A-Phapale Et Al Untargeted Metabolomics Workshop Report Quality Control

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pubs.acs.org/jasms Conference Review

Untargeted Metabolomics Workshop Report: Quality Control

Considerations from Sample Preparation to Data Analysis
Prasad Phapale,* Vineeta Rai, Ashok Kumar Mohanty, and Sanjeeva Srivastava
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ABSTRACT: The Proteomics Society, India (PSI), hosted the Metabolomics workshop on experimental and data analysis training
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for untargeted metabolomics in December 2019. The workshop included six tutorial lectures and hands-on data analysis training
sessions presented by seven speakers from across the globe. The tutorials and hands-on data analysis sessions focused on workflows
for liquid chromatography−mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based on untargeted metabolomics. We review here three main topics from
the workshop, which were uniquely identified as bottlenecks for new researchers: (a) experimental design, (b) quality controls
during sample preparation and instrumental analysis, and (c) data quality evaluation using open source tools. Our objective here is to
present common challenges faced by novice researchers and present guidelines to address them. We provide resources and good
practices for researchers who are at the initial stage of setting up metabolomics workflows in their laboratories.
KEYWORDS: untargeted metabolomics, workshop report, LC-MS/MS analysis, quality control

(IIT) Bombay was the convener of all “Omics” workshops

M etabolomics research laboratories and facilities are
rapidly growing due to the advances in high-resolution conducted during this meeting.
mass spectrometry and allied techniques.1 As these technologies
evolve, there is an urgency to provide adequate training to new
researchers joining the metabolomics community.2 Recently,
The workshop agenda was inspired and structured in the lines of
proteomics, biochemistry, and pharmaceutical research labo- the ASMS fall workshops and preconference short courses,
ratories, which are well equipped with high-resolution mass which are considered as one of the best resources for beginners
spectrometers, are increasingly adopting the metabolomics as well as advanced researchers in the field. The goal of the
analysis workflows. This has created a unique need for several present workshop was to provide participants with tools and
mass spec researchers, students, and pharmaceutical profes- guidelines to setup experimental workflows and data analysis
sionals to opt for “face-to-face” and/or e-learning training pipelines in their own laboratories. The particular focus was
courses to fill the experimental and informatics knowledge gaps given on quality controls for sample preparation, instrument
about metabolomics analysis. Several e-learning portals and analysis, and data processing. The main objective was to
video tutorials for the experimentation and data analysis highlight the challenges and possible errors during experimental
protocols are available on our Web site.3 Further, to make the design, sample preparation, and metabolite annotations. The
learning sessions more interactive, we initiated a live webcast at workshop was systematically divided into experimental and data
the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay (see analysis tutorials. The presenting speakers were Prasad Phapale,
Supporting Information). Such initiatives further demanded Vineeta Rai, Yashwant Kumar (Translational Health Science
face-to-face metabolomics training (experimental and data and Technology Institute, India), Shubhra Agarwal (Elucidata,
analysis) similar to ASMS short courses and fall workshops. Inc.), Saurabh Nagpal (Agilent Technologies), and Ashok
Such an opportunity came through the preconference work- Mohanty (NDRI, India). Lecture topics included an introduc-
shops organized at 11th Annual meeting of Proteomics Society, tion to metabolomics workflows, sample preparation, exper-
India (1−5 December 2019) at the National Dairy Research imental design, data analysis tutorials, functional metabolic
Institute (NDRI), Karnal, India. The proceedings of the measurements, and possible ways of integration of metabolo-
conference included plenary talks over the 3 days, with mics data with proteomics and transcriptomics for multiomics
preconference workshops. The Metabolomics workshop con- analysis (agenda in Supporting Information). The workshop
ducted on “Education Day” (1 December 2019) was the first of started with the orientation of the participants and an icebreaker
its kind, which comprehensively covered the experimental as
well as data analysis part of the workshop. Over 70 participants
from both academia and the industry across India with the Received: June 13, 2020
beginner or intermediate metabolomics skillsets attended the Revised: July 17, 2020
workshop. The workshop was coordinated by Prasad Phapale Accepted: July 23, 2020
(European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany) and
assisted by Vineeta Rai (North Carolina State University,
USA). Sanjeeva Srivastava (Indian Institute of Technology
© XXXX American Society for Mass
Spectrometry. Published by the https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jasms.0c00224
American Chemical Society. All rights A J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry pubs.acs.org/jasms Conference Review

lecture on the introduction to metabolomics by Vineeta Rai to with randomized samples analysis sequence as described in the
bring all the participants on the same page. The participants next section.4,5 Before planning the experiments, it is
were provided with survey forms, demo data sets, and digital recommended to discuss with biologists and statisticians to
copies of additional reference material days prior to the decide on numbers of samples and replicates required to get a
workshop. The survey revealed that the majority of participants statistical significance among the experimental groups. The
were using LC-MS instruments, particularly Orbitrap-based selection of untargeted metabolomics platforms should be given
mass spec technology for untargeted metabolite profiling proper thought due to challenges, pitfalls, and the amount of
(Supporting Information). Thus, the prime focus of the time required for downstream data analysis. The simple question
experimental part of the workshop was on untargeted researchers can ask is “do I have a hypothesis to test?” or “do I
metabolomics workflows based on a Q Exactive mass have metabolites or biochemical pathways to target?”. If yes,
spectrometer. The biological samples of interest ranged from then it is always a good idea to use targeted metabolomics
plants to mammalian cells and tissue to biofluids (plasma/serum methods due to their reliability, throughput, and quality of data.6
and urine). The sample preparation, experimental design, and The untargeted approach is more suitable for hypothesis
quality control(s) part were given equal importance due to its generation.7 We also proposed a semitargeted approach where
newness to researchers from the proteomics background one can focus on a broad set of metabolites for which good
(Supporting Information with survey results). Following the quality MS/MS and RT libraries are already generated or
experimental section, the hands-on data analysis training was publicly available. Also, with semitargeted analysis, there is a
provided using open-source El-Maven software, which is an possibility of retrospectively mining the data for additional
adaptation of original Maven software developed at Joshua metabolites and plan follow-up experiments.
Rabinowitz lab for comprehensive Metabolomics data anal-
ysis.4,5 Participants were introduced to the conversion of the raw
data obtained from different mass spectrometry platforms to
.mzXML using a freely available msConvert tool.6 The data (a) Sample Processing. Among the participants, the sample
analysis demonstrations were conducted by Shubhra Agarwal.5 preparation and quality control were the most common
Further, interactive sessions were conducted based on the concerns for untargeted metabolomics analysis. In order to
interest of the participants, specific challenges from their derive meaningful biological conclusions, particularly for
respective projects, and their data sets. The coursework longitudinal studies, the reproducibility of metabolomics data
materials presented were of a practical nature with tools, tips, is of great importance. The irreproducibility of untargeted
and troubleshooting in which participants can practice in their metabolomics data sets is often frustrating for new researchers.
laboratories. The participants were using a variety of sample types in their
The most common concerns were related to run-to-run laboratories (see Supporting Information for survey results).
variations within the lab, sample preparation issues, and They were advised to consider the sample collection, quenching,
assessing overall data quality. The common themes of the storage, and processing based on specific sample types. Some
questions from participants were as follows: researchers work with mass spec facilities for the LC-MS
• How to deal with sample processing variations and analysis, and they were advised on shipment, freeze−thaw
normalization issues? stability, and storage requirements of metabolomic samples.
• How to track variability during sample processing and Participants were encouraged to read sample-specific storage,
instrumental analysis? shipments, and preprocessing guidelines prior to planning the
• Is the quality of acquired LC-MS data acceptable? experiments.8
• Can I trust metabolite annotations given by my software (b) Sample Amount Normalization. There was a concern
and spectral library match? about tracking the variability of biological amounts in samples
such as cell numbers and dry weight. Although there is no
Considering the outlined common questions, the overall standard method available for sample amount normalization,
workshop and tutorials were then focused on three main topics. various approaches were suggested based on sample type, which
(i) Experimental design: the selection of metabolomics gives an estimation of sample amount (Figure 1). The cell
approach. (ii) Quality controls during sample preparation and number counting and dry sample weights should always be
instrumental analysis. (iii) Data quality evaluation of metabolite preferred as a measurement of the sample amount. However,
features and their annotations. The metabolite features were such measurements are often not possible under given
defined as unique m/z and retention time (RT) pairs.
Instead of summarizing individual lectures and tutorials, this
report summarizes topics, ideas, and resources shared with
participants and attempts to address the above-mentioned
common challenges faced during the initial setup of untargeted
metabolomics workflows. This report can be a brief guide and
resource for novice metabolomics researchers and students.


The major goal of the experimental design should be to
minimize as well as track the technical or analytical variability
and capture the biological variations among the sample groups. Figure 1. Considerations and measures to track variability during
To track the analytical variability, participants were strongly sample preparation and instrumental analysis for untargeted metab-
advised to use process blanks, quality control samples (QC) olomics workflow.

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J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry pubs.acs.org/jasms Conference Review

experimental designs and alternative protein or DNA measure- redundant metabolite signals (isotopes, in-source fragmenta-
ments, and a UV assay can be used as an estimate of sample tion, adducts).13 Such artifacts and feature redundancy were
amounts. These orthogonal measurements can be used for demonstrated to the participant from process blanks and known
preacquisition corrections of the sample amounts to minimize standard mixture data sets. The parameters such as chromato-
their effect on individual metabolite levels.9 graphic peak shapes (peak width and symmetry), signal
(c) Sample Preparation. During the preparation of the intensities, variation in QC injections, and presence in process
samples, participants were advised to use two-stage internal blank can be considered for feature quality evaluation (Figure
standard (ISD) systems to track variations in sample preparation 2). El-Maven software assists feature quality evaluation though
and analytical instrumentation. The first set of internal standards
should be spiked before the sample processing and another set of
internal standards can be included during sample reconstitution
before LC-MS injections to track sample preparation and
instrumental variations, respectively. It is also emphasized to
process a blank in the same way as other samples (process blank)
in order to account for background peaks appearing from sample
processing. The equal amounts of samples from the same cohort
can be mixed to prepare pooled quality controls (QC) and
process them along with the sample batch. Further guidelines
were given for optimization of extraction protocols for metabolic Figure 2. Data quality evaluation guidelines.
quenching, recovery, and stability based on sample types and
metabolites of interest (Figure 1 and Supporting Information). peak quality measures, chromatogram overlays, and visualization
(d) Instrumental Analysis. Although most of the which allows users to flag off bad peaks before further data
participants were familiar with mass spec instruments, they analysis. It was strongly advised during initial method develop-
were unfamiliar with the concepts such as pooled QC, two-stage ment to spend time on such evaluations and get trained in data
ISD, LC-MS system conditioning, and data quality evaluation. quality inspections as these factors are greatly influenced by
We demonstrated the use of pooled QC as a powerful approach sample types, protocols, and LC-MS methods used.
to tracking the intrabatch analytical variability using PCA plots (b) Validation of Metabolite Annotation. The critical
visualization and setting standard deviation limits for selected aspects of reporting metabolite identification levels proposed by
features. The QC samples can also be used for the conditioning the Metabolite Standard Initiative (MSI) were explained to the
of the LC-MS system to ensure its stability before starting the participants.7,14 The automated metabolite identification from a
analysis sequence.5 Although some recommendations about software often performs miss annotations of LC-MS peaks or
ISDs, system suitability standards, technical replicates, number features. The earlier described feature quality filtration process
of QCs, and acceptance criteria (Figure 1) were provided, can significantly avoid noisy features and false annotations. Also,
participants were encouraged to test the suitability for these the in-house-generated RT and MS/MS data from standards
methods for their platforms. (LC-MS/MS libraries) can be a gold standard for confident


The data analysis, metabolite identification, and evaluation of
annotations of features from untargeted metabolomics data sets.
In the absence of such customized libraries, researchers are
advised to use public MS/MS databases.15 However, caution
data quality are significant challenges in metabolomics research. must be taken to ensure the quality of MS/MS matches and
The hands-on data analysis section on El-Maven was conducted verify those identifications with authentic standards whenever
by Shubhra Agarwal.10,11 The data sets for the training were possible. Another common concern was the lack of MS/MS data
generated at the EMBL Metabolomics Core facility and available for many features in an LC-MS run due to MS/MS acquisition
on MetaboLights Repository study number MTBLS1301.1,10 speed and coeluting peaks. It was suggested to perform solid-
The focus was on the conceptual understanding of the software phase extraction or fractionation to reduce the sample
parameters, manual evaluation of software output, peak complexity and conduct targeted MS/MS acquisition (e.g., use
curation, and validation of metabolite annotations. A database of inclusion and exclusion lists) for the features of interest
search for metabolite identification with different available mass (Figure 2). The participants were also suggested the settings of
spectral libraries was performed, including open EMBL-MCF DIA and DDA scans to generate comprehensive MS/MS
databases from their representative samples.

LC-MS/MS spectral library and databases from MassBank of
North America (MoNA).12 The impact of different spectral
libraries, spectral matching scores, and possibilities of mis- ATTENDEE FEEDBACK
annotations was demonstrated. The use of quality MS/MS Attendees were provided anonymous feedback after the
databases, along with RTs from standards, was recommended to workshop via an online survey form. Overall, more than 80%
avoid false-positive metabolite identification. It was striking for of participants found the workshop useful and were willing to
the proteomics researchers to know that, unlike automated attend and recommend such workshops in the future.
peptide identification pipelines, metabolite identifications due Participants were suggested to have extended duration (4−5
to their inherent chemical complexity still require expert days) of the training and include lipidomics workflows with
more extensive data analysis sessions.

evaluations as there are no established false discovery rate
(a) Feature Quality Evaluation. The software mostly CONCLUDING REMARKS
generates a list of thousands of features from an LC-MS run; Metabolomics is a fast-growing field with a wider implication in
however, many of these features correspond to artifacts from major scientific research areas. When the metabolomics data is
chemical noise, contaminants, instrument background, and combined with other “omics’’ data sets, especially proteomics, it
C https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jasms.0c00224
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry

pubs.acs.org/jasms Conference Review

provides better insights into the biological processes. During the ASSOCIATED CONTENT
past decade, due to government support, many new mass * Supporting Information

spectrometry laboratories and facilities have been setup in India. The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
Thus, many laboratories with mass spec facilities have gained https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jasms.0c00224.
momentum to perform metabolomics analysis. This has led to Resources from the PSI metabolomics workshop (PDF)

the organization of this metabolomics workshop in the
Proteomics Society, India (PSI), conference. Also, there is a
growing interest among pharmaceutical researchers, bioanalyt-
ical scientists, and drug discovery professionals to setup LC-MS Corresponding Author
metabolomics workflows within their bioanalytical labs. Prasad Phapale − Metabolomics Core Facility, European
However, due to the chemical diversity of the metabolome, Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg 69117, Germany;
orcid.org/0000-0002-9487-597X; Email: prasad.phapale@
various experimental considerations are needed before embark-
ing on a metabolomics study. The particular consideration
should be given to metabolomic experimental designs with Authors
quality controls and data evaluation criteria. The biological Vineeta Rai − Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology,
sample-specific preparation and normalization protocols should North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695,
be optimized to reduce variability while capturing the dynamics United States
of cellular metabolism. This workshop report thus highlights Ashok Kumar Mohanty − Animal Biotechnology Centre,
some guidelines addressing practical challenges for mass National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana 132001,
spectrometrists who are a novice to the metabolomics India
workflows. We emphasize that, although the LC-MS-based Sanjeeva Srivastava − Proteomics Laboratory, Department of
“untargeted metabolomics” is appealing, whenever possible, the Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology
experiments should be hypothesis-driven “targeted metabolo- Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India; orcid.org/0000-0002-
mics” and not resource-driven. When setting up untargeted 0651-4438
metabolomics workflows, each lab should have its own sample or Complete contact information is available at:
project-specific standard practices such as use of two-stage ISD, https://pubs.acs.org/10.1021/jasms.0c00224
pooled QCs, and data quality evaluation criteria. Such practices
can generate quality data sets that should be validated for Notes
features and their annotations using suitable data analysis All training material is available on Github (https://github.
platforms. We strongly encourage submitting such standardized com/prasadpb/Workshop). The demo data files used during
workflows and data sets to the public repositories, which will data analysis sessions are available on MetaboLights Repository
guide new laboratories to establish untargeted metabolomics.1 study number MTBLS1301.
These data sets along with standard mass spectral libraries can be
used as a benchmark in optimizing and developing computa-
tional tools to automate the metabolite annotation and data
We are thankful to the Proteomic Society, India (PSI);
quality evaluation processes. All of these community efforts organizing committee ICAR-NDRI; students of Protein Science
should lead to the establishment of quality control guidelines for Lab, Animal Biotechnology Centre, ICAR-NDRI. We are
metabolomics analysis similar to “FDA Bioanalytical Method thankful for the valuable feedback and guidance from Rose
Validation Guidance for Industry”.16 Such guidelines and open- Gathungu and Theodore Alexandrov of the EMBL Metab-
olomics Core Facility staff.

source computational resources can ease the transition of new
mass spec laboratories to metabolomics research and train REFERENCES
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