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Speaking Week 10

Part 1:
1. Do you think it is important to keep up to date with the news?

Yes, I think it provides people with diverse updated information, allowing them to stay
up to date with their friends, family, and also current events on social. Knowing about
updated news open up people’s mind to everything that is happening so you can be an
informed citizen.
2. In your opinion, from where can we receive the most accurate

Nowadays, there are many platforms and social media that allow people to get
information and keep updated news. The internet allows us access in a fast way and
provides a lot of diverse information but it is also a platform where people can get the
wrong information. Therefore, I supposed that television is the safest place for people to
get in4, especially from national channels because they are checked before posting. The
internet is also good but you need to know how to filter information in a good way.
3. What magazines and newspapers do you read?

To be honest, I don’t regularly get information in magazines and newspapers. I prefer to

read the news on the internet. I only read magazines and newspapers if I am waiting at
some places. They may be the news about criminals or magazines about fashion topics.
4. Why do you think that so many people use the internet?

The Internet is definitely a successful achievement for humanity. It is used all around
the world as a source of information and communication. The internet allows people to
access and searches for a large amount of information on different topics in a fast way.
Besides, with the internet people also can connect with their friends and their relations
from different countries over a long distance.
5. Do you think reading a newspaper or magazine in a foreign
language is a good way to learn the language? Why/ Why not?

Yes, but I think it also depends on your language level. Newspapers and magazines
always have new words, if you are just beginning to learn the language then it can be
very difficult and complex. But when you at a certain level, progress, and developed
your vocabulary it is a good way to learn expressions and phrases related to your
language. You can learn the coherence in the way they write and the interesting slang
words they use.
Part 2:

Both two pictures show the close relationship between people and their pets.

Who: a policeman and a sniffer dog (the dog

had been trained to help police track down the
criminal) are standing next to a police car.
They look very close to each other as
How do the relationship:
- The dog in policy environment have
been trained

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