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Conclusion: From this analysis, explain very well which one is better for you, the online classes
or the way we do it before pandemic?
As I compare the online and the way we do before pandemic or actual classes, I will choose
actual or also known as traditional classes. Because Traditional classes is the most suitable for
us, specially, when it comes to rules and regulation of the school policy, we are required to
follow it like to wear complete uniform and worn school i.d before enter in that way we learn
how to be responsible. In the classroom, there is communication between the student and
teachers. And also, inside the classroom the professor provides his/her own room policy like
regular attendance, follow a regular schedule, cleanliness of the room and also the grading
system on his/her subject. This allows professor to know the students and evaluate their
strengths and weaknesses better, act as mentors, and guide students in their career
possibilities. Classroom learning helps students and professor know each other in a better
manner. In a traditional classroom, we can directly share our views and clarification in our own
queries to our professor directly/ on the spot, thus getting our questions answered right away.
Most of the time books that we are bought or barrow in the library and notes are very useful
for studying and passing exams.
As I remember, during the school days (traditional classes) before the pandemic arrived. I
missed my schedules and the room assign that we are about to enter. Because, during that days
I’m always thinking my allowance when it comes to financial. And now, due to covid-19
pandemic the classes are in online now. And not all of us are capable to have a stable
connection and environment that is fitted in the online classes. Students and professors that
have limited resources, it’s difficult for them to adjust in the new class system. In online classes,
the learner is not directly. In case of having any questions,
they may find it difficult to ask their online instructor, as communication is often very
impersonal. However, these courses often offer alternatives to live query resolution like online
forums, emails, and chatrooms. Using these alternatives can be helpful for individuals to get
their queries answered. And also, this COVID-19 pandemic has affected educational systems
worldwide, leading to the near-total closures of schools, universities and colleges. Most
governments around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions in an attempt
to contain the spread of COVID-19. And also have an impact in our mental health issue.
And the engineering economic principle does it follow the “Focus on the Differences” because,
it provides the different scenario/situation and disregarding the comparison of the two.

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