Mother Teresa

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There are many humanitarian in the history of the world.

Out of the
blue, Mother Teresa stood in that crowd of people. She is a lady of
great caliber who spends her whole life serving the poor and needy
people. Although she was not an Indian still she came to India to help
its people. Above all, in this essay on Mother Teresa, we are going to
discuss the various aspects of her life.

Mother Teresa was not his actual name but after becoming a nun she
received this name from the church after the name of St. Teresa. By
birth, she was a Christian and a great believer of God. And due to this
reason, she chooses to become a Nun.

Since she was born in a Catholic Christian family she was a great
believer of God and humanity. Although she spends most of her life in
the church she never imagines herself to be a nun one day. When she
visited Kolkata (Calcutta), India after completing her work in Dublin
her life completely changed. For 15 consecutive years, she enjoyed
teaching children.

Along with, teaching school children she worked hard to teach the
poor kids of that area. She started her journey of humanity by opening
an open-air school where she started teaching poor children. For years
she worked alone without any funds but still continues to teach

For doing this great work of teaching poor and helping needy people
she wants a permanent place. This place will serve as her headquarters
and a place where poor and homeless can take shelter.

So, with the help of the church and the people, she established a
missionary where poor and homeless can live and die in peace. Later
on, she manages to open several schools, homes, dispensaries, and
hospitals through her NGO both in India and overseas countries.

She was an angel of hope for the people but death spares no one. And
this gem died serving people in Kolkata (Calcutta). Also, on her death
the whole nation shred tears in her memory. With her death the poor,
needy, homeless, and weak again become orphans.

Many memorials were made in her honor by the Indian people. Apart
from that, foreign countries also make several memorials to give
tribute to her.
In conclusion, we can say that in the beginning, it was a difficult task
for her to manage and teach poor children. But, she manages those
hardships delicately.

In the beginning, of her journey, she uses to teach poor kids using a
stick by writing on the ground. But after years of struggle, she finally
manages to arrange the necessary things for teaching with the help of
volunteers and some teachers.

Later on, she established a dispensary for poor people to die in peace.
Due to her good deeds, she earns great respect in the heart of Indians.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is also known as the Iron Man of India. He is

remembered as a very strong and dynamic freedom fighter of India.
He had actively contributed to the Indian Freedom Movement. Sardar
Patel was one of the most eminent and prominent leaders of the Indian
Freedom struggle. He has immense contribution in bringing
Independence to our country.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was born on 31st October 1875 in Leuva

Patel Patidar community in Nadiad village in Gujarat. His full name is
Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel and popularly known as Sardar Patel.
Sardar Patel’s father, Zaverbhai Patel, served in the Army of Queen of
Jhansi and mother, Ladbai, was inclined towards spirituality. Patel was
a very brave character since childhood.

There had been an instance when he treated a painful boil without any
hesitation using a hot iron rod. At the age of 22, when everyone
completes their graduation, Sardar Patel completed his matriculation
and due to this everyone thought that he would be doing ordinary jobs.

After completing his matriculation, Sardar Patel continued his studies

and became a law graduate and later traveled to England to become a
barrister. After returning to India he continued practicing law in
Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

A meeting with M K Gandhi in October 1917 brought him closer to

the Indian Independence movement. He joined Indian National
Congress and his initial movements started with Satyagraha in Gujarat
against British atrocities. Later he actively participated and
volunteered the Quit India Movement in 1942 closely working with

Patel had a very strong contribution in uniting the people of India

during India Freedom movements. During this time, he was jailed,
many times. The feeling of patriotism and urge to expel out British
from Indian Territory became his first and only objective.

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