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Marketing Management
Course Code: MBDS5001

Course Content
UNIT 1. Unit I: What is Marketing and Marketing Management? 10 lecture hours
Needs, Wants, Markets –Some definitions of Marketing - Marketing as exchange of value. Stimulus-
response model of Marketing: - The four Ps as stimulus; Purchase, customer loyalty, retention, word
of mouth endorsement etc. as response. -Applicability to life situations. Analysis: - Customer,
Company, competitor, collaborator, and Context analysis. Decisions: - Aspirations (Segmenting,
Targeting and Positioning). Action Plans: - Product, pricing, promotion and physical distribution
plans (The Marketing Mix or 4 Ps) – Outcomes

Unit II: Consumer Behavior 10 lecture hours

Four dimensions of consumer behavior (cognitive vs. emotional, High involvement vs Low
involvement, optimizing vs satisfying, Compensatory vs non-compensatory) and influencing factors.
The Decision-Making Process (DMP) (Its three stages and factors influencing their sequence and
duration) - The Decision-Making Unit. Differences between B2C and B2B markets –Organizational
Buying Centers (OBCs), OBC participants and their roles, variation in structure and involvement of

Unit III: Segmenting and Targeting 10 lecture hours

What is a segment? - Need for segmenting markets- Characteristics of a good segmentation.
Segmentation Variables for consumer markets- segmentation variables for business markets –
Segmentation based on customer characteristics, preferences and responses. Criteria for choosing
target segments- Mass customization, niche marketing and multiple segments targeting - Ethical and
privacy issues

Unit IV: Positioning and Branding 8 lecture hours

Positioning statements - Unique selling proposition-Three Cs Model (Being relevant resonant and
realistic to target customers –distinctive, defensible and durable vis-à-vis the competition- feasible,
favorable and faithful to the company- Perceptual Mapping. Repositioning: Balancing consistency
and change. What is a brand? - Importance of branding: brand culture, brand value and brand equity–
Creating and building strong brands- Defending declining brands
Unit V: Product Policy and Pricing 7 lecture hours
Product mix decisions: connections between new and existing products- Product line decisions: key
considerations in determining product line depth. Product Item Decisions: Antecedents to new product
success: CSFs of Cooper and Rogers- New Product Development: Hierarchy of Effects Mode, Stages
– Gate model. Value Pricing Approach- price customization- Price Setting: assessing customer price
sensitivity and impact of pricing on profitability
Course Name: Accounting for Managers
Course Code: MSB21T1005

Course Contents

Unit I 15 lecture hours

Financial Accounting and Reporting:
Introduction to Financial Accounting, Principles, GAAP, IFRS, Rules of Accounting, Journal, Ledger,
Trial Balance, Cash Book and Subsidiaries, Concepts of Reconciliation between Cash Book and Pass
Book, Trading, Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet, Revised Format of Financial Statement,
Annual Report and Contemporary issues.

Unit II 15 lecture hours

Financial Analysis:
Introduction, Types of Analysis, Common Size, Comparative, Trend Analysis, Ratio Analysis, Cash
Flow Statement, Inter and Intra firm comparison, Comparison with Industry. Excel based Analysis
using DuPont

Unit III 15 lecture hours

Management Accounting:
Introduction to Management Accounting, Difference from Financial Accounting, Types of Cost,
Methods and Techniques of Cost, Material, Labour, Overhead Cost and Management, Cost Sheet,
Inventory Control measures, Allocation, Apportionment and Absorption of Cost,

Unit IV 8 lecture hours

Methods and Techniques of Costing
Job Costing, Marginal Costing, Difference from Absorption costing, Costing and Pricing, Decision
making using cost, Cost plus Contracts, Strategic Cost Management, Activity Based Costing,
Contemporary issues.

Unit V 7 lecture hours

Cost control and Management of Cost:
Budgeting, Master Budget, Flexible Budget, Key factors, Cash Budget, Case Study, Standard Costing,
Material Variance, Labour Variance, Overhead Variance, Standard Vs. Budget
Unit I: Basic concepts of Managerial Economics (7 lecture hours)
Importance of the course for Managers , The Circular Flow of Economic Activity, Basic Economic
Concepts such as Marginal Utility, Marginal Cost, Marginal Revenue, Marginal Principle, Incremental
Principle, Opportunity Cost, Present Discounted Value, Calculus and Managerial Economics.
Unit II: Supply-Demand Analysis and Consumer Behaviour (12 lecture hours)
The Market forces of Supply and Demand: concept of Demand and Supply, determinants of Demand
and Supply, price effect, income effect and substitution effect; equilibrium price, Elasticity and its
applications : price elasticity of Demand & its types, income & cross price elasticity of Demand,
determinants of price elasticity of Demand and Supply, Relationship among price elasticity, total
revenue, average revenue and marginal revenue, Demand analysis and estimation : market surveys and
market experiments, regression analysis, trend analysis, exponential smoothening, The theory of
consumer choice :indifference curve and its properties, budget constraint, consumer’s optimal choice,
deriving the demand curve
Unit III: Production Analysis, Cost of Production, and Profit Analysis of the Firm (10 lecture
Theory of production in short-run : among total, average and marginal productivity of labour, Law of
diminishing returns, and profit maximization, Theory of production in long-run : isoquant curve, iso
cost line, least cost production, Economic region of production, expansion path, and returns to scale,
Types of costs in short-run : fixed, variable, total, average, marginal, break-even analysis, shut-down
point, Types of costs in long-run :total, average, marginal, and inter-relationships, Comparison and
inter-relationships, relation between production and cost, Identify different costs from the
balance sheet of any company and its implication on profit, Profit maximization and sustainability by
following ethical practice
Unit IV: Market Structures (Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition (8
lecture hours)
Perfectly competitive market [characteristics, supply and demand curve, profit maximizing price
determination in short-run and long-run, effects of taxes on price and output, consumer surplus,
producer surplus, market efficiency, solve problems, Monopolistic market: characteristics, supply and
demand curve, profit maximizing price determination in short-run and long-run, dead weight loss under
monopoly, anti-trust legislation, product differentiation advertising and brand names, solve problems.
Unit V: Oligopoly and Pricing practices (8 lecture hours)
Oligopoly market: duopoly, barriers to entry, price rigidity without collusion, i.e. Kinked Demand
Curve Model; Cournot’s model of duopoly without collusion, efficient firm and dominant firm, perfect
collusion (cartels), Game theoretic approaches to oligopoly ; game theory : an objective, two or more
players, strategies or choices, costs and benefits; economics of information :costs and benefits of
information, moral hazards; Pricing practices: mark-up pricing, multiple products, price discrimination,
access fees, bundling,Pareto optimality
Course Name: Organization Behaviour
Course Code: MBDS5025

Unit I: Foundation of organization and Individual behaviour 8 lecture hours
Foundations and Importance of Organization Behaviour, Predecessors of OB, Future Perspectives of
OB; Emerging Challenges in OB, Personality: Definition and Nature; Determinants of Personality –
Nature vs. Nurture, Big Five Model; Core self-evaluations and attributes of Personality - Self-Esteem,
Self-Monitoring, Locus of Control, Type A and Type B, Machiavellianism, Narcissistic
Unit II: Individual Perception and Learning 9 lecture hours
Concept of Perception; Factors influencing Perceptions, Perceptual Process; Categories of biases in
social perception, Attribution theory- distinctiveness, consistency & consensus, Learning – Nature &
Process; Classical Conditioning Theory, Reinforcement or Operant Conditioning Theory, Social
learning theory and application of learning principles in organizational context for shaping behaviour
and individual motivation
Unit 3: Workplace Attitudes, Emotions and Stress 8 lecture hours
Attitudes – what are they? Formation of attitude - ABC model, Major work-related attitudes like
organizational commitment, job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational citizenship behavior
and work behaviors, Consequences of job dissatisfaction through Exit-Voice-Loyalty-Neglect (EVLN)
Model, Types of organizational commitment, Types of Emotions, Role of emotions and Mood,
Emotional Intelligence and managing emotions in organization, Emotional labor and its relevance for
certain professions, what is Stress? Types of stress, causes of stress, managing and coping stress
Unit 4: Team dynamics and Motivation at workplace 10 lecture hours
Groups - Meaning and types; Stages of Group Formation, Structural dynamics of work groups – roles,
status, norms and cohesiveness, Interpersonal relationships and team success - JOHARI Window,
Motivation and work behaviour; Theories of motivation - Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory, Herzberg’s
Two Factor Theory, Vroom’s expectancy theory; Equity theory, Implications of various motivation
theories at the workplace.
Unit 5: Essence of leadership and managing conflict 10 lecture hours
What is leadership? Leadership vs. Managers, trait approach to leadership, what characteristics do great
leaders possess, behavioural and contingency perspective of leadership, Path-goal theory, Hersey &
Blanchard Situational leadership Theory, Change-Oriented Leadership -
Inspirational Approaches to Leadership, Charismatic, Transformation and Transactional, Modern
Perspective on Leadership, Meaning and Sources of conflict; Types of Conflict, Process of Conflict and
Conflict Management; Strategies for Resolving Conflict
Course Name: Business Statistics for Decision Making
Course Code: MBDS5028

Course Content
Unit I: Introduction to Business Statistics 10 lecture hours
Introduction to business statistics, application of statistics in decision making, measures of central
tendency, mean, median, mode, measures of dispersion, range, quartile deviation, mean deviation,
standard deviation.
Unit II: Probability and Probability Distribution 12 lecture hours
Introduction to probability, probability events, basic probability, addition theorem, conditional theorem,
multiplication theorem, Bayes’ theorem, Probability distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson
distribution, Normal distribution
Unit III: Correlation and Regression analysis 11 lecture hours
Introduction to correlation analysis, scatter diagram method, Karl Pearson’s Correlation coefficient,
Rank (Spearman’s) correlation, Multiple correlation, coefficient of determination, Introduction to
regression analysis, difference between correlation and regression, regression coefficient, properties of
regression coefficient, regression equations Yon X and X on Y.

Unit IV: Time Series Analysis 6 lecture hours

Introduction to time series, time series data, components of time series, Trend, Seasonal, Cyclic and
Irregular variations, Moving average method to find trend, Method of Least Square to find and forecast
trend values.
Unit V: Index Numbers 6 lecture hours
Introduction to Index Numbers, Types of Index Numbers, Uses, Construction of price, quantity and
volume indices, Laspyres’, Paasches’ and Fishers ideal index numbers, tests for adequacy of Index
Course Name: Excel for Managers
Course Code: MSB21P1004

Course Content
Unit I: Introduction to MS Excel and Look-up functions 10 Lab Hours
How to create Spreadsheets, various components of Excel window, overview of basic arithmetic
functions, introduction to Excel add-ins, use of if function, nested if along with examples, Lookup
function in MS Excel - VLookup and HLookup functions
Unit II: Index, Match and Text functions 8 Lab Hours
Syntax and use of index and match functions, combining index and match together to perform searching,
role of various Text functions in spreadsheets, example of text functions to find first name and last name
from given full names
Unit III: Financial functions in MS-Excel 6 Lab Hours
Introduction to financial functions, examples of calculating Future Value and Present Value in Excel,
examples of using NPER and PMT functions in Excel
Unit IV: Date and Time functions 6 Lab Hours
Handling Date and time in spreadsheets, various date formats in spreadsheets, syntax and use of date
and time functions, situation based problems of calculating student age, working days etc., use of
yearfrac function in finding difference between 2 given dates
Unit V: Sensitivity analysis, data tables and pivot tables 10 Lab Hours
introduction to Pivot tables, examples of Pivot table, Pivot charts in spreadsheets, Problem Sensitivity
Analysis with Data Tables, Goal Seek application (Interpretation and decision making using
spreadsheets), Histograms and its types (symmetric, Positively skewed, negatively skewed, multiple
Course Name: Legal Aspects of Business
Course Code: MBDS5029

Course Content
Unit I: What is a contract and how contract is discharged. 12 lecture hours
Agreement, Contract-Some definitions of contract and agreement, Essential elements of a contract-
(CASE LAWS- Balfour vs. Balfour, Rose &Frank Co vs. Crompton Bros), Classification of contracts,
Rules relating to valid offer- (CASE LAWS- Laxman Shukla vs. Gauri Dutt), Types of offers-(CASE
LAW- Carlill vs. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co) Applicability to life situations, Revocation of offer, Rules
relating to a valid acceptance.
Meaning of Suit, Types of suit CASE LAW- Planche vs. Colburn), Meaning of damages-(CASE LAW
- Hadley vs. Baxendale), Kinds of damages.
Unit II: Contract of Sales and Consumer Laws. 12 lecture hours
Meaning of contract of sale, Essentials of contract of sale, Definition of Goods, Types of goods,
Condition and warranties. (CASE LAWS-Vorley vs. Whipp),Difference between Condition and
Warranties. Unpaid seller and his rights, Definition of a consumer, Rights of a consumer, Consumer
protection councils, Redressal Mechanism.
Unit III: Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) & Negotiable Instruments 7 lecture hours
Intellectual property vs. Physical Property, Importance of IPR in business, Major types of IPR,
Provisions with respect to registration, renewal, revocation, Infringement. Creativity/Innovation-
Characteristics of Innovative organizations
Meaning of negotiable instruments, Types of negotiable instruments and difference between them,
Dishonour of Cheques due to insufficiency of funds, etc.
Unit IV: Introduction to Company Law 9 lecture hours
Meaning of Company and its characteristics, Doctrine of lifting the corporate veil. Shares, Share
Capital, Debentures and its types, Directors- Kinds of directors, Role of a director, Duties of a director,
Director’s liability, Winding up of a company.
Unit V: General rules relating to partnership 5 lecture hours
Definition of Partnership and its essentials, Rights and duties of partners, Types of partners, Registration
of Firms, Dissolution of firms, Limited-Liability Partnership, Incorporation by registration, Partners
and their relations, Dissolution of partnership firm.
Course Code: MBDS5022

UNIT 1: Overview of Business Ethics 6 Lecture Hours
Personal and Professional Ethics, Business ethics: importance and needs, significance in ethical
decision making. Distinction between values and ethics, Characteristics of an ethical organization,
Morality and Law, management and ethics, Case Study: Biocon-India’s own home-grown Biotech
Company Kantianism: Ethics of Duty, Other Normative Theories- Stockholder theory And their
applications Building an Ethical Stakeholder Theory, Indian Ethical Traditions-Teachings from Gita,
teachings from Islam, Christianity, Gandhian principles
UNIT 2 : Consumer and Environmental Ethics 6 Lecture Hours
Consumer and Consumer Protection- Definition; Parties to consumer protection. Consumer duties and
responsibilities, Consumer protection in Indian context, Case: Why It Pays To Be Honest: How
Unethical Marketing Practices Cost Pharmaceutical Giant Johnson & Johnson $2.2 Billion
Environmental Preservation: Role of Stakeholders, Waste Management and Pollution Control, Key
Strategies for Industrial Pollution Prevention Managing Environmental issues Environmental audit,
Managing environmental issues, Environmental policy in Indian context.
UNIT 3: Corporate Governance 6 Lecture Hours
Corporate Governance: An introduction, Need for corporate governance Evolution of corporate
governance Characteristics of Corporation, Theories of corporate governance- Agency Theory,
Stewardship theory, Stakeholder and sociological theory Shareholders and Shareholder Activism,
Boards of Directors Governance practices and regulation
America’s Hall of Shame, Satyam scandal in India Models of Corporate Governance: The Anglo
American Model of Governance, The German Model of Governance, Indian Model of Governance
International Corporate
Governance Corporate Scandals : Satyam Case, Ricoh Case, ICICI Bank Scam Case, Kingfisher
Airlines and United Spirits Case and YES Bank scam
UNIT 4 Corporate Social Responsibility 6 Lecture Hours
Applicability and Importance of CSR Evolution of CSR: Doing Good-A Shift from Obligation to
Strategy Strategic CSR: Needs and Challenges CSR policy Activities under CSR Schedule VII of the
Companies Act, 2013 Models of CSR
UNIT 5 CSR: A Competitive Advantage 6 Lecture Hours
Corporate Social Initiative: Six options for doing good Examples from Dell Inc., and McDonald’s.
Socially responsible business practices The strategic importance of CSR implementation And
Competitive advantage
Course Name: Business Communication
Course Code: SLMB5002

Course Content
Unit I: Communication Basics 10 lecture hours
Introduction to communication essentials, Workshop on public speaking-JAM session, feedback on the
JAM session, Overcoming Glossophobia, understanding what is Communication, Ways of
Communication, Effective Communication Skills, Graded Individual Presentations.
Unit II: Presentation Skills 10 lecture hours
Basics of presentation, Planning & Preparing of presentation, understanding team dynamics,
understanding the usage of Visual Aids, Delivery of presentation, Gradation of Team Presentations,
Presentation Feedback
Unit III: Business Writing 10 lecture hours
Reading, listening and questioning, Basics of Written Business Communication, Writing – Reports,
Proposal, Emails, Precis-writing, Bio-Data and Resumes.

Course Name: Introduction to Business Analytics

Course Code: MSB21T1004

Course Content
Unit I: Introduction 9 lecture hours
Overview of Business Intelligence Business Analytics: Concept, Terminology & Significance,
Difference between Business Intelligence and Business Analytics, Business Analytics Process &
Decision-Making Process, Case study- A trip to Summerhouse
Unit II: Business Analytics in Business Verticals 9 lecture hours
Use of Business Analytics in Business Verticals (Retail, Banking, Insurance) Use of Business Analytics
in Business Verticals (Health Care, Education, Automobile, & Telecommunication etc; ) Case Study: -, Case study: AMC networks, Resources of Business Analytics, Data- categories of Data, ECM
framework, Personnel resources
Unit III: Business Analytics Processing 9 lecture hours
Data Processing: Overview of OLTP, OLAP, Overview of Data Warehouse, Data Mining, UIMA
Unit IV: Data Visualization 9 lecture hours
Visualizing Data: Reporting systems, Multidimensional Modelling, Dashboards, Applications of BA in
Business: Marketing Analytics, Financial Analytics, Government Analytics
Unit V: Business Analytics Strategy 9 lecture hours
Business Analytics Strategy: Ensuring Data Quality, Outsourcing & measuring Business Analytics
contribution, Case study: Essentials of Cross-selling and Up-selling
Course Name: Foundation of Aviation Business & SMS
Course Code: MSB23T1001

Course Content
Unit-I 9 lecture hours
A National security asset:
History of Aviation - Importance of Air transportation – Airways – Development of the Aviation
industry – Deregulation – Major players in Airline Industry- Swot analysis in Airline Industry -
Consequences of 9/11 to the industry – Emergency Funding– Protecting Public Air transportation - Air
transport Services: International trends-Emerging Indian scenario-PPP- Public Private Participation in
Indian Airports-Environmental regulations-Private participation in International developments-
Environment regulations - Regulatory issues-Meteorological services for Aviation-Airport fees, rates,
and charges.
Unit-II 9 lecture hours
Aircraft as Missiles:
Hijacking – Security Measures – International Prospective– Trend begins –Diplomatic Conference on
Air Law – Ministerial Conference on Terrorism – Financing of Terrorism – United Nations –
ICAO/ECAC - Early Hijackings – Terrorist Hijackings Spread – Initial Public response – Cockpit Doors
– Profile of a Hijacker – Sky Marshal Program/Federal Air Marshal Program – History of Significant
Air hijackings since 1972. Terrorism – Middle East – Rival Claims – Palestinian Liberation
Organization – Abu Nidal – Hamas –Iranian Support of Terrorism – Hezbollah – Afghanistan: Osama
Bin Laden – Europe – Japan – Peru – Russia – US – Domestic Terrorism – Nuclear Terrorism.
Unit-III 9 lecture hours
The last line of Defense – Introduction – Facilities – Screening check Point Augmentation – Law
enforcement Officers at the gate – Flexible Law enforcement response Program – Public and Private
Security Interface. Airborne Aircraft Security. Increased Supervision: Introduction – Criminal Guards
– Ergonomic Solutions – potential Operator concerns – measuring operator Performance
Unit-IV 9 lecture hours
Air Carrier-A Loose End:
Introduction – Cargo Carrier responsibility – Air cargo security – Suicides – Baggage Tags – Passenger/
Baggage reconciliation – Airport lockers – Container hardening – Blast containment versus blast
management – Airmail security – Indirect air carriers – known and unknown shipper – Vacuum
chambers – Inspection of cargo – International Air cargo standards – Irelands air Cargo Security
Program – TSA inspection of Airport – Conclusion. A slippery slope:
Unit-V 9 lecture hours
Technological Improvements:
Some intrusive and some not: Introduction – Core commission – Micro wave Holographic Imaging –
Body orifice security scanner – Flight Vu™ Aircraft data scanner – New Generation of video security
systems – Bio simmer™ quadruple resonance device – Intelliscan™
Course Name: Corporate Finance
Course Code: MBDS5013

Unit I: Introduction and Time Value of Money 8 lecture hours

Introduction, Nature, Scope and Functions of Corporate Finance; Role of finance manager; Financial
goals: Profit maximization vs wealth maximization; Concept of agency and agency problem; Time
Preference for money - Future Value and Present Value of Single Cash Flow and Annuity; Risk and
Return; and Valuation of Bonds and Shares.
Unit II: Investment Decisions 8 lecture hours
Capital Budgeting- Concept, Significance; Investment Evaluation Criteria: NPV: Concept, Application,
Significance and Limitations; IRR & MIRR: Concept, Concept, Application, Significance and
Limitations; Payback Period: Concept, Application, Significance and Limitation; ARR: Concept,
Application, Significance and Limitation; Profitability Index: Concept, Application, Significance and
Limitation; Simultaneous application of capital budgeting decisions.
Risk Analysis in capital budgeting and capital rationing.
Unit III: Cost of Capital and Leverage Analysis 8 lecture hours
Cost of capital: Concept, Significance, Nature, and Factors affecting cost of capital; Cost of Debt,
Preference Shares, Equity Shares, and Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). EBIT-EPS
Analysis; Leverage analysis- Operating, Financial and Combined Leverage
Unit IV: Capital structure and Dividend Decisions 10 lecture hours
Theories of Capital structure- Net Income (NI), Traditional, Net Operating Income (NOI), and MM
Dividend: Concept, meaning, types, and significance for stakeholders; Theories/Models in dividend
policy- Walter, Gordon, and MM (Miller Modigliani) Hypothesis; Determinants of dividend policy.
Unit V: Working Capital Decisions 11 lecture hours
Working Capital Management: Concept, Objectives, Types and Significance; Principles of working
capital management; Concept and estimation of operating cycle and working capital requirements;
Receivables management; Inventory management- EOQ, Stock Levels, ABC Analysis and JIT; and
Cash management.
Course Name: Human Resource Management
Course Code: MBDS5015

Course Content
Unit I: Introduction to HRM 7 lecture hours
Concept & Importance of HRM, Principles and functions of HR Manager. Strategic HRM, Traditional
Vs. Strategic HR, System Approaches to HRM. Scope and functions of HRM; Brief overview of laws
related HR like Payment of Wages Act, Gratuity, Trade Union Act.HR outsourcing.
Unit II: Job Analysis and HR Planning 8 lecture hours
Talent Acquisition, Importance and Process. The basics of Job Analysis, Process of Job Analysis;
Methods for collecting Job Analysis Information.
Nature and Concept of HRP, Objectives and importance. Methods for HR Forecasting. Preparing
Manpower Inventory and Succession Planning.
Unit III: Recruitment, selection, training and development 12 lecture hours
Introduction to Recruitment. Internal and External Sources of Recruitment. Methods of Recruitment,
Effective Recruiting.
Introduction and Process of Employee Selection. Selection Methods, Selection Interviews. Placement
and orientation.
Unit IV: Performance Appraisal and Compensation Management 8 lecture hours
Introduction; Purpose of Performance Appraisal, The Performance Appraisal Process. Methods of
Performance Appraisal, 360 Degree Feedback System, Problems in Appraisal. Essential Characteristics
of Performance Appraisal, Potential Appraisal, Use of McKinsey 9 - box Matrix for Performance
Objectives and Nature of compensation, Components of a pay structure, CTC. Job Evaluation, Factors
affecting compensation and choices in designing a compensation system.
Unit V: Contemporary issues in HR 10 lecture hours
Introduction, Nature & Objectives of Industrial Relations, Factors Influencing IR, Significance of IR.
Industrial Conflict, Forms of Industrial Disputes, Forms and Causes of Industrial disputes. Industrial
Disputes handling Machinery. Green HRM, E-HRM, Measuring HR, Managing 5 R’s, Managing
Diversity at Workplace, Employee Empowerment ,HR Metrics.
Introduction of IHRM, Host Country National, Parent Country National, Third Country, Approaches to
IHRM (Ethno-centric, geocentric and polycentric)
COURSE NAME: Operations Research

Unit I: Introduction to Operations Research & Linear programming Problem-I (12 lecture hours)
Introduction to OR, Use ,scope and applications of OR, Introduction to Linear Programming problem,
Mathematical form of LPP, Solution to LPP, Graphical Method and its limitations, Types of solution in
graphical method , Multiple solution, unbounded solution and infeasible solutions, Solution of LPP by
simplex method, Maximization and Minimization examples, Duality, Sensitivity Analysis
Unit II: Decision Theory and Game Theory (10 lecture hours)
Decision Theory (Decision Under certainty, risk and Uncertainty, Marginal Analysis, Decision tree
Analysis), Maximax, Minimin, Maximin, Minimax, Laplace, Hurwicz and Minimax Regret Criteria.
EMV Criteria, Decision Tree Analysis, Tree Plan with solver.
Unit III: Assignment Problems and its application in business (10 lecture hours)
Introduction to Transportation problem, Mathematical form of TP, North West Corner Method, Vogel’s
approximation method, least cost Method, MODI method for optimum solution
Introduction to Assignment Problem, Mathematical form, Method of solution- Hungarian method,
unbalanced assignment problem, restricted assignment problem, Applications of assignment problem
in business, case study
Unit IV: Game Theory (6 Lecture hours)
Introduction of game theory, concepts, Two persons game, Zero sum Game, Strategy, Mixed Strategy
game & Pure strategy games, Methods of solution, Maximin-Minimax principle, Saddle Point and
Saddle Point Method, Probability Method, Graphical Method, Principle of Dominance.
Unit V: Queuing Theory (7 lecture hours)
Introduction to queuing theory, concept of arrival pattern, Service Pattern, Queuing Discipline, Physical
capacity of system, No of servers and multi- stage service, Application of Queuing Model: M/M/1/∞,
Case Study
Course Name: Operations & Supply Chain Management
Course Code: MBDS5032

Module I: Introduction to Operations Management & Resource utilization: Concepts (11

Lecture Hours)
Basic Concepts of Operations Management, Manufacturing and Service Systems; Transformation
Process, Product Design and its uses, Process Design & Service Design selection, Service
Characteristics, Classification Matrix, SERVQUAL, 5S, Job Design and work Measurement,
Manufacturing/Service Process selection, BPR, Facility Capacity, Decision tree analysis on capacity
& location decision, Facility Location & Layout, Assignment model in layout planning, Case Study: -
Honda’s Mixed Model Assembly Lines, Narayana Hrudayalaya

Module II: Forecasting and Inventory Control in supply chain (11 Lecture Hours)
Forecasting in operations and supply chain, Introduction to Time-series forecasts, Time series
analysis, Extrapolative methods I and Forecasting Error, Introduction to Inventory Management,
Various costs involved in inventory management, EOQ Models of Inventory Management, Analysis
of EOQ Models in Inventory Management, Inventory Control and Supply Chain Management.

Module III: Operations Planning and Schedule (8 Lecture Hours)

Aggregate Sales and Operations Planning, Aggregate planning Techniques, Material requirement
Planning, Improvements in the MRP system, Lot Sizing in MRP Systems.

Module IV: Quality Management and Control (8 Lecture Hours)

Nature of Quality, Evolution of Quality Management, Modern Quality Management, Total Quality
Management, Statistical Concepts in Quality Control, Analysis of Statistical Quality Control tools,
Acceptance Sampling, 7 QC Tools, Introduction to Six Sigma, Quality Function Deployment, Quality
issues in Services.

Module V: Supply Chain Management and its strategy (7 Lecture Hours)

Concept of Supply Chain Management, Contemporary Issues in Operations and Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Strategy, Measuring Supply Chain performance, Framework for
Operations Strategy Formulation, Case discussion of Supply Chain Management
Course Name: ICAO Annexure-14
Course Code: MBAV5002

UNIT- I: Introduction: Concept Of Aerodrome Design And Planning 9 lecture hours

Introduction of ICAO-Importance of Annexure-14-Airport Design-Aerodrome data-
Condition of the movement area and related facilities - Physical characteristics - Runways and
Taxiways Obstacle restriction and removal-obstacle limitation requirements-objects outside the
obstacle limitation surfaces.
UNIT- 2: Visual Aids For Navigation 9 lecture hours
Visual and Navigation Aids – Introduction Indicators and signaling devices Aerodrome Markings
AND Aerodrome Lights-Intermediate holding position lights, Aerodrome Signs and markers,
Visual aids for denoting obstacles, Visual aids for denoting restricted use areas, Navigation power
supply system and facilities.
UNIT- 3: Aerodrome Operational Services, Equipment And Installations 9 lecture hours
Aerodrome Operational Services - Equipment and airport installations - Aerodrome emergency
planning - Disabled aircraft removal -Surface movement guidance and control systems,
Fencing and Security lighting, Aerodrome maintenance, Number siting and orientation of runways,
Guidance material for runways.
UNIT- 4: Heliport 9 lecture hours
Heliport and functions - General and common reference system - Heliport data -Physical
characteristics surface level - heliports and Elevated heliports -Obstacle limitation surfaces and
sectors - limitation requirements -Visual Aids-Indicators-marking and markers - Lights Heliport
emergency response
UNIT- 5: Aerodrome Certification 9 lecture hours
Importance of Aerodrome Certification -Personnel Licensing-Operation of Aircraft
Airworthiness of Aircraft -Air Traffic Services -Aircraft accident and incident investigation
Aerodrome Safety Management Systems and -Aerodrome safety auditing - Dangerous goods

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