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Bible Guide Lines For Aha

The Purpose of the document is to give a
detailed understanding into what we look for in a
show Pitch Bible

This document is divided into two parts..

1. Team Details

2. Show Details

We would like all the content creators to prepare

a deck that gives as much details as possible for
us to evaluate a show and this deck will also
increase the probability of success.

Information required in a Bible

Team Details Team Details Elaborated:
Slide 1 Through 4
1. Production House / Producer Credentials

2. Show Runner - Credentials

Slide 1: Production House
3. Director - Credentials

4. Writer - Credentials
1. Name Of the Production House

2. About The Producer

Show Details 3. Notable work of the Producer

4. Contact information

1. Logline
Slide 2: Show Runner Details
2. Detailed Show Synopsis

3. Detailed Character Arcs

1. Show Runner Name

4. Detailed Episodic Synopsis / Arcs

2. About Show Runner

5. Future Seasons - Arcs

3. Notable Work of the Show Runner

6. Visual Treatment / Show World References

4. Contact Information

7. Mood Board

8. Detailed Screenplay - Episode 1 & 2 Slide 3: Director Details

1. Director Name

2. About the Director

3. Notable Work of the Director

4. Contact Information

Slide 4: Writer Details

1. Writer Name

2. About the Writer

3. Notable work of the Writer

4. Contact Information

* Notable work of all the people involved in the

project should be given as IMBD Links

Show Details Elaborated Show Details Elaborated

Log line: Slide 5 Episodic Arcs: Slide 21 - 36

A one sentence summary of the show, that gives A write up that describes the story of a particular
us an understanding of the central conflict or an episode which will give a detailed understanding
emotional hook to stimulate interest.
of the story for that episodes, elaborate on the
central conflict for the episode and how the story
In This slide we would also want the following progresses into the subsequent episodes.


We would like to have a detailed episodic arcs

a. Show Name
for all the episodes of the show for season 1,
b. Genre: Major, Minor & Sub Minor
where each episode will be detailed out in a
c. No. Of Episodes
minimum of 2 pages.

d. Duration of Each Episode.

For example if there are 8 Episodes, we would

We Would Prefer this information to be in 1 slide.
want a detailed episodic arcs in 16 Pages where
each episode is detailed out in 2 pages.

Synopsis: Slide 6 - Slide 10 Future Season Arc’s: Slide 37

A write - up that describes the main plot and sub This section is dedicated to understand how the
plots and the world of the story, We prefer a long story world can be extended into multiple
synopsis for the show where we get the seasons and to understand plot and sneak peak
complete flow and drive off the show.
into how the story of season 2 will unfold, if the
show goes beyond season 3, we encourage you
Ideally the synopsis is any where between 3 - 5 to give us a detailed understanding of how the
story is going to unfold.

Ideally we would like to understand the high level

Character Arc’s: Slide 11 - 20 overview of future seasons in one Page

A Character arc is the transformation or inner Visual Treatment Reference: Slides 38 - 40

journey of a character over the course of a show
for the season.
In this section we would like to understand the
The character arc has to show the tone and texture of the show, we would like the
transformation of a character from the begging content creators to give us Visual References
to end in response to changing developments in either from existing show across the world.

the story.

This section generally has imagery that would

We Would like to have a detailed character arcs depict the mood and visual style the creator is
in the following format
envisioning for the show.

a. Character Name
We would want this section to elaborate on the
b. Reference image that depicts the char
colour scheme of the show (Optional)

c. Detailed Character arc

Mood Board: Slide 41 - 43

Ideally, we would require a min of 1 page per
character for all the principal characters of the In this section we would like to understand the
vision of the show creator in terms of
understanding the emotional depth in terms of
For Example if there are 10 principal characters, performances

we would want a detailed character arcs in 10

Pages where each page will detail out one We expect to see the emotional graph using
character. imagery from existing shows / sketches
First Two Episodes Detailed Screenplay

Apart from the above mentioned details, we would want to have a detailed screenplay for the
first two episodes with sample dialogues, We need the first two episodes screenplay for

1. The writing

2. The narrative structure

3. The scenes and flow of the episodes

Ideally we would require the first / pilot episode screenplay, however if we have the first two
episodes screenplay, the probability of success will be higher

Thank You

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