01AdvancedThinkAhead1 ExtraPractice Module5A

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MODULE 5 Extra Practice: Section A Name:

1 Fill in the missing vowels. Then match the natural disasters to the pictures below.
1. t rn d
2. ts n m
3. v lc n c r pt n
4. l c st nf st t n
5. v l nch
6. f r st f r

a6 b6 c6

d6 e6 f 6

2 Find the natural disasters in the puzzles. Then complete the sentences below with these words.
d r t c e r t q d l l c
s o a t s a h u s o m f
m u g h e k a h d o g h

c r r r o t s n
a i u t s r s o
m n e h m u w h

1. It’s very cold and they’re predicting a .

2. The wind is very strong during a .
3. After many hours of rain, there is sometimes a .
4. An starts under the ground.
5. People are trying to save water here because there’s a .

 Advanced Think Ahead 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books  1

MODULE 5 Extra Practice: Section A

3 Find the Past Simple form of the verbs in the puzzle and write them next to their verbs in the base form.
x h e l p e d k e s r
a c f i h m o n b t c
t r a v e l l e d o a
w e z e t g p w j p m
s a w d s i r h o p e
y d u m f s t a y e d
v x b s t u d i e d j

1. read
2. study
3. come
4. stay
5. stop
6. know
7. live
8. see
9. travel
10. help

4 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Someone (make) a campfire in the forest last Saturday. It (cause)
a forest fire.
2. I (read) an article about natural disasters yesterday. It (be)
3. They (forget) to close the windows and the rain (come) inside
the house.
4. I (buy) a warm coat at the department store last week and I (wear)
it yesterday during the snowstorm.
5. Harry (write) to us and (tell) us about his experience in Japan.
There was an earthquake while he was there.

5 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of the verbs below.
hear • fall • take • eat • rain • swim
1. It hard and then there was a flood.
2. Sharks deep into the sea during the storm.
3. The people a loud noise and were frightened.
4. During the hurricane, many trees .
5. The locusts all the plants.
6. Ambulances several people to the hospital after the tornado.

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