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Modeling and Analysis in Support of

Improvements to H2 Infrastructure Codes &

Chris LaFleur
Sandia National Laboratories
Codes & Standards Tech Team
January 12, 2017

Prescriptive requirements in NFPA 2 for liquid
hydrogen can be significant roadblocks to station

A California Road Map: The Commercialization of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles, CalFCP, July 2014

Harris, SAND-2014-3416
Key Barriers –
• Prescriptive LH2 Separation Distances
– Current effort by NFPA 2/55 subcommittee to revise based on
risk-informed science of LH2 release behavior
– Best case schedule for 2019 2020 code edition, jurisdictional
adoption later
• New hydrogen equipment enclosure (HEE) requirements added to
the 2016 edition
• This effort is exploring a path forward for near term deviation
from prescriptive requirements as well as providing hydrogen
behavior modeling and risk analysis to support code
improvements for next edition
Alternate Means Approach to Siting Hydrogen
Refueling Stations
• Two concurrent activities to address these issues
– A pilot implementation of a generic representative station

– Application of performance-based design on a real station with industry

partner (Linde Group, LLC)

• Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)

– Signed with Linde in August 2014
– Ensures H2 industry participation as a stakeholder
– Is limited to in-kind contribution
Update on Real World Application of Alternate Means
• In FY16, developed compliance substantiation for the Linde IC-90
compressor enclosure as part of CRADA
• 2016 HEE requirement issues (Chapter 7, section 1.23)
– 2hr ‘wall’ separation between H2 storage and compressor/electrical area
• IC-90 has ‘floor’ separation
• Not gas tight – intentionally
• NFPA 68 compliance (meets European standards)
• In anticipation of AHJ issues, SNL:
– Evaluated multiple leak scenarios for assurance that hazardous levels of
hydrogen are adequately vented
– Calculated the NFPA 68 –compliant explosion relief vent area
• This work demonstrates that the intent of the prescriptive
requirements are met and the alternate design incorporates measures
to ensure equivalent system safety
Update on Real World Application of Alternate Means

• So far, none of the Linde PON sites have required Alternate Means
permit application for the enclosures
• One Linde site applied for an equivalency on the separation distance
requirements for the liquefied hydrogen transfer for refueling the
stationary tank
– SNL provided a review and suggested edits on the justification memo
– Requested a change in separation distance from 25 feet to 50 feet
– The basis for the alternate means equivalency was safety mitigation
features implemented in the Linde system that included venting through
tank vent stack in lieu of truck vent after transfer is complete
• Transfer setback distance request was accepted by the AHJ
• Opportunities to implement a performance-based design for a real
world station are still being sought
H2First Reference Stations
• FY17 H2First Scope will
explore alternate means for
dense urban stations
exploring feasibility of:
– Underground bulk hydrogen
– Elevated bulk hydrogen storage
• Quantitative risk analysis will
enable risk equivalency for
prescriptive code deviations
Update on work to support prescriptive code

• Bulk Gaseous Hydrogen Separation Distances

• Bulk Liquefied Hydrogen Separation Distances
Science-Based Gaseous Separation Distances
• Update NFPA 55/2 gaseous separation distances using scientific
justification for risk criteria Separation Distance
• Three updates were evaluated: >0.10 >1.72 to >20.68 to
Code to 1.72 20.68 to 51.71 103.43
• Unignited jet concentration from 4% to 8% Exposures Version MPa MPa MPa MPa
• Heat Flux level from 1.6 kW/m2 to 4.7 kW/m2 2016 12 m 14 m 9m 10 m
Group 1
• Leak area from 3% to 1% Exposures 2019 5m 6m 4m 5m
• Added safety factor of 1.5 2016 6m 7m 4m 5m
Group 2
• Changes approved by NFPA Exposures 2019 5m 6m 3m 4m

Committees in First Draft Meeting Group 3 2016 5m 6m 4m 4m

Exposures 2019 4m 5m 3m 4m

H2 Gas Bulk
System HVAC
2016: 10 m for 70 MPa
storage STORE

Science-Based Gaseous Separation Distances
• Update NFPA 55/2 gaseous separation distances using scientific
justification for risk criteria Separation Distance
• Three updates were evaluated: >0.10 >1.72 to >20.68 to
Code to 1.72 20.68 to 51.71 103.43
• Unignited jet concentration from 4% to 8% Exposures Version MPa MPa MPa MPa
• Heat Flux level from 1.6 kW/m2 to 4.7 kW/m2 2016 12 m 14 m 9m 10 m
Group 1
• Leak area from 3% to 1% Exposures 2019 5m 6m 4m 5m
• Added safety factor of 1.5 2016 6m 7m 4m 5m
Group 2
• Changes approved by NFPA Exposures 2019 5m 6m 3m 4m

Committees in First Draft Meeting Group 3 2016 5m 6m 4m 4m

Exposures 2019 4m 5m 3m 4m

H2 Gas Bulk
System HVAC
2016: 10 m for 70 MPa
storage STORE
2020: 5 m for 70 MPa STORE
Science-Based Prescriptive Requirement Revisions LH2

• Goal: Use QRA tools and methods to revise bulk liquid hydrogen
system separation distances in NFPA 55/NFPA 2
• Progress:
– The NFPA 55/2 hydrogen storage task group performed a risk analysis on
a representative bulk liquefied hydrogen storage system and determined
nine release scenarios with the highest risk
• Six of the highest-risk scenarios are during liquid hydrogen transfer
operations from a tanker truck to the bulk LH2 storage tank
• Three scenarios are during normal system operations
– Determined model inputs and risk criteria for the nine scenarios
– Vent stack modeling

High priority scenarios have been identified by the
NFPA 2 code committee
• Release from pipe leading from tank to vaporizer or vaporizer itself caused
by thermal cycles or ice falling from vaporizers
– Modeling results of hydrogen concentration plume and heat flux from a
subsequent fire will be used for all other separation distance exposures because
this is the highest risk priority
– Horizontal discharge, ¾”-2” diameter pipe, 20-140 psig
• Flow from trailer venting excess pressure after normal LH2 delivery
– Modeling results will be used to calculate separation distance from air intakes
and overhead utilities
– Vertical discharge, 3” diameter pipe, 20-140 psig

Cold Hydrogen Vapor Venting Modeling
• Because the venting of cold H2 vapor is
routine operation post transfer, the
Task Group is very interested in the
hydrogen behavior
• Exploring effects of vent pipe geometry
and vent cap miter by modeling
– Current bullhorn at several California
LH2 stations
– Two future revised CGA 5.5 geometries
• Modeling results will be compared to
NREL H2 Sensor Plume measurements
Next Steps

• Continue modeling and analysis to support LH2 Task Group revising

202 edition of NFPA 2/55
Validation data generated by lab scale LH2 experiments should be
sufficient for high priority scenario simulations although interactions
with ground and evaporative pooling are important to most accurately
determine separation distances
• Identify and evaluate additional mitigation features
• Continue searching for opportunities to apply comprehensive
performance-based design
LH2 Release Model Test Plans
1.Make concentration measurements of cold releases (happening now)
2.Modify/validate models (9/2016-1/2017)
3.Use model to simulate high priority scenarios (1/2017-3/2017)
4.Design and perform lab experiment with vertical walls (1/2017-
5. Wall interaction model development (9/2017-3/2018)
6. Use wall interaction model to simulate other scenarios (3/2018-5/2018)
7. Additional scenarios will require models for
• internal flows (work underway)
• wall/ground interactions (lab scale vertical tests planned, large scale tests
with alternate configurations may be necessary)
• Pooling, pool vaporization, air-condensation/interaction with pools,
modeling and experiments
• Bulk storage behavior in an exposure fire
8. Large scale plume and flame experiments to justify model scaling


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