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CODE : LEA 6034




MATRIX NUMBER : 20190333-01-11466


Your report should consist of the following components:


Enterprise resource planning (ERP) refers to a type of software that organizations use to
manage day-to-day business activities such as accounting, procurement, project management,
risk management and compliance, and supply chain operations.In addition to the key benefits
of providing guidance during an emergency, developing the plan has other advantages. The
planning process can lead to shortcomings, such as lack of resources equipment, trained
manpower, supplies, or items that can be repaired before an emergency occurs. In addition,
emergency plans promote safety awareness and demonstrate the organization’s commitment
to employee safety.Lack of an emergency plan can lead to serious losses such as many
casualties and possible financial collapse of the organization.Since an emergency will occur,
early planning needs to be done. The urgent need for quick decisions, lack of time, and lack
of trained resources and energy can cause chaos during emergencies. Time and circumstances
in an emergency mean normal channels of authority and communication are unreliable to
function on a routine basis. Conditional stress can lead to poor judgment resulting in severe
losses. A well-planned and organized emergency response plan will help eliminate this

In this era, the safety and health of workers is no longer considered as a separate element
because they are closely related to each other another. Unsafe workplaces increase the risk of
accidents as well as injuries that are definitely affecting health. In that time similarly,
unhealthy workers are more at risk for suffering accident. Existence of Occupational Safety
and Health Act (OSHA) 1994 clearly shows the relevance and importance of the two this
element. The main goal of the act is to produce a safe and healthy work culture among all
employees and employers in Malaysia. Occupational safety is about accident prevention,
injury or illness among employees or other persons who be at work. Apart from preserving
life and health employees who are the most important assets in an organization or company,
accident prevention can indirectly reduce treatment costs, compensation, loss of productivity,
absenteeism, property damage, health services future, disability and many more.

For an emergency, it means a situation or situation that occurs suddenly that can causing
injury, illness, damage, severe loss or anxious troubles such as fires, gas leaks, chemicals,
radioactive materials, human physical injuries due to accidents, emergencies related to
medical matters and many others. A dangerous situation or serious situation, such as an
accident, which occurs suddenly or unexpectedly in need immediate action to prevent such
dangerous incidents as possible harm to health, physical safety, equipment or property as well
as the environment. A sign leading to the possibility of a fire, gas leaks, chemicals, radiation
leaks, bomb threats, environmental destruction or damage to equipment and building
structures. Every emergency that occurs in the factory must have a systematic emergency
plan in order to reduce safety concerns. Every emergency that occurs in this factory must
make preparations or planning before and after when there is an emergency in the workplace.
Emergency Action Plan is also important for a factory to get comfort in terms of equipment
workers and so on. It requires planning in the event of a fire or leakage the factory needs to
contact the parties involved as well as plan from the correct safety aspects.

Main body of report –

a) Components of emergency response plan

The emergency plan includes all possible emergencies, consequences, required
actions, written procedures, and the resources available. Detailed lists of emergency
response personnel including their cell phone numbers, alternate contact details, and
their duties and responsibilities.

In the event of a matter involving safety in this factory an individual should be

appointed and trained to act as an Emergency Action Plan. However, staff on site
during an emergency is key in ensuring prompt and efficient action is taken to reduce
losses. Among the responsibilities that must be shouldered are:

• Reporting an emergency.
• Activate emergency plans.
• With the presumption of the whole instruction.
• Forging communication.
• Provide medical assistance.
• Warn staff.
• Order responses, including transfers.
• Inform outside agencies, if necessary.
• Confirm the transfer is complete.
• Warn outsiders about possible risks, if necessary.
• Ask for external help.
• Coordinate the activities of various groups.
• Give advice to the victim's relatives.
• Provide medical assistance.
• Ensure emergency extinguishing is closed.
• Sounds clear.
• Advise the media.
This list of responsibilities should be completed using a summary of previously
prepared responses for each emergency situation. Sufficient substitutes for each
responsible position must be named to ensure that a competent person is always
present at the location at all times.
Things to do before an emergency occurs in the factory: -

a) Get to know the emergency situation

Identify conditions classified as emergencies /disaster to the point of needing

immediate action such as evacuation building. Examples of conditions that can be
classified as an emergency / disaster is: -
 Fire
 Explosion Spills / leaks of hazardous chemical
 Floods
 Bomb threat

b) Identify the route

Identify emergency routes and alternative routes if an emergency occurs. Things to

pay attention to related to emergency routes are: -
 Make sure the emergency route sign is clearly marked.For example by placing a
yellow line on the floor; emergency light; "emergency exit" sign at the gateway
emergencies etc.
 Emergency routes need to be sketched and displayed on site work. Employees and
visitors need to be informed of the relevant emergency routes and gathering places
in the event of an emergency.
a) Identify the agencies that need to be contacted

 Police
 Hospital
 Department of Environment

b) Establish an organizational structure within the company only specifically for

implementing and operating ERP in the workplace.Among the members that need
to be held is the organizational structure is :-
 Emergency Response Team (Fire fighting team & Rescue team);
 First Aider Team;
 Emergency Commander;
 Liaison Officer;
Things to do before an emergency occurs in the factory: -

a) Assess the emergency status and determine the action to be taken.

b) Activate the emergency action plan.

c) Members stop operating. Building evacuation instructions. Communication - with other

emergency response teams of other agencies involved such as the Fire Department.

Sounding a Fire Alarm

1. This task is suitable to be held accountable to every person who first sees a fire /

2. Required information on alarms including;

a) Type and manner of work,

b) The way it sounds and listens

c) The amount that needs to be sounded

d) Method for reporting fire information to the 'Control Center'

Emergency places in emergencies

Create a gathering place for each zone. The gathering place must be arranged in advance,
drawn and displayed in a strategic place for everyone's information. The place should be
spacious and spacious and safe. Far from any danger at least 35 meters from the evacuated
building. The order of occupants must be according to the relevant section or department

a) Motorcycle & car park tent 38 assembly area during emergency assembly area during
emergency assembly area
b) Visitor assembly area sub-con contractor
c) Main gate warehouse guard house factory
d) Compressor room chemical storage canteen tent hydrant & sprinkler water tank fire
fighting pump room scheduled water treatment plant water tank tent motorcycle tent.
Factory layout plan.

Assembly Plan

Action research based on plans taken in the early minutes of an emergency is critical.
Immediate warning to workers to move, shelter or confine can save lives. A call for help to a
public emergency service that provides complete and accurate information will help the
sender send the respondent and the appropriate equipment. An employee trained to perform
first aid or perform CPR can save lives. Actions by employees with knowledge of building
systems and processes can help control leaks and minimize damage to facilities and the
The first step when creating an emergency response plan is to perform a risk assessment to
identify potential emergency scenarios. An understanding of what can happen will allow you
to determine resource needs and develop plans and procedures for setting up your business.
An emergency plan should be in line with your performance objectives.At a minimum, each
facility should develop and implement an emergency plan to protect employees, visitors,
contractors and others at the facility. This part of the emergency plan is called "protective
measures for life safety" and includes evacuation of buildings ("fire drills"), shelters from bad
weather such as tornadoes, "shelters" from outside air hazards such as emissions and locking
chemicals. Locking is a protective action when faced with acts of violence.

In the event of an emergency, the first priority is safety. The second priority is incident
stabilization. There are many actions that can be taken to stabilize the incident and reduce the
possibility of damage. First aid and CPR by trained workers can save lives. The use of fire
extinguishers by trained workers can extinguish small fires. Controlling small chemical spills
and monitoring utilities and building systems can minimize damage to buildings and help
prevent environmental damage.

Some incidents of bad weather can be predicted a few hours before they arrive, providing
valuable time to protect a facility. Designs must be made and resources must be available, or
quickly, available to set up the facility. The plan should also include the process of damage
assessment, rescue, protection of undamaged property and cleaning following the incident.
This action to minimize business damage and disruption is an example of property
In the event of a fire or explosion involving an emergency, the factory must prepare for
emergencies such as: -

a) Fire Safety
The most common workplace emergency is fire. The best way to prevent injuries and deaths
from fires is to prevent fires in the first place.According to the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA), more than 75,000 workplace fires and related explosions
occur each year.All companies should create a basic fire prevention plan for fire safety,
which includes a list of the major workplace fire hazards and proper handling and storage
procedures for those materials. The plan should also cover potential ignition sources, such as
welding and smoking and related control procedures, as well as discuss the type of fire
protection equipment or systems which can control a fire. The fire prevention plan must
include the names and/or regular job titles of those personnel responsible for maintenance of
fire systems and those personnel responsible for control of fuel source hazards.Dangers of
fire include heat, smoke, and toxic gases which all present some very nasty consequences for
the personal welfare and life safety of individuals exposed to fire.Fire safety can include
engineered controls, like fire sprinklers, fire alarms, and smoke detectors are mandatory for
many modern structures and likely exist where you work.

b) Alarm system
Alarm systems are significant because they alert all employees of a fire emergency, which is
the first step in getting to safety.  An alarm system may come in the form of a smoke
detector, a manual pull box or even a vocal system in which employees alert others by yelling
“fire” or some other specified word. If your business is using a smoke detector system the
batteries should be changed once a year. 

c) Assembly Point
Assembly points should be situated in a large open space, one that is big enough to safely
accommodate everyone from your building.A back up assembly point should be established
for use in the event that your primary location cannot be used for whatever reason.The
assembly point must be easily reachable from your building.The location must be at least 50ft
away from your building (this is for extra safety in case the fire was to cause your building to
collapse)Ensure that your meeting point does not obstruct emergency services places like car
parks are off limits as they made need these to provide assistance.As well as the assembly
point being in the right location, the path to said point must adhere to a number of criteria. It
must be unobstructed at all times, clearly signposted and well lit in order to make exit as easy
as possible. It should avoid winding corridors that can easily confuse people, and where
possible the use of staircases should be avoided in order to help those in wheelchairs or with
limited mobility. It is also important that the assembly point itself is free of other dangers.
Things like busy roads should be avoided, as they can pose a safety risk when people are
coming out of the building, especially as they may be quite panicked about the emergency

d) Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers must be easily accessible to workers in the event of a fire. Depending on
the fire hazard of your facility, fire extinguishers with different ratings may be needed in
different locations. Fire extinguishers must be easily recognizable. Sometimes, they may not
be so easily seen from a distance. Fire extinguishers may be blocked from view by obstacles
such as shelves or open doors, or the person may be standing at the wrong angle.This is why
it is better to install signage or other identification methods on portable fire extinguishers. In
some cases, signage may need to be installed high, such as near the ceiling rather than
directly above the extinguisher.Answering this common firefighter location question may be
easy, but implementing a proposal is not always easy. Fire protection companies can help you
navigate all the needs of fire extinguishers and ensure your business is fully compliant and
3. Conclusion

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a system that integrates business functions

bymanaging and organizing organizational data and information.ERP is the most reliable
systemfor the management of data, ensuring its reliability, uniformity, transparency and
visibility acrossthe organization.It provides easy to the organizations in maintaining the
business data andensure the access to the integrated valuable business information to all the
members of theorganizations. ERP software manages important data in an efficient way,
avoiding its redundancyand validating the entire process. Completing a comprehensive plan
for handling emergencies is a major step toward preventing disasters. However, it is difficult
to predict all of the problems that may happen unless the plan is tested. Exercises and drills
may be conducted to practice all or critical portions (such as evacuation) of the plan. A
thorough and immediate review after each exercise, drill, or after an actual emergency will
point out areas that require improvement. Knowledge of individual responsibilities can be
evaluated through paper tests or interviews.The plan should be revised when shortcomings
have become known, and should be reviewed at least annually. Changes in plant
infrastructure, processes, materials used, and key personnel are occasions for updating the
plan.It should be stressed that provision must be made for the training of both individuals and
teams, if they are expected to perform adequately in an emergency. An annual full-scale
exercise will help in maintaining a high level of proficiency.

4. Recommendation (if any)

I suggest a few things for manufacturers to consider when evaluating ERP systems. Focus on
operations. Make sure ERP software is able to handle all your important business processes
and operations. Integrated inventory, work orders, and forecasts are important elements to
5. References
Emergency response plan of chlorine gas for process plants in Taiwan
JM Tseng, MY Liu, RH Chang, JL Su… - Journal of loss prevention …, 2008 – Elsevier

Emergency response plan for boiler explosion with toxic chemical releases at Nan-Kung
industrial park in central Taiwan ,JM Tseng, CY Kuo, MY Liu, CM Shu - Process Safety and
Environmental …, 2008 – Elsevier

Preparedness for emergency response: guidelines for the emergency planning process

RW Perry, MK Lindell - Disasters, 2003 - Wiley Online Library

… emergency response plan: key to compliance with the emergency response provisions

of the hazardous waste operations and emergency response standard (29 CFR …
ME Fitzgerald - Applied occupational and environmental …, 1996 -

Notes from lecturer study

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