Principles of Taxation

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PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION Adams: “A tax is a contribution from citizens for

the support of the state.

Income tax is an important source of finance for
the government. In India, the government has Characteristics of Taxation
used income tax as an instrument to achieve
 Tax is compulsory payment
various socioeconomic objectives also. The power
 Tax is a payment to the Government by
to tax and property is an essential attribute of
the people
sovereignty. It is a legislative power and may be
 Element of sacrifice
legitimately exercised by reference to the objects
 The aim of tax collection is public welfare
to the utmost extent government thinks it
 The benefit received is not directly the
expedient to do so. Principles of progression
return of tax
were inducted into tax system to carry out
 Taxes are paid out of income
egalitarian ideals widely accepted by political and
 Tax is a legal provision
fiscal systems of the world in the nineteenth and
twentieth century’s. Growth and social justice Objectives of Taxation
have been the keynote of the goals of planning in
India and the achievement of the same through The primary purpose of taxation is to raise
redistribution of purchasing power and the use of revenue to meet huge public expenditure. Most
progressive taxation as an instrument have governmental activities must be financed by
figured prominently among the objectives set in
taxation. But it is not the only goal.
the Five Year Plans. Egalitarian ideal of economic
justice may be traced to preamble, directive  Economic Development
principles and fundamental rights of the
 To increase employment opportunity
Constitution. Each country has a history marked
by different circumstances, different internal and  Price Stability
external environments and political and  Increase the habit of saving and
economic surroundings and the fiscal policy investment among people
changes to suit the ever changing circumstances.  Control of Cyclical Fluctuations
Taxes policy has been an important instrument
for augmenting revenue, where it is the major Canons of Taxation
source of domestic revenue. It is also an
important instrument for attaining a proper Canons of taxation refer to the administrative
pattern of resources allocution, distribution of aspects of a tax. They relate to the rate, amount,
income and wealth, reduction of poverty among and method of levy and collection of a tax. In
people and economic stability, in order that the other words, the characteristics or qualities which
benefits of economic development are evenly a good tax should possess are described as
distributed. Increased revenues are desired for
canons of taxation. It must be noted that canons
many other purpose including expending, socially
desired, government current expenditures, or refer to the qualities of an isolated tax and not to
even on pragmatic grounds, as to impress foreign the tax system as a whole. A good tax system
aid donors with evidence of the nation's ‘effort’ should have a proper combination of all kinds of
to develop on the basis of domestic resources. taxes having different canons. According to Adam
The primary purpose of income tax system is to Smith, there are four canons or maxims of
raise revenue for various government taxation on the administrative side of public
expenditure is pursuit of the government
finance which are still recognised as classic.
responsibilities outlined above. In some cases,
however, the legislature has found it expedient to Adam smith canons of taxation
use the income tax system directly in pursuit of Canon of equity : every fiscal economist, along
its economic or social goals, and to bypass the with Adam Smith, stresses that taxation must
need first to raise revenue and then to disburse it ensure justice. The canon of equality or equity
through separate expenditure programmes . implies that the burden of taxation must be
distributed equally or equitably in relation to the
ability of the tax payers. Equity` or social justice Canon of simplicity. This norm suggests that tax
demands that the rich people should bear a rates and tax systems ought to be simple and
heavier burden of tax and the poor a lesser comprehensible and not to be complex and
burden. Hence, a tax system should contain beyond the understanding of the layman. This is
progressive tax rates based on the tax-payer’s what is rarely found in the Indian tax structure.
ability to pay and sacrifice Canon of diversity Canon of diversity implies
Canon of certainty : Taxation must have an that there should be a multiple tax system of
element of certainty. According to Adam Smith, diverse nature rather than having a single tax
“the tax which each individual is bound to pay system. In the former case, the tax payer will not
ought to be certain and not arbitrary. The time of be burdened with a high incidence of tax in the
payment, the manner of payment, the amount to aggregate.
be paid ought to be clear and plain to the Canon of expediency This suggests that a tax
contributor and to every other person.” The should be determined on the ground of its
certainty aspects of taxation are: economic, social and political expediency. For
1. Certainty of effective incidence i.e., who shall instance, a tax on agricultural income lacks social,
bear the tax burden. 2. Certainty of liability as to political or administrative expediency in India and
how much shall be the tax amount payable in a that is why the government of India had to
particular period. This the tax payers as well as discontinue it
the exchequer should unambiguously know. 3.
Certainty of revenue i.e., the government should
be certain about the estimated collection of
revenue from a given tax levied.
Canon of economy : This principle suggests that
the cost of collecting a tax should not be
exorbitant but be the minimum. Extravagant tax
collection machinery is not justified. According to
Adam Smith, “Every tax has to be contrived as
both to take and keep out of the pockets of the
people as little as possible over and above what it
brings into the public treasury of the state.”
Owing to the complex and ever changing nature
of taxation laws in India, government has to
maintain elaborate tax collection machinery with
a large staff of highly trained personnel involving
high administrative costs and inordinate delay in
assessment and collection of tax.

Canon of convenience : According to this canon,
tax should be collected in a convenient manner
from the tax payers. Adam Smith stresses: “Every
tax ought to be levied at the time or in the
manner in which it is most likely to be convenient
for the contributor to pay it.” For example, it is
convenient to pay a tax when it is deducted at
source from the salaried classes at the time of
paying salaries.
Canon of elasticity Taxation should be elastic in
nature in the sense that more revenue is
automatically fetched when income of the people
rises. This means that taxation must have built-in

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