB) of the Philippines that introduces through the framework of
setting the minimum standards, mitigation of harmful effect of climate change, and efficient
planning of the proposed area. Organic Architecture in Design Principles and characteristics:

According to (AJ, 2020), the structure must be able have a unique form and stand on its
own with using the principles and characteristics of organic architecture. The nature of the
location influences the form and function of the building and site. Supported by (Bulatović, 2016),
the concept of architectural style is characterized by its "simplicity" form. So basically, Frank Lloyd
Wright’s interpretive of organic complex form is created through straight lines and rectilinear
forms. By observing the curvy shapes of natural forms, such as trees and later rendered with
straight lines. Another goal of simplicity is to achieve quiet, tranquil, and serene space that fits
the environment for human comfort and growth. Having this type of concept does not necessarily
require an ornamental decoration. This is can only applicable if the development of the material
or characterization of the facade treatment is needed. The structure must exert a sense of
protection and shelter, preventing inhabitants from feeling exposed and unprotected while also
lacking in privacy. The building style is also intended to reflect the unique personality of the
person associated with it, showing areas its own unique charm. Moreover, (Ackaouy, 2020)
concluded that Wright’s idea of imitation of the building, that a structure should rather interpret
the principles of the existing nature of the place, analyzed by human intellect to create forms
more natural than copying the nature form itself. This means that the form, texture, pattern,
proportion, rhythm, and color scheme must be studied carefully from its location in order to
complement in the natural elements. These recent studies have provided insight into the basic
principles and characteristics of an organic architecture. Design guidelines and regulations of nursing home in post pandemic

In the year 2020, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 began to spread, resulting in making new
policies and regulations to prevent from affecting humans. Various implementation conducted
by the government and private sectors including social distancing and wearing of mask as the
primary rules to follow. After following the rules for over a year, people stopped fearing the virus
in 2022. Thus, the government lifted mask bans and crowding restrictions. Although the higher
official's regulations have been lifted, it is still important to be aware and protect oneself from
the virus. The purpose of this article stated by (Andersoon, et al., 2020), pertain to the quality of
life, infection control and resilience of older people across multiple scales and the proposed living
area settings. Further discussion of this paper seeks to promote social integration and
engagement as well as cultural resilience in order to identify each building's contribution to
community integration. As for (Ranieri, 2018) stated that it is also important to consider the city
to identify the traffic congestion, accessibility of other establishments, transportation, and
security. All these practices influence the health and well-being of the elderly in the built
environment, including external spaces and buildings, as well as housing. The article mentioned
an example of a disabled person should be separate from other person of based functional ability.
This is because some may have experience of the lose of senses, like sight, tact, smell, hearing,
and taste—it is mentioned that the body systems can also be affected. Each elder have a different
loss so this must be properly considered. Relevance to Organic Architecture as the building style
Architectural styles have always been important to understand the uniqueness of the
structure. An integration of organic architecture and the socio-economic development has led an
important role in the application of developing a design.

Organic Architecture is not a style that imitates nature but an interpretation that nature
is used to develop forms to look natural than nature itself. Using nature as a concept design is a
way of connecting and expressing individuality. Based on the article of (Shumaker, 2020)
addressed the influence of form and functional constraints on communal living, architectural
efficiency, industrial living and family life. The ability to design an organic architecture contains
not only the concept of the building's structure, but also the efficiency of life. The author also
included two key relevance’s in relation to organic designs and sustainable architecture, namely:
(1) developed theme form and (2) function. According to (Bystrova, 2020) the complexity of
architectural form detracts from the visual and physical space, as well as the mental
(psychological), cultural, social, and environmental state of the human, while also fostering a
sense of harmony. The mention above is important to analyze the different inclusion to achieve
the building for, in this case it there will be further discussions on the following.

1.7.2 SOCIAL Relevance of Social Participation approach among Elderly

In this article, the Handfestival is a transdisciplinary research program in which

researchers will primarily observe, interview, and converse with elders, staff, and visitors to
inform and engage with the community according to the scope of activity to impose. Known as
“artistic research”, it is an approach conducted by expertise in engaging social participation
through art. The expertise/artists will provide activities to comprise an “aggregation method”
that helps the participants to engage socially in all aspects, including their relationships, building
trust, and solve other community issues. In this matter, the outcome of this shared activity
demonstrates the social engagement of community settings in terms of art methods and
innovative healthcare strategies. This article is concerned with the participants' health and well-
being through social practice art and creativity. Since it encourages participants to gather after
discovering minor revelations and slight perception shifts, this develops to discuss their ideas and
work as a team regardless of their role as employees, elders, or guests. (Macarow, et al., 2021) Relevance of Social Participation for Frailty Elders

This article aims to classify the frequency of social participation for frailty elders in
a community. The factors associated, including gender, age, education, comorbidities and
diseases. That made hypothesis whether if; 1.) there is a decrease of risk diverse social
participation due to physical frailty and 2.) the different engaging impacts of physical frailty in
social activities. It is stated that the public health was challenged due to the increasing of physical
frailty and vulnerability. Therefore, it is essential that the physical frail and non-frail elderly
should separate in terms of social activities to reduce the risk for adverse health outcomes. The
classification of frequency should be taken into consideration to meet the elder’s preference of
social participation that can create more opportunities. (Xie & Ma, 2021) Relevance of Physical Activity in Social Participation among Elderly

According to this article, healthy aging can be defined as "the process of preserving and
enhancing the functional capacity that enables well-being in later years. When participating an
activity, whether alone or with someone else, is vital for healthy aging. Particularly, physical
exercise and social engagement have been identified as key factors of healthy aging. The authors
cited that regular physical activity and social engagement can improve the quality of life, physical,
mental, and social and wellness for the elderly. The goals of social activities may vary in: engaging
an activity with others, alone but surrounded with people, interacting with others without
engaging in a specific activity, engaging in an activity with others, helping and contributing to
society. (Fain, et al., 2022). The study of (Fujihara, et al., 2022) examines the contextual
relationship between types of social participation at the community level and functional
disability. It was mentioned that the separation of volunteers’ sports, hobby, neighborhood
groups, and functional disability are assessed by its individual and community level. This means
to evaluate the prevalence of the said activity. As a result, sports and hobby groups in a
community are being promoted to assist elders in preventing function disability. One its
functional disability is the visual impairment poses’ a barrier of social participation. According to
the findings of (Yosida et al., 2020), visual impairment affects the participation of the elderly in
activities such as reading, outdoor mobility, and shopping. According to previous research,
"horizontal" organizations (distinguished by non-hierarchical, equitable relationships) increase
the effectiveness of promoting teamwork. However, whether it is horizontal or vertical
organization must be clarified. It is best to include this study in order to improve relations with
the community. Relevance to Social connectedness among Elderly

The article aims to identify a “photovoice method” as a method of participation-based

action research to collect a primary date method in which participants express by taking
photographs. It empowers to promote community’s health services with those experiencing
unheard and hidden stories that affect them. Using photovoice, elders learned that these
pictures being captured tells a story and the reality of life. It conveys personal concepts and
information to promote interventions and physical activity for social connectedness. By sharing
sessions with transcripts which will generate with diverse perspectives of each participants. This
will allow the authors to investigate a variety of aspects, including social and spatial preparation.
(Adithi, et al., 2022)


The outcome of a good design is based on society and the beliefs of the community itself.
According to the article written from European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences
(2014), in all countries people try to live up to their standards and maintain their values in
architectural construction by applying their collaborative ideas and available resources. So, from
the researchers’ good application of design and proper maintenance of its culture, it could give a
good impact on the architecture and its blueprint on society. In other words, architecture
represents and has a profound impact on the culture of a nation that is integrated into every
aspect of human life. Architecture derives from society's culture (Parvizi, 2009). This indicates
that architecture is tasked to remain the earliest values of culture alone and as a result, it is
regarded as the element of identity in the cultural sector, make visible the coherence of culture
and architecture in the magic world of architecture (Bemanian, Gholamirostam, Rahmtapnah,
2010). Although too much application of the design approach could lead to unpleasant
aesthetics, there should be control and application of "firmitas'' so that it has the capacity to
regulate impacts and safeguard approval levels.


The main concerned users, which is the elderly in nursing homes, experience different
mental health problems, according to Drageset et. al. (2015) in a study on the elderly residing in
nursing homes that most of the senior citizens suffer mentally because of their life’s agonizing
experiences. These old people show symptoms of anxiety and depression, relating to mental
health as well as physical pain and emotional constraints. One of the reasons why the elderly
experience struggles with their mental health is because of the lack of social relationships as
these individuals grew older where liveliness and cognitive relationships are linked to social
integrations as well as attachment.

As stated in the article, old people tend to have a behavioral preference when it comes
to different activities that can be done outdoors which is also affecting their mental health. The
findings in the article states that the elderly demonstrates different predilection for the primary
foundations of content-based landscapes according to its practicality and aesthetic. Through the
line of sight of the elderly, they can understand the spatial arrangements of the environment that
can be found outdoors. With different factors like lighting, temperature and ventilation, this
creates a significance which is affecting the sensory perception of the elderly people. Therefore,
in order for the elderly people to cope with their mental health as well as their behavior, a
creative transformation of the outdoor space or environment is a must with a comprehensive
and expansive design. (Liu et. al., 2021). Through creating concepts, designers will be able to
make a liveable community development for the elderly, according to Ricci (2018), in order to
please the users which are the senior citizens, designers must create new patterns that suits them
concept matching aims to connect new information with specific traits of an existing prototype
rather than matching an incoming pattern to a previously recorded pattern. The author also said
that buildings affect the emotions of people and that it is a need to really look into it as designers
because the researchers are dealing with a cluster of people who are fragile and is in need of
proper attention.

In a research conducted by Zhang (2021), buildings for the elderly greatly affect their
psychological or mental characteristics and can even ease or cause nerve restoration. The first
thing to be focused on when designing a structure that is intended for the elderly or old people
is their safety, ensuring that in any condition or occurrences these people get to receive comfort.
The important thing is to obtain the humanized design to provide emotional and psychological
needs of the senior citizens from the care provided by the staff as well as develop designs that
can help improve the quality of life of its users. This can also be achieved through creating a sense
of attachment through humanized or domesticated design. A study conducted by Ricci (2018)
also stated that structures give people the sense of pleasure when designers integrate
architectural features that the brain of a human being is familiar with, something that helps these
people associate different attributes that helps the brain function better.


Recognizing that environmental assessment tools promote different kinds of measures,

researchers should examine whether this leads to a substantial reduction in the environmental
impact of buildings and to a more sustainable architecture. From its user itself e.g. seniors, this
involves creating a sense of purpose and impressing not only for good visuals with the
environment, but also through interaction with nature. In the opinion of Humbert et al. [2007]
there is a major difference between the LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
version 2.2 weighing the questions and estimating the environmental impact on the life cycle.
The architectural conception succeeds not only in rendering justice to the users, but also in
analyzing the situation of the future development of nature. This impact or the subsequent
objectives and goals of this proposal is to give users "green architecture" for it to develop an
aesthetic concept of atmospheres. While sustainability evaluation and certification systems "are
not initially designed to serve as design guidelines" (Ding, 2008:456). These tools like inclusion of
green architecture or all principles and components of sustainability can be used to determine
key indicators and can measure the durability of a variety of remedies during the design

Corresponding to The Global Status Report (2017), over the next 40 years, the footprint
of the building industry will double, adding over 230 billion square meters of new construction.
In other words, it is important as a comprehensive measure, how corporate development models
can maximize continued existence to promote social, economic and technological progress
through the efficient use of natural resources and strength. In reaching this objective, researchers
should consider the necessary approach or strategic plan to a more convenient and sustainable
future existence on the proposed plan. This means that researchers should maximize their ideas
by rethinking the plan that must be corrected for it to better understand the impacts of climate
change in the context of rapid urbanization and economic crisis.

Safe Haven: An Organic Architecture Approach Community Living Complex for

Retirement, Abused, Abandoned, and Disabled Elderly in Cebu City

Organic Psychological
Social Cultural Environmental
Architecture Concerns

Application the Introducing the effects

Principles of Organic of social participation The Role of Culture in LEED certification as
Shaping while on the development of Promoting Architectural Psychological Effects of booster for sustainable
Classifying Organic physical frailty (Xie & Identity (Karimi, Kari the Design (Ricci, 2018) buildings (Humbert
Architecture (Bystrova, Ma, 2021) 2014) 2007)

Architectural Solution
for Green building Relevance of art and
social practice in health Outdoor Environment
policies in cities Architecture derives World Green Building
and elder care contexts (Visual-Behavioural
(Franco, Pawar, & Wu, from society's culture Council (Abergel,Dean
(Macarow, et al., 2021) Relationship) (Liu,
2020) (Parvizi, 2009) and Dulac 2017)
(Macarow, et al., 2021)

Importance of
sustainable building
technologies (Calrsson,

Introducing Design
Guidelines for Seniors
(Ranieri, 2018)

1.9.1 ARCHITECTURAL Applying the Principles of Organic Shaping while Classifying Organic Architecture

The emergence of organic architecture in the 21st century in the world has been applied
through environmental, culture, and healthy lifestyle trends. Modernization is gaining popularity
in a variety of locations, industries, and cities. Introducing the context of “organic architectural
form” is an integration of internal structure and deep relationship of each parts, regardless of
any scale. Moreover, this study aims to explore more features of external form from the different
interpretations and creations of the author.

Identifying organic shapes in architecture provides a detailed review of its principles,

which can be determined through the aesthetic, design, and creative in the physical characteristic
of an area. Resulting that several classifications is identified is an invariant principle. It was
determined that for a building to have a whole form, it must involve rationale, aesthetic,
isomorphism in relation to people, proportion, and natural connection of the development. Architectural Solution for Green building policies in cities

This research presents two significant analyses for a deeper understanding of the
architectural solution to achieve sustainable development. According to the study, theory
generally states that there is a higher possibility of green building development to enhance the
energy efficiency and low-carbon in the community. However, these advantages can only be
acknowledged if the government’s policies will address the current conditions of Metro Manila.

Matters of Concern:

• Energy Efficiency (Airtightness)

In the Philippines, where humidity is high, unwanted infiltration and humidity access can
fill up the air conditioning system and lowers the air quality. Air tightness must be optimized
when planning and designing buildings. Windows, doors, joints, and service entry points should
be specified. Although these strategies are low-cost to implement but require detailed plan.
Building air tightness is essential for both health and fire safety. To reduce the risk of airborne
contamination, the building envelope must have controlled ventilation. In terms of fire safety, air
tight buildings will reduce the occurrence of unpredictable rapid fires

The basic requirement implemented by the, building must have an unenclosed entrance
and the location of heavy traffic should provide a door-closer. Furthermore, weather-stripping
should be used on windows and doors to prevent cool air from escaping and warm air from
entering. There are two strategies to test leaks of airtight; fan pressurization and tracer gas. The
fan pressurization test is used to place a fan and blower door in an open area as this creates a
static and uniform pressure. The tester will be able to determine the building's airtightness by
measuring the pressure difference across the envelope. Tracer gas is sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)
that is injected into building components such as air ducts to determine the amount of gas
remaining using a gas analyzer.

• Glass Properties
Reducing the amount of glazing in relation to the wall assembly is recommended in order
to lessen the amount of heat transfer through the wall and into the building. The analyses were
conducted based on the window to wall ratio (WWR), Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and
Visible light Transmittance (VLT). The optical effectiveness of the model is dependent on the ratio
between the glazed surface and the gross façade area of the window to wall ratio (WWR), visible
light transmittance (VLT), which is the percentage of visible light that passes through the glass,
thus influencing the use of artificial lighting. Solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) and thermal
transmittance determine thermal performance (U-value). The proper design and selection of a
window system is one of the most important strategies for conserving a building's energy.

The application of low-emissivity coating, gas fills, and spacers in glazing minimizes the
building's energy load on human comfort. To optimize building energy load by selecting an
appropriate window glass material. A method of examining the optimal window performance by
using a computer simulation tool. A commercial fenestration tool (COMFEN) or an Energy Plus
software is a reliable tool to track annual simulation data. Moreover, ASHRAE standard describes
the climate classification based on thermal conditions of a place to calculate the building energy
consumption. The use of passive solar design strategies to cool a building an prevent solar heat
from entering through walls and windows. This can be achieved with the integration of active
solar cooling technologies (ASCTs). Climate change is a significant issue affecting thermal and
visual discomfort caused by the sun's extreme heat. Applying electrochromic glass reduces glare
and modifies tinted glass from 1% total darkness to 60% clear visible light while maintaining the
view outside.
• Roof Insulation
Insulation can lessen the strain on the HVAC system by preventing unwanted heat from
entering a building and increasing the thermal comfort, acoustic quality, and airtightness of the
structure. The intensity of tropical that the roof naturally absorbs the sun's heat during daylight,
so it's crucial to choose a painting energy reflectance and thermal emissivity of roof planes to
improve the performance of cool roofs.

The performance of a roof treated with reflective insulation with a combination of Low E
paints has shown a reduction of 10%-53% in tropical areas. In the evaluation of the summertime
measurements revealed that the white reflective paint reduced surface temperatures by 11
degrees Celsius compared to the regular paint. It also describes that the calculation heat
transfer rate of natural convection in a roof with an area of 400 square meters, a temperature
rises of 27 °C, and an air temperature of -3 °C and a coefficient average of 10 W/m^2m.
Furthermore, the authors suggested that in a tropical climate, passive cooling is highly
advantageous. The priority should be given to passive cooling performance over insulation. So,
there is the potential for substantial energy savings if bamboo is hybridized with a rooftop
vegetation layer. The purpose of this study is to conduct a standalone polystyrene and bamboo
operation with the integration of rooftop vegetation.
• Passive Cross Ventilation
By optimizing the use of natural air and light at the existing site, it is possible to save a lot
of energy consumption. Cross ventilation is accomplished by placing windows on the opposite
walls, producing an air current across the area. According to as buildings become more airtight,
effective ventilation is extremely important. In order to cleanse the air inside a building of
contaminants like excess moisture, VOCs, and CO2, ventilation is essential, activities like cooking,
cleaning, and heating are major contributors to these pollutants.

The growing trends for buildings in the cities of Philippines is DMCI Homes’ Lumiventt
Technology. This green architecture design is a free flow of natural light and air. In addition, it
enables a three-story garden atrium for every five floors and vents on both sides of the
building, comprising the fundamental principles of breathable airflow design technology.

• Water Efficiency (Rainwater Harvesting)

Large urban areas, such as Cebu City, consumes a huge amount of water usage. To achieve
an efficient water consumption, promoting rainwater harvesting and water recycling treatment
provides an opportunity to analyze the strategic and multifunctional purpose through
socioeconomic and environmental services.

In the month between June to November, the Philippines are mostly experience rainy
season. The authors states that depending on the location, rainwater harvesting should
consider the minimum size of a storage tank depending on the demand. Additionally, the
Rainwater Catchment System optimizes new methods and strategies to enhance a healthy
alternative to harvest rainwater.
• Material Sustainability
Material Sustainability regulate all issues relevant to resource efficiency, material
selection, and use with low environmental impact. Non-Toxic building materials that do not
contain hazardous or toxic chemicals which might cause Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and usually
leads to Building-Related Illness (BRI).

Furthermore, the local materials should implement and aim for LEED certification across
the country. The best example of this issue in parameter of this category such as; bamboo, fly
ash bricks, wood, non-VOC paints, fiber cement. Integrating green construction methods into
design and construction generates environmental and economic benefits.

• Solid Waste Management

Implementation of sustainable waste management practices and use of eco-friendly
materials are necessary for effective environmental services. For the collection and separation of
solid waste materials, an MRF must be provided.

The operation of the MRF’s solid waste management system implements the five
components: processing and treatment, storage, collection, waste generation, and disposal. The
proper way of storing waste is to segregate the biodegradable, nonbiodegradable, and recyclable
use. Furthermore, a solid waste management plan is required in order to ensure the safety of the
general public and a clean environment.
• Site Selection
The adoption of planning, design, construction, and operation practices that reduce the
negative impact, ease of access of buildings on ecosystems and water resources is necessary for
the sustainability of a site.

The following are a list of site selection criteria: Buffer Distances, site suitability, proximity
to waste source, zoning, and conservation values. The site selected should ease of access to other
establishments. t may also include elements that can be categorized by the economic, natural,
recreational, and ecological state — with its significant impact on the natural and social
environment as well as their location.

A comprehensive examination framework was chosen due to its multidisciplinary

approach that focuses on internal and external connection—through the nature, psychology,
economy and community state, and the location. Both mentioned frameworks are essential for
evaluating the appropriate design policy and imposing the scientific and rational concern for the
intangible and tangible aspects of the city's sustainability. Importance of Implementing sustainable building technologies

One of the benefits of green building is examining the effects of adjacent areas of the
selected site in order to reduce unintended risks and consequences. The methods and strategies
should incorporate the following awareness such as: (1) implementing policies in terms of the
local condition (2) public acceptance and support of the development. This article encourages
the LGU’s and private sectors to consider these factors in designing and implementing green
buildings. Second are the different elements of modifying a better stage design such as: (1)
material choice (2) passive-cross ventilation (3) self-driven buildings (4) water conservation and
reuse (5) flood management, and (6) cool roofs. The combination of the two methods will result
in a more effective solution to the problem. Implementing Design Guidelines for Seniors

This study provided a broad overview of the process of designing a facility for senior
citizens and the physical environment of the city. Since the city has the potential to have an
impact on the site development, the discussion of spatial framework on scales ranging from
macro to micro is considered as well. Spatial framework supports understanding of the issues
surrounded—the life experiences of older people, community integration, and the quality of life
in nursing homes, which are also crucial for resilience.

Matters of Concern:

Category 1: Implementation of land use planning

Concerning land-use issues and surrounding land impacts, it is best to investigate the
site's topography, physical features, soil type, and geology for development control. Given the
existence of natural disasters, it is essential to investigate the vulnerability of the location.

The following issues must be addressed in the practice of development control:

- Wetlands and other adjacent sensitive environments.

- physical infrastructure availability (water and electricity, accessible roads etc.)
-social infrastructure availability (hospital, public transport etc.)
- scale of site
- proposed development density
-disposal of waste management
-car parking on-site

Category 2: Affordability of Housing

This is intended for the pensioners who can receive beneficiaries monthly. The purpose
of this procedure is to find an affordable housing and other amenities. The construction materials
are the primary factors to lessen the low-cost housing construction. The five building materials
are mentioned such as: (1) improved concrete panels, (2) earth brick/block, (3) adobe blocks, (4)
interlocking recycled material blocks, and (5) bamboo.

Category 3: Environment Information for visual context

This category includes design strategies that emphasize the approach of wayfinding to
prevent wandering and risky behavior. Visual cues play an important role for seniors, this includes
signposting, room number, and colors. Sizes of text and icons should also be included. Cognitively
impaired residents have unique environmental requirements and characteristics that differ from
those of non-impaired residents. Wayfinding and orientation are crucial aspects that require
spatial orientation and a cognitive map as a source of information. Moreover, in the internal
building use, to assist residents in locating their rooms, placing of nameplates, portrait-style
images, or personal items can be placed outside of rooms.

Category 5: Environmental Attributes for physical comfort

This category includes all the design interventions that address issues pertaining to noise
levels, lighting, acoustics, thermal comfort, and the application of patterns, contrast, and color.
Bright light therapy is said to have a positive effect on sleep. A higher luminance level to enhance
vision may be beneficial for the functional abilities and oral intake of residents. Thus the,
adequate lighting should be one of the primary architectural objectives, and the same can be said
for acoustics. In contrast, pleasant sounds were found to be positively stimulating and conducive
to a comfortable environment. There is evidence that residents benefit from the application of
color with awareness and care, including the use of strong color contrast.
Category 6: Adaptive techniques to promote independence

The quality of life of a resident can be significantly improved by having a well-deigned

bathroom. It is important to keep in mind that the attributes of the transition of using a flooring
material and friction coefficient of the surface prevents from falling. Additionally, utilizing
handrails and guardrails can help prevent from falling in restrooms, corridors, and walkways.

Category 7: Development of public space of the communal facility

The purpose of designing a public space should serve the users wellness by providing
spaces to relax, enjoy outdoors, and socialize. Moreover, the public space should consider a
proper planning to fulfill the systematic considerations of the development. General provisions
to be included while planning first is to layout for social connection. It is appealing that people
can engage through the proximity to each other, the users will be able to socialize. In addition,
the researchers will be able to classify based on the type of activities provided. The second step
is to include vegetation to make the area more inviting. The presence of vegetation calms and
uplifts the mood of users; consequently, they will be able to differentiate between materials such
as concrete and metals that dominate the landscape. As a byproduct of photosynthesis, plants
can improve air quality and generate oxygen. Third is the space's adaptability, which should
consider the location's longevity. Having a spacious and open area is a great method of
implementing a flexible and long-term use. It also provides more space to enjoy and experience
a better quality of life. Establish the effects of social participation on the development of physical frailty

It is important to analyze a deeper understanding of the social participation solution in

achieving a healthy communal living. To do so, encouraging social participation in communal
living reduces the risk of vulnerability in elders. The study's further discussion of specific kinds of
activities to engage in is based on the functional disability of the elderly. The older adults are
measured using modified frailty phenotype criteria. As the social participation is engaged in a
variety of activities such as interacting with friends, community-related organizations, voluntary
activity and playing collaborative games.

Social participation an engagement of activities that provide interaction with others in

the society or community. It also contains participation in community activities. Depending on
the common resources, social participation in which an individual shares resources with other

The following are the three categories:

Matters of Concern:

Category 1: social participation as a group

It is classified as activities shared by members of a group where time is the primary

source of sharing and the purpose is specifically connected to the group itself, an example is a
group travel.

Category 2: social participation as productive

It includes engaging others in service and receiving a benefit in return. This type of
participation, such as volunteering or sharing knowledge, involves the sharing of skills and

Category 3: social participation as political

This requires group decision-making and resource allocation. These services facilitate
individual or group knowledge and social competence sharing. Relevance of art and social practice in health and elder care contexts

A transdisciplinary research study mandated by professional artists is a type of activity

comes on a weekly basis to examine the elders and place in terms of interaction, sharing of
knowledge, and cooperation of elders, carers, staffs, friends, and family members. The setting
for this movement is that artists will demonstrate the elders and working staff the art event
activity. There are also other ways for artists to get people involved in social activities, through
events, experiences, or artifacts.

Participation in art practices improves social interaction and fosters a sense of

interconnectedness among participants. Further research reveals that the interconnection of art
and health is a way to promote social practice as well as to foster relationships between elders
and other participants.

1.9.2 CULTURAL The Role of Culture in Promoting Architectural Identity (Karimi, Kari 2014)

The good effect of "venustas" or the approach of beauty on the architecture is caused by
the appropriate limit of designs and considering the perceptions of its particular culture from
where it originates. At this time, the relationship between architecture and culture should be
prioritized. This definition calls for appropriate research or models on specific cultural values. To
suggest the relationship between culture and architecture, in particular in the field of psychology,
clarifies the need to take care of the relationship between humans and their artificial
environment. This means that architectural identity is described in culture and tradition. The
architecture based on today's historic culture and traditions is architecture with the identity that
is and will always be with us. Hence, Cebu Culture is diverse and fascinating to learn and to testify.
Cebuanos' methods are unique in spite of the inflow of other regional practices. The most
significant architectural and cultural features are some perceptions, such as in form and
decoration that could be visibly seen along the roads of Carcar. But architectural structures were
still founded upon traditional architecture and cultural continuity was still evident in the hidden
precepts and layers of Cebu's best of architecture. Architecture derives from society's culture (Parvizi, 2009)

This narrative article discusses everything that needs to be taken into account at the
preliminary design stage that architecture is a complete symbol of human cultivation in the
promotion of architectural identity based on library documents and studies. Consequently, close
interaction with the structural, historical, political, economic and social characteristics of society
is very important if it is to have the greatest impact on architecture or the post-conception stage.
Therefore, the result on such structure portrays the role of culture in promoting architectural
identity and could be the notion that architecture is reflective of a culture as a strong idea and
will continue to inspire aspiring architects. Thus, the continuation of culture in this period could
result and form a community identity. So, if we outline the architectural character in culture and
tradition, the architecture premised on the needs, culture and practices of the present and not
of the past are an architecture with an identity and that distinctiveness is and will always be with

1.9.3 PSYCHOLOGICAL CONCERNS Psychological Effects of the Design (Ricci, 2018)

One of the important things to consider when dealing with a proposed integrated
community development is how it affects its users through its overall environment, there are
several studies which state that physical and the mental health of occupants of a said building
gets to be improved through design. Due to the state of the users which are the elderly, designers
need to consider factors such as social, psychological and physiological that are experienced by
older people because they tend to be more sensitive, flimsy and are greatly prone to getting
issues emotionally and spiritually. Age-related facilities are in high demand today, and the
wellbeing of the aged, both physically and mentally, is becoming more and more important. As a
result, aging must be considered while designing spaces for the elderly. There is a need for a
concept for the elderly, whether it occurs in nursing homes, a mix of medical care, or at home. In
order to legitimately look into the psychology of the senior citizens, there are certain
psychological mannerisms that are considered, and these are loneliness, regression as well as
attachment and the list goes on. These characteristics are important so that with the use of
architecture, this can aid the special psychological needs of the elderly for them to have an
optimistic view of life. Outdoor Environment (Visual-Behavioral Relationship) (Liu, 2021)

There are passive and active ways on how the elderly engage with their surroundings that
reflect the senior citizen’s visual as well as behavioral preferences, with the results conducted in
the article that is how they have concluded that visual and behavioral are inextricably linked.
Having great landscape components gives the elderly a big influence on whether they would be
more likely to enter the space or not which helps defend that the experience is typically thought
to be greatly important when content-based factors are included. Today's senior housing is
primarily focused on the residing economy and security. For example, many buildings will
consider accessibility of the senior citizens and install elevators that are customized for them. It
was stated that the outdoor environment, especially the ones with positive or favorable
perceptions have a more significant impact on how the elderly behave in terms of their
behavioral preferences in static and dynamic areas where the elderly frequently pass by.
Designers should remember to always include spatial as well as content-based features as well
as the crucial part played by vegetation, placement of details and other factors in influencing how
the elderly perceive spatial arrangements, should also be kept in mind.
1.9.4 ENVIRONMENTAL LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification as booster

for sustai.nable buildings (Humbert 2007)

The background to obtaining this type of application is to give importance to the

environment and to give importance to "Green Architecture" for a strong sustainability and more
ecological aspect. Planning process must be assessed and planned accordingly for it to
successfully reinforce the concept of "strong sustainability", which is the primary purpose of this
document and proposal. In other words, the brainstorming process for choosing the right
materials and professionals in each sector assigned to each field. In addition, projects such as
these are important to consider since the users were older people and the unavailability of the
establishment which requires a lot of effort and economic investment to obtain. Efforts are being
made to advance LEED in order to better represent sustainable development and be accepted
globally, some literature has suggested modifying the LEED framework to increase its robustness
in green building evaluation. Understand that strong sustainability is the foundation concept to
support any development planning and critical issues that merit the attention of architects or any
collaborative direction to make the proposal possible. World Green Building Council (Abergel,Dean and Dulac 2017)

Clearly, there are signs of change, especially on the climate and the impact of buildings or
construction on the entire cycle. Emissions from building materials and processes must be dealt
with urgently so that buildings built today can be optimized for good strategies to at least double
the useful area as developing economies continue to meet the increasing demand for certain
public spaces. Sectors on each assigned commitment should be broadened by engaging and
implementing policies that expand the reach and coverage of energy codes for all types of
buildings to increase performance standards for building envelopes e. g. heating, cooling,
ventilation systems and appliances, and ensure that decarburization is built into urban planning
from the beginning. The built structure must approach the means and needs of seniors especially
that they’re vulnerable and play a key role in enabling this proposal – by establishing cleaner and
more resilient facilities, protecting and improving health, and supporting economic prosperity.
This transition to good application and resilient buildings requires a good template throughout
the sector transformation life cycle. That said, some adjustments to heating and cooling models
need to be considered accordingly. The impact of covering this entire application will affect not
only its users, but the environment as well, typically a great action to avoid or reduce existing
climate challenges.

Safe Haven: An Organic Architecture Approach Community Living

Complex for Retirement, Abused, Abandoned, and Disabled Elderly
in Cebu City

Organic Psychological
Social Cultural Environmental
Architecture Concerns

Implementing the Engaging social Adapt the Healthy Psychological

Design for the Elderly The Choice of
Organic Shaping participation to Attractiveness of
that eases their Subsequent Materials
Principles in relation minimize frailty for One's Culture and
Mental Health to Systematically
to Organic elders through Local Collaborative
Adapt the Structure
Architecture physical activities. Ideas

Establishing green
building strategies Utilizing through art Creating an Outdoor
Creativity and Good Maximizing the Space
using architectural and other events to Environment that
sense of the Combined for Future Organized
solutions in the identify the health Involves Recreational
Approach Between the Plan
internal and external concerns for elders Activities for the
Past and the Present
environment. and a participation of Elderly
the working staffs to
create relationship
among elders.
Applying the four-
domain approach in
the design for

Implementing the
guidelines aiming for a
senior-friendly design.

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