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Honorable judges, respected audience and everyone here today, Om Swastiastu. First of

all I’d like to thank the Almighty God, it is because of him we are all able to attend this fantastic

event, safe and healthy. And I’d like to thank the judges for giving me this very special

opportunity to compete in this competition.

Well, my name is Adi Ardana and I’m from SMP Negeri 2 Marga. Standing here before you all

to deliver my speech with title, How to Gain Our English Speaking Skill.

Ladies and gentlemen, imagine you can understand all of the languages that exist. To be

honest, I know that’s probably very impossible to do but definitely there is a better way. Which

is, by learing English. English is sometimes described as a “World Language”. As we known, it

is the most widely-used language in the world. So why do we as non-native speakers need to

learn English? Well, English is a window on world civilization. With the fast developments in

communication system, English has become the only link language between all countries of the

world. With us learning English, it will open a lot of greater opportunities in the future.

At first, I myself started learning English because I have to. At that time I was at 4th grade

and I was really hate it when it comes to English Class. The reason why is that I was really afraid

of trying something new, and learning a completely new language got me really overthink and

nervous. I don’t even understand, why the word with spelling C-O-C-O-N-U-T became coconut.

But then as time flows, I started realize that, there is no harm in learning English. What I mean

by learning is that we need to gain or improve our English day by day. There are so many ways

to improve our English. But so far, the most effective way is to learn it on the platforms that we

like. Not just from books, we can learn English from YouTube, Instagram, Cake App, Duolingo,
and other platforms. Speaking about books, I want to ask you guys, do you all read the book

today? See, not everyone read a book today. What I’m trying to say is that our books do not with

us every single time but I’m pretty sure one hundred percent our handphones do. See, remember

we live in this modern era. We live with digital technology, so use it to help ourselves with our

English learning journey.

Okay, let me tell you something, if learning English only feels like a burden, it will seem tedious

and you will not improve as well as you want. See, this is why it’s important to stay motivated

and find ways to add entertainment into your studies. In other words, don’t forget to have fun

while you learn.

So everyone, let’s learn English. There is definitely a hard time in the beginning but as

you keep learning and learning, you will see nothing to regret for. It’s hard but worth it. That’s

all my speech, thank you so much, good afternoon, Om Santih, Santih, Santih, Om.

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