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Financial Planning

D. Satya Mani Syam


Session 6: Ac vity: Risk Profiling

Risk Profile Ques onnaire Form


Ques on Ques on Points

1 My present age is:
a Under 31
b 31 to 40
c 41 to 50 ✓
d 51 to 60
e 60 and above
2 The current value of my savings/capital (including
Investment in property, shares, Mutual Funds,
provident funds, Gold, Bank Deposits etc.) is equal
a Less than half of my current (or last earned) annual
b Half of my annual income (salary, pension, interest, ✓
c Double my current (or last earned) annual income
d Three mes my current (or last earned) annual
e Five mes my annual income
3 Within the next few years I expect my income to:
a Decline in real terms
b Stay about the same (gains equal to infla on) ✓
c Increase gradually (slightly faster than infla on)
d Increase drama cally (much faster than infla on)
Financial Planning

e Fluctuate and be unpredictable*

4 Regarding dependants (minor or adult) and other
major costs that I need to incur before re rement:
a I will be able to meet all expenses for dependants
(including educa on) and other costs out of my
b I will have to withdraw a small por on of my savings ✓
to pay for dependants and other costs
c I will have to withdraw more than half of my savings
to pay for dependants and other costs
d I expect that paying for dependants and other costs
will leave me with very li le savings when I re re
5 Based on my lifestyle and medical history, I expect
my risk of serious health problems over the next 10
years to be:
a Above average
b Average ✓
c Low
d Almost nil
6 My investment experience is best described as
a I've never invested in equi es, either directly or
through mutual funds and do not understand these
b I've invested a small amount of money in equi es or
mutual funds and/or I know what these things are
c I've invested a fair amount of money in equi es or ✓
equity mutual funds and/or have a good
understanding of equi es
d I've invested/been inves ng in gold, futures and
op ons and interna onal shares and/or am very
knowledgeable about investment
e I have a company re rement plan and/or other
investments, but I'm not sure where I'm invested
and/or I don't fully understand the different asset
Financial Planning

7 I plan to start withdrawing money from my savings
a Less than 5 years
b Five to ten years
c Eleven to fi een years ✓
d More than fi een years
e I am already using my savings
8 How do you/would you react to fluctua ons in the
a I am (or would be) very concerned if my investments
lose value and am (or would be) inclined to sell
b If an investment loses 5 percent per cent over a
quarter, I am (or would be) likely to sell and invest
c I wait (or would wait) un l I have watched the ✓
performance of investment for at least a year or two
before making changes
d Even if poor market condi ons result in significant
losses over several years, I will try and s ck to a
consistent long-term investment plan
9 You invest INR 1,00,000 for ten years. Given the best
and worst-case scenarios below, which investment
op on would you choose?
a Best case outcome: INR 500, 000, Worst case
outcome: INR 50,000
b Best case outcome: INR 850, 000, Worst case ✓
outcome: INR 20, 000
c Best case outcome: INR 300, 000, Worst case
outcome: INR 65, 000
d Best case outcome: INR 150, 000, Worst case
outcome: INR 100, 000
10 When buying health insurance I choose:
a The lowest excess to ensure maximum cover even
though my policy costs more
Financial Planning

b A moderate level of excess in order to reduce the

c A high excess in order to pay a low premium even ✓
though losses may not be covered
d To carry no health insurance

CATEGORY: Moderate investor


Ques on Ques on Points

1 My present age is:
a Under 31 ✓

b 31 to 40
c 41 to 50
d 51 to 60
e 60 and above
2 The current value of my savings/capital (including
Investment in property, shares, Mutual Funds,
provident funds, Gold, Bank Deposits etc.) is equal
a Less than half of my current (or last earned) annual ✓
b Half of my annual income (salary, pension, interest,
c Double my current (or last earned) annual income
d Three mes my current (or last earned) annual
e Five mes my annual income
3 Within the next few years I expect my income to:
a Decline in real terms
b Stay about the same (gains equal to infla on)
c Increase gradually (slightly faster than infla on) ✓

d Increase drama cally (much faster than infla on)

Financial Planning

e Fluctuate and be unpredictable*

4 Regarding dependants (minor or adult) and other
major costs that I need to incur before re rement:
a I will be able to meet all expenses for dependants
(including educa on) and other costs out of my
b I will have to withdraw a small por on of my savings
to pay for dependants and other costs
c I will have to withdraw more than half of my savings ✓
to pay for dependants and other costs
d I expect that paying for dependants and other costs
will leave me with very li le savings when I re re
5 Based on my lifestyle and medical history, I expect
my risk of serious health problems over the next 10
years to be:
a Above average
b Average
c Low ✓

d Almost nil
6 My investment experience is best described as
a I've never invested in equi es, either directly or
through mutual funds and do not understand these
b I've invested a small amount of money in equi es or
mutual funds and/or I know what these things are
c I've invested a fair amount of money in equi es or ✓
equity mutual funds and/or have a good
understanding of equi es
d I've invested/been inves ng in gold, futures and
op ons and interna onal shares and/or am very
knowledgeable about investment
e I have a company re rement plan and/or other
investments, but I'm not sure where I'm invested
and/or I don't fully understand the different asset
Financial Planning

7 I plan to start withdrawing money from my savings
a Less than 5 years ✓
b Five to ten years
c Eleven to fi een years
d More than fi een years
e I am already using my savings
8 How do you/would you react to fluctua ons in the
a I am (or would be) very concerned if my investments
lose value and am (or would be) inclined to sell
b If an investment loses 5 percent per cent over a ✓
quarter, I am (or would be) likely to sell and invest
c I wait (or would wait) un l I have watched the
performance of investment for at least a year or two
before making changes
d Even if poor market condi ons result in significant
losses over several years, I will try and s ck to a
consistent long-term investment plan
9 You invest INR 1,00,000 for ten years. Given the best
and worst-case scenarios below, which investment
op on would you choose?
a Best case outcome: INR 500, 000, Worst case
outcome: INR 50,000
b Best case outcome: INR 850, 000, Worst case ✓
outcome: INR 20, 000
c Best case outcome: INR 300, 000, Worst case
outcome: INR 65, 000
d Best case outcome: INR 150, 000, Worst case
outcome: INR 100, 000
10 When buying health insurance I choose:
a The lowest excess to ensure maximum cover even ✓
though my policy costs more
Financial Planning

b A moderate level of excess in order to reduce the

c A high excess in order to pay a low premium even
though losses may not be covered
d To carry no health insurance

CATEGORY: Moderately conserva ve investor


Ques on Ques on Points

1 My present age is:
a Under 31 ✓
b 31 to 40
c 41 to 50
d 51 to 60
e 60 and above
2 The current value of my savings/capital (including
Investment in property, shares, Mutual Funds,
provident funds, Gold, Bank Deposits etc.) is equal
a Less than half of my current (or last earned) annual ✓
b Half of my annual income (salary, pension, interest,
c Double my current (or last earned) annual income
d Three mes my current (or last earned) annual
e Five mes my annual income
3 Within the next few years I expect my income to:
a Decline in real terms
b Stay about the same (gains equal to infla on)
c Increase gradually (slightly faster than infla on)
d Increase drama cally (much faster than infla on) ✓
e Fluctuate and be unpredictable*
Financial Planning

4 Regarding dependants (minor or adult) and other
major costs that I need to incur before re rement:
a I will be able to meet all expenses for dependants
(including educa on) and other costs out of my
b I will have to withdraw a small por on of my savings ✓
to pay for dependants and other costs
c I will have to withdraw more than half of my savings
to pay for dependants and other costs
d I expect that paying for dependants and other costs
will leave me with very li le savings when I re re
5 Based on my lifestyle and medical history, I expect
my risk of serious health problems over the next 10
years to be:
a Above average
b Average ✓
c Low
d Almost nil
6 My investment experience is best described as
a I've never invested in equi es, either directly or
through mutual funds and do not understand these
b I've invested a small amount of money in equi es or
mutual funds and/or I know what these things are
c I've invested a fair amount of money in equi es or ✓
equity mutual funds and/or have a good
understanding of equi es
d I've invested/been inves ng in gold, futures and
op ons and interna onal shares and/or am very
knowledgeable about investment
e I have a company re rement plan and/or other
investments, but I'm not sure where I'm invested
and/or I don't fully understand the different asset
Financial Planning

7 I plan to start withdrawing money from my savings

a Less than 5 years
b Five to ten years ✓
c Eleven to fi een years
d More than fi een years
e I am already using my savings
8 How do you/would you react to fluctua ons in the
a I am (or would be) very concerned if my investments
lose value and am (or would be) inclined to sell
b If an investment loses 5 percent per cent over a
quarter, I am (or would be) likely to sell and invest
c I wait (or would wait) un l I have watched the ✓
performance of investment for at least a year or two
before making changes
d Even if poor market condi ons result in significant
losses over several years, I will try and s ck to a
consistent long-term investment plan
9 You invest INR 1,00,000 for ten years. Given the best
and worst-case scenarios below, which investment
op on would you choose?
a Best case outcome: INR 500, 000, Worst case
outcome: INR 50,000
b Best case outcome: INR 850, 000, Worst case ✓
outcome: INR 20, 000
c Best case outcome: INR 300, 000, Worst case
outcome: INR 65, 000
d Best case outcome: INR 150, 000, Worst case
outcome: INR 100, 000
10 When buying health insurance I choose:
a The lowest excess to ensure maximum cover even
though my policy costs more
Financial Planning

b A moderate level of excess in order to reduce the ✓

c A high excess in order to pay a low premium even
though losses may not be covered
d To carry no health insurance

CATEGORY: Moderate investor

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