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Responsibility management is a process that helps to ensure that all aspects of a business are

operating in accordance with company policies and procedures, while also ensuring that the
goals, needs, and expectations of customers are met.

If we have a class or seminar that requires students to meet together, then we must assign those
students some sort of responsibility for keeping the group together by ensuring that all of them
attend class and complete assignments on time. If someone misses class or an assignment
entirely because they were not responsible enough to do it properly, then they will lose points on
their final grade and could even face disciplinary action from their professor if it becomes too

Responsibility Management Costing is a process that helps organizations understand their cost
drivers, including personnel costs. While the term "cost management" is used in many industries,
responsibility management costing is a specific tool for education-based organizations.

To implement this process, we must first identify the university's cost drivers. These are the
factors that influence the costs and influence the amount of money we spend each year to
operate. For example, if the university has a high turnover rate in its employees, then we will
need to consider these factors when calculating annual operating costs.

Once we've identified your cost drivers, we can use responsibility management costing to
determine how much money is spent on each factor. We can then adjust those numbers so that
they reflect actual spending levels rather than estimated levels. Once all of your numbers are
adjusted in this way, it becomes much easier for everyone involved—including stakeholders—to
understand how much money the school spend on specific activities or functions within their

For the application of responsibility accounting in the university, there is need for a description
and identification to the responsibilities and authorities of every job in the faculties. Secondly,
the distribution of the revenues and the costs to the centers of responsibility according the
capability of every center and its authorities which are represented by having clear policy in the
university concerning distributing the indirect costs to the centers of responsibility and
determining and recording all the center’s costs. We should use the estimated budgets for control
and performance evaluation in the university; comparing the employees’ actual performance
with the planned one in every center of responsibility provides appropriate information in the
proper time and comparing the employees’ actual performance supports the control policies and
comparing the actual performance with the planned performance of the center of responsibility
identifies who is responsible for the deviation. And comparing the actual performance with the
planned one also helps in evaluating the employees’ performance and facilitating the process of
communication between the administrative levels.

Then,we should prepare the reports that analyzes the deviations of the actual performance from
the planned one through setting means to treat the reasons of such deviations whenever it is
Another principle of responsibility management to be applied is the system of incentives by
giving moral incentives and rewards to the employees who achieved the objectives of the bank,
and these rewards are based on efficient and objective basis.

It is necessary for the university to activate the principle of reflexive feedback to investigate the
employees’ opinions in different administrative levels according their evaluation of the system of
the responsibility accounting and to listen to their suggestions

Unilag Library Cost Centre: In order for the library to apply responsibility management to its
operations, it must first determine which elements of the library are most likely to be impacted
by these changes. This may include such things as staffing levels or the number of hours spent on
specific projects. The next step is to calculate how much money would need to be spent in order
to implement these changes—and then determine how much money has already been spent on
these elements in order to make sure that they do not exceed their target budgets.

If it turns out that there are elements within the library that could benefit from being cut back or
eliminated altogether, those changes should be implemented immediately. If there are still parts
of the library where spending more money will not lead to any additional benefits, then those
parts should remain unchanged despite any savings made elsewhere within the organization.

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