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Reflection essay

On 1st November


Shinya Watanabe

This class was my first class in UKM and it was a bit much to get my head around, but I

did my best. The first thing we did was reviewing a last class which is exactly effective

to make it a long-term memory. Dr. Khalid asked students what technology is, what

innovation is from an educational point of view. And then, Dr. posed the terms which

were "behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism". Students chose groups by

themselves to explain the definition, example, what situation is good to apply. Making

slides for explanation, students discussed the assigned term. After 30 minutes to

prepare, students took turns to show their results for their research. Dr asked some

obscure points further to make sure students understand, and wrapped up the class.

    I roughly show three learning theories I learned. Our group was going to present

behaviorism. My role is to tell everyone the definition of it and I explained it using

examples of parents' acts affecting their children. However, this concept more values

repetition and positive reinforcement by surroundings. It also states that innate or

inherited factors have little effect on behavior, which is quite different from what I

learned in previous evolutionary psychology class. Cognitivism is a theory based on

minds. It regards them as computers and they process information received. Then they

find a way to solve problems relating to already known information in their minds.

constructivism is opposite to classes where teachers unilaterally give information and

students just listen to them. Teachers let them develop their way of thinking as


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