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Nineteen Eighty-Four Homework Tasks

8 points
2 points
4 points
‘Who controls the past
Write a back cover blurb.
controls the future. Who Paint a word picture of
Remember, it should sell
controls the present one of the Ministries
the story by interesting
controls the past.’ Write (Truth, Love, Peace or
readers but mustn’t give
an analytical paragraph on Plenty).
away the full plot.
this Party slogan.

10 points
4 points
6 points Nineteen Eighty-Four has
Create a front cover and been adapted into a film
Write one of Winston’s
annotate your design with and a stage play. Write
diary entries. It could
an explanation of your your own dramatic scene
cover a specific plot point
stylistic choices. You can – this could be a re-telling
or his general thoughts
find inspiration at https:// of something already
and feelings. read or entirely your own

2 points
10 points
8 points
Write definitions for at
Sketch out your ideas for a
least three of the following ‘War is peace. Freedom
sequel. In what year would
features of Oceania: Big is slavery. Ignorance
it take place? What would
Brother, doublethink, is strength.’ Write an
happen? What would the
thoughtcrime, memory analytical paragraph on
main characters/themes
hole, Newspeak, this Party slogan.
unperson, Ingsoc.

6 points
Create a character profile for Julia or O’Brien. It needn’t be
factually accurate since we never learn very much about
them; the objective is to flesh out the character by thinking
credibly about their background, hopes, fears etc.

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