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A picnic

Look at the pictures and tell the story. You should answer all the questions.

What day is today? What time is it?

Who is in the picture? Where are they sitting?
What are the children's name? What did they put on the ground?
Where is the family? What do they eat?
How is the weather? What do they drink?
What does mom carry?
What does dad hold in his hand?
What do they want to do?

What is there as a dessert? What do they do after eating?

What does the boy like? What do the parents do?
What does the girl like? What do the children do?
What time do they go to home?
Instructions for teachers

The students should answer the questions and tell the story. This exercise can be done with
students at different levels.

An example for elementary to intermediate level.

Today ist Sunday. The weather is good. The Berger family wants to go on a picnic. Peter and
Greta are happy. They drive into a forest. Mom carries a picnic basket with the food and dad
carries a bag with the drinks. It's half past one. Mom puts a tablecloth under a tree and everyone
sits down. There are sandwiches, salad and chips. They drink water. As a dessert there is fruit
and cake. The children like the cherries, but of course they prefer the chocolatecake. After lunch,
the children play and run through the meadow. The parents rest. At five o'clock they pack
everything in the basket again and drive home.

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