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What Are DevOps Tools?

DevOps works in the cross-functional mode, involving various tools of various kinds and
purposes, instead of just a single tool. These tools are also known as DevOps toolchains, as
discussed above.
The tools help throughout the software production lifecycle, including development,
management, and delivery.
1. DevOps Automation Tools
Jenkin, Docker, Puppet
2. DevOps Pipeline (CI/CD) Tools
Bamboo, Buddy, TeamCity
3. DevOps Version Control Tools
Git, github
This distributed source code management (SCM) tool is used to track changes in files
for software development and coordinate work effectively among programmers. It
aims at increasing the speed, support, and data integrity for non-linear, distributed
Features and Benefits:
A. Works on Windows, macOS, Linux, Solaris, and AIX
B. It has the GPL v2 license
C. Can handle projects of different scales, from small to large projects while maintaining
efficiency and speed
D. Easy to learn and use by beginners and experts alike
E. Provides a competitive edge with features like convenient staging environments,
multiple workflows, commits, check-in, and multiple local branching
F. To integrate it with your workflow, host repositories from GitHub or Bitbucket so
your team can push tasks easily

A. Demonstrates improved access controls
B. Offers collaboration features like task management, bug tracking, continuous
integration, feature requests, and wikis
C. Comes with unlimited private and public repositories
D. Enables you to share your projects using GitHub packages and npm
E. Its mobile app helps you merge or review codes, browser repositories, manage
notification, etc. with ease
F. Available for Windows, macOS, and Linux and you can work using GitHub CLI or

4. DevOps Configuration Management Tools

Chef, kubernetes
5. DevOps Testing Tools
Selenium, SoapUI
6. DevOps Monitoring Tools
Sensu, PagerDuty
7. Bonus DevOps Tools
Apart from the above-mentioned DevOps tools for different stages of software
development, there are so many more available for collaboration, planning,
continuous feedback, security, etc.
 Continuous feedback: Mouseflow, JIRA Service Desk, SurveyMonkey,
SurveyGizmo, etc.
 Collaboration: Slack, Basecamp, Asana, etc.
 Planning: Atlassian Jira Align, Planview, Targetprocess, Trello, etc.
 Cloud DevOps tools: Kamaterra, OpenStack, AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Azure,
IBM Cloud, etc.

git –version: shows the version of git on your computer

git init : It will initialize the project folder into a " git repository "
git status: shows you which folders/files have been modified
git add: It will add all your files to the git staging area. You can also add individual files to
the staging area. For e.g, git add " index.html "
git diff: It will show the difference between a file in the staging area and file that's present in
the working tree (Untracked file)
git commit -m ‘msg’: It will save your changes to your local repository. It's good practice to
include proper commit message which helps in debugging
git push: It will push all the local changes that you've made to the remote github repository
git pull: It will pull ( fetch ) all the updated code from the remote branch and merge it with
your local branch
log: It will list down the entire commit history i.e, all the commits that you've made till now
git branch <name>: This command is used to create a new branch in your local git repository
git branch: It will list down all the local branches that you've created
git branch -a : It will list down all the branches i.e, local branches + remote branches that's
available for checkout
git branch -D <name>: It will forcefully delete the specified local branch ( even if the
changes are not committed )
git checkout <branch_name>:It's used to switch between local git branches
git stash: It's used to temporarily remove the changes that you've made on the working tree
git remote: It will give the name of the remote repository For e.g," origin " or " upstream "
git remote -v: it will give the name as well as the url of the remote repository

 Head Command
The head command is used to display the content of a file. It displays the first 10 lines
of a file

 tail Command : difference between both commands is that it displays the last ten
lines of the file content. It is useful for reading the error message.

 cat Command: The cat command is a multi-purpose utility in the Linux system. It

can be used to create a file, display content of the file, copy the content of one file to
another file, and more. Combine multiple files into a single file
The cat command is also used as a filter. To filter a file, it is used inside pipes.

 grep Command
The grep is the most powerful and used filter in a Linux system. The 'grep' stands for
"global regular expression print." It is useful for searching the content from a file.
Generally, it is used with the pipe.

 more command
The more command is quite similar to the cat command, as it is used to display the
file content in the same way that the cat command does. The only difference between
both commands is that, in case of larger files, the more command displays screenful
output at a time.

 less Command
The less command is similar to the more command. It also includes some extra
features such as 'adjustment in width and height of the terminal.' Comparatively, the
more command cuts the output in the width of the terminal.

 tee command: The tee command is quite similar to the cat command. The only
difference between both filters is that it puts standard input on standard output and
also write them into a file.

  uniq Command: The uniq command is used to form a sorted list in which every

word will occur only once.

 wc Command: The wc command is used to count the lines, words, and characters in

a file.

 sort Command: The sort command is used to sort files in alphabetical order

 tr Command: The tr command is used to translate the file content like from lower
case to upper case.

 sed command: The sed command is also known as stream editor. It is used to edit

files using a regular expression. It does not permanently edit files; instead, the edited
content remains only on display. It does not affect the actual file.

 Paste command: The paste command is used to merge lines of files

 cut Command: The cut command is used to select a specific column of a file. The '-d'
option is used as a delimiter, and it can be a space (' '), a slash (/), a hyphen (-), or
anything else. And, the '-f' option is used to specify a column number.

 Git local repository is the one on which we will make local changes, typically this
local repository is on our computer.
 Git remote repository is the one of the server, typically a machine situated at 42 miles

 You don't need to have a remote repository at all.

You can have the full git experience, with commits, branches, merges, rebases,
etc, with only a local repository.

 The purpose of a remote repository (eg, GitHub) is to publish your code to the
world (or to some people) and allow them to read or write it.

 The remote repository is only involved when you git push your local commits to a
remote repository, or when you git pull someone else's commits from it.

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