CP&M - Lec 7 Scheduling & Bar Chart

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Priorities the activities

Sequence to the activities with time.

Assigning resources to activities over


Scheduling is the determination of the

sequence and timing of operations in the
project and their assembly to give the
overall Completion time.
• The project schedule is the tool that communicates
• what work needs to be performed,
• which resources of the organization will perform the work
• and the timeframes in which that work needs to be performed.
• The project schedule should reflect all of the work associated with
delivering the project on time.
• Without a full and complete schedule, the project manager will be
unable to communicate the complete effort, in terms of cost and
resources, necessary to deliver the project.
Scheduling Techniques

Non-Network Network
Techniques Techniques

Bar Charts AOA

Network Diagrams
Scheduling Techniques
A task or a work component of the project which has some
time period and consumes the resources for its completion.

 Event
• It is a Milestone of any activity.
• Starting point or Ending point of an activity.
Gantt Chart
• A GANTT chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates
a project schedule.
• After the PERT/CPM analysis is completed, the
following phase is to construct the GANTT chart
and then to re-allocate resources and re-schedule if
• GANTT charts have become a common technique
for representing the phases and activities of a
project work breakdown structure.
• It was introduced by Henry Gantt around 1910 –

Building a Gantt Chart
• List all tasks and milestones from the
project along the vertical axis
• List time frame along the horizontal axis
Activity 1
Activity 2

Time Frame: day 1 day 2 day3

Building a Gantt Chart
• Activities: Create box the length of each activity time
– E.g., activity one is scheduled from day1-day3

Activity 1
Activity 2

Time Frame: day 1 day 2 day3

Building a Gantt Chart
• Dependencies: Show dependencies between
activities with arrows
– E.g., activity 2 cannot start until activity 1 is complete

Activity 1
Activity 2

Time Frame: day 1 day 2 day3…

• Planned program is shown by thick line
• Actual progress is shown by thin line
• The float is shown by dotted lines
• The dependencies of one work on another is represented by dotted
vertical lines
Sequence of Activities of The Project -
House Building
Number Activity Predecessor Duration
1 Design house and obtain -- 3 months
2 Lay foundation 1 2 months

3 Order and receive materials 1 1 month

4 Build house 2,3 3 months

5 Select paint 2, 3 1 month

6 Select carper 5 1 month
7 Finish work 4, 6 1 month
Gantt Chart for House Building Project

Gantt Chart for House Building Project using QM for Windows

2-Aug-22 Dr.Bokkasam Sasidhar

Gantt Chart
Graph or bar chart with a bar for each project activity that shows passage of time
Provides visual display of project schedule
Bar Charts
For the construction of a drinking water purification
plant the activities performed are;
Activity Duration (Weeks)
A 3
B 4
C 6
D 5
E 3
F 4
G 6
Bar Charts
1. After the completion of activity A, activity B and activity C can
be started simultaneously.

2. Activity D can start only after completion of activity B.

3. Activity E can start after the completion of activities B & C.

4. Activity F can start after the completion of activities D & E.

5. Activity G can start after the completion of activity C.

Bar Charts
Example: (Solution)
Bar Charts
For the Final year project of B.E the activities carried
out are;
Activity Duration (Weeks) Predecessor
A 2 ----
E 3 ----
B 5 A
J 4 A
F 3 E
K 5 J
C 2 B
G 1 F
D 7 K
Bar Charts
Immediate Predecessor activity

Activity IPA Durations(Days)

A ---- 2
B A 5
C,D B 3
E C 1
F D 4
G E,F 2

Activity A has no predecessor activity. i.e., It is the first activity. Let us suppose that
activity A takes the project from event 1 to event 2.

For activity B, the predecessor activity is A. Let us suppose that B joins nodes 2 and 3.
Bar Charts
Immediate Predecessor activity

Activities C and D have B as the predecessor activity

Activity E has D as the predecessor activity.
Activity F has D as the predecessor activity.
Activity G has E and F as predecessor activities.
Gantt Chart
• Characteristics:
• The bar in each row identifies the corresponding task
• The horizontal position of the bar identifies start and end times of
the task
• Bar length represents the duration of the task
• Task durations can be compared easily
• Good for allocating resources and re-scheduling
• Precedence relationships can be represented using arrows
• Critical activities are usually highlighted
• Slack times are represented using bars with doted lines
• The bar of each activity begins at the activity earliest start time (ES)
• The bar of each activity ends at the activity latest finish time (LF).

Gantt Chart
 Advantages
 Simple
 Good visual communication to others
 Task durations can be compared easily
 Good for scheduling resources
 Easy to create and comprehend
 Easy to understand
 Activities can be easily handled
 Coding can make more explanatory charts
 Suitable for small works
 Disadvantages
 Dependencies are more difficult to visualise
 Minor changes in data can cause major changes in the chart
 Difficult for long project
 Dependencies are difficult to analyse
 Critical path cannot be identified easily
 Different alternate paths are difficult
23 to choose
Equipment Schedule
Labour Schedule
Materials Schedule
Financial Schedule
• Prepare bar chart for different construction projects i.e. Building,
roadwork, dams, tunnel structure, bridges etc.
• Prepare equipment schedule for 4 different commercial buildings,
started at same time. The total project duration is 6 months. Assume
necessary equipment resources yourself.

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