Topic 1 (A)

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Concepts of Malay Art and Craft.

1. The arrival of Islam in the Malay world had

started in the 13th century hence changed the
thoughts and philosophies in many aspects of
the Malay life which includes arts.
2. There is idealism about the sense of beauty and
goodness in the Islamic scope even though there

is still a Hinduism-Buddhist influence in it.

Most of the Malay artists follow the Islamic principles

that already have been outlined.

3. Sulaiman Esa (1993) has stated that the perception of
the Malay artists is known as ‘tawhidi weltanchauung’.

The meaning of Tauhid is to appreciate Allah the Al

Mighty. The essence of tawhid is in the
Kalimah La ilaha illallah, which convey the meaning of
“The only One God to surrender, Allah”.
4. To preserve the goodness of the tawhid, the Muslim
artist is forbids to make any representational form of
figures or animals.
Besides the manifestations of art that embodied in a
form of calligraphy, the arabesques and the
pattern which is based on flora motifs dominated
most of the Islamic artworks.
Wood carving
5. In the Malay Worlds, Mubin Sheppard (1978) clarifies
that the interesting curvilinear forms have inspired
Malay artists in their artwork.

The artworks can be in form of wood carving, the

product of pewter or silver and the embroidery
songket. Everything is not for the masterpiece but to
produce for the purpose of appreciations especially for
the administrations and the public.
Istana Kuning, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar .
Kain telepok
6. The artists are more to be known or recognized as a
carpenter, ‘pengukir’ or ‘penenun’ without specific names
besides the presence of their works.

►In this matters, the needs of the society is a priority rather

than for the individual interest. This tradition is still be
practices until today.
8. Obedient, patient and dicipline have made the Malays
loves or likes the delicate works and moral ethics.

When making a wish, throwing opinions or to criticize

on certain matters, it can be done in a most
symbolic way and harmonious or we call it ‘berlapik’.

This approach can also be done through discussions,

in proverbs, pantun or seloka.
9. As such, how high the position or the ranking of a person is in the
community, it would be meaningless if failed to show good attitude
or politeness. This can be analyzed through the pantun as follows:

‘Yang kurik itu kendi

Yang merah itu saga

Yang cantik itu budi
Yang indah itu bahasa’
Labu sayung
Labu sayung
Tepak Sireh

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