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Учебное пособие «Английский Учебно-методическое пособие «Английский

язык. 5 класс» (Listening exercises). язык в 5 классе (Звуковое сопровождение).
Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2014 Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2013
U1 – L1 – ex2a In PB, ex. 2a, p. 5
U1 – L2 – ex1a In PB, ex. 1a, p. 7
U1 – L2 – ex3a U1 – L1 – ex2a
U1 – L3– ex1a In PB, ex. 1b, p. 11
U1 – L3 – ex1b In PB, ex. 1b, p. 11
U1 – L4 – ex1a U1 – L3 – ex1a
U1 – L4 – ex1b В аудио We helped her in the garden. Our granny
was happy. А в учебнике We helped our granny in
the garden. She was happy.
U1 – L5 – ex2 U1 – L4 – ex2
U1 – L6 – ex1a U1 – L4 – ex5a
В аудио нет слов: Help me find the pearls.
U1 – L6 – ex2a In PB, ex. 2a, p. 22-23
U1 – L7 – ex3a-3с Смотри Tapescript
U1 – L8 – ex2b-2с Смотри Tapescript
U1 – L8 – ex3b, 3d Смотри Tapescript
U2 – L1 – ex2a-2b In PB, ex. 2a, p. 39
U2 – L2 – ex1a U2 – L2 – ex1a
U2 – L2 – ex3a U2 – L2 – ex3a
U2 – L3 – ex1 U2 – L3 – ex1
U2 – L4 – ex1 U2 – L4 – ex1
В аудио – He went to the forest, в учебнике – He
went to the wood.
U2 – L6– ex2b-2с U2 – L5– ex2с
U2 – L8– ex3a, 3c U2 – L6– ex2a
U2 – L9– ex1 U2 – L7 – ex1
U3 – L1 – ex2a In PB, ex. 2b, p. 74-75
U3 – L3– ex1 In PB, ex. 1, p. 81
U3 – L3– ex5a U3 – L1 – ex2
U3 – L4– ex2a U3 – L2– ex2
U3 – L5– ex1b U3 – L3– ex1b
U3 – L6– ex2a U3 – L4– ex2a
На аудио They’re exciting!, а в учебнике – They’re
scary! It’s exciting!
U3 – L7– ex4b U3 – L5– ex2a
U3 – L9– ex1b-1с U3 – L6– ex1b
U4 – L1– ex2a U4 – L1– ex2a
U4 – L2– ex3a U4 – L2– ex3a
U4 – L4– ex2a In PB, ex. 2a, p. 111
U4 – L4– ex3b Смотри Tapescript
U4 – L5– ex2a,2с U4 – L4– ex3a-3с
U4 – L6– ex2b U4 – L5– ex2b
U4 – L7– ex1a U4 – L6– ex1a
U4 – L9– ex1 U4 – L7– ex1
U4 – L10– ex1a

YEAR 5-2014-PART 1-Tapescripts

UNIT 1. LESSON 7. Camps abroad

Ex. 3a, 3b, 3c

3a. Listen to the camp ad and say which camp in ex. 1a it is about.

Do you like summer? Do you like being active? Do you like sports? Come to
Sports Summer Camp and do what you love doing! Do sports! Make new friends!
Enjoy your summer! Sports Summer Camp is on from June 1 till August 25.
You’re welcome!

UNIT 1. LESSON 8. A Belarusian camp

2b, 2c.  Listen to Nikita on school radio. Check your answers.

Reporter: Hi, Nikita. I heard you were at camp last summer. Tell us how it was

Nikita: Well, it was great fun. I liked it a lot.

Reporter: OK. Tell us more details, please. Where is the camp?

Nikita: It’s in Belarus, near Lake Naroch in Narochanski National Park.

Reporter: Oh, I see. Is it beautiful there?

Nikita: Yes! The lake and the forest / wood are really beautiful.

Reporter: Nikita, what camp were you at?

Nikita: It’s Zubronok, a camp that is open to children all year round.

Reporter: What do you mean, Nikita? Can you go to Zubronok in … winter?

Nikita: Yes, you can! You can go there in any month. They have a school at the
camp and it works from September to June.

Reporter: I see. Great! But you were at Zubronok in summer, weren’t you?

Nikita: Yes, I was there from the 11th till the 28th of August. We were the last
summer group.

Reporter: How old were the children at camp, Nikita? Is it for small children only?

Nikita: No, it’s for all school age groups actually. Children between 6 and 17 can
go to the camp.

Reporter: Wow! That’s great! But… But wasn’t it boring for older children to do
what the small children did?

Nikita: Oh, no! It was never boring at camp! Different groups had different plans,
and all activities were very interesting.
Reporter: Can you tell us what activities you liked very much?

Nikita: Sure! We rode bikes and roller-bladed, we played different sports games
like football and volleyball, we had funny running races, and of course we also
went swimming in the lake.

Reporter: I see. You love sports!

Nikita: Yes, I do! And I also liked a dance class. We learned a Belarusian dance
for the final concert there. Oh, and one day we visited people on a farm. First, we
listened to how they live in the country, and then we helped the farmer and his
wife. I cleaned the horse and then I gave water to it. It was fantastic!

Reporter: I see, Nikita. You enjoyed the camp very much.

Nikita: Yes, I did! I want to go to Zubronok again.

UNIT 1. LESSON 8. A Belarusian camp

3b, 3d. Listen and check.

Morning. That day, we got up (1) very early1. My parents took me to the camp. My
dad drove (2) the car. It was fast! We came (3) first to the camp! My mum gave (4)
me some sweets to make my life happier. My parents took me to my camp leader 2.
Then my mum and dad said (5) “Goodbye” and went home.

Early afternoon. We had a running race before lunch. It was fun! We ran (6) 100
meters. I came first! My camp leader said “Good job!” and gave (7) me a cake. I
ate it with my new friends at lunch.

Late afternoon. The weather was very hot and we went to the lake to swim. We
swam (8) in turn3. The water was very nice and clean.

early [ˈɜːli] – рано
camp leader [ˈliːdə] - вожатый
in turn [ɪn ˈtɜːn] – по очереди
Evening. When it got dark, we had a camp fire. I made a lot of friends there. We
had a lot of fun!

UNIT 3. LESSON 3. Do you like comedies? – I love them

Ex. 5a. Listen to Mike, Liz and Elfin talking about TV and answer.

Elfin: What’s that box? The pictures are moving! Is it magic?

Liz: Oh, no! It isn’t magic. It’s just a TV.

Elfin: A TV? What are these people doing there in the box?

Mike: It’s a film. This one is an action film. I love action films! They are so

Liz: No, they aren’t. I don’t want to watch this one. I like music programmes.
Look, there’s a good one on now. It’s called “Top of the Pops”.

Elfin: The music is nice…

Mike: Oh, no! Not now! This music programme is for girls! It’s boring! Let’s
watch a sports programme. Oh, football! Hooray! Do you like football, Elfin?

Elfin: Football? I …

Liz: No, he doesn’t. I hate football. I don’t like sports programmes. Oh, look!
“The Pink Panther”!

Elfin: What funny pictures!

Mike: It’s a cartoon.

Liz: I like cartoons.

Mike: Me too. Let’s watch this one. Oh, no! It’s over! Let’s watch something else.

Elfin: Look! Look! Monsters! They are in the TV box!

Liz and Mike: Don’t worry, Elfin! They are not real. It’s just a horror film.

UNIT 4. LESSON 4. Before Christmas

3b. Listen and check.

Liz: Hi, Mike. How are you?

Mike: Hello. I’m fine. And you?

Liz: Great. Thank you. I need4 new Christmas tree ornaments. I’m going to the
supermarket. Let’s go together.

Mike: Sure. I want crackers and lights.

Liz: Right! I need crackers, too. And tinsel!

Mike: And I need a p…

Liz: Don’t say, Mike! It’s a secret!

Rotty: Can you hear, Moldy?

Moldy: Yes, let’s run to the supermarket.

Rotty: What’s this, Moldy?

Moldy: It’s a snowman.

Rotty: Look! What a nice cat and puppy!

Moldy: They are ornaments, silly!

Rotty: Good! They don’t bite or scratch!

Moldy: Hush! Hide! Quick!

Mike: I want to buy a present for Nikita.

Need – нуждаться; I need – мне нужно; we need – нам нужно
Liz: Christmas ornaments are a good present.

Mike: What funny ornaments!

Liz: Oh, no! They are ugly!

Mike: OK. Let’s look there.

Rotty: Ugly… We are ugly …

Moldy: Don’t cry! Let’s go! We need a pearl!



English 5, 2014. Listening Английский язык. 5 класс. Звуковое сопровождение,

exercises 2013
U5– L1– ex1a-1b U5– L1– ex1a
U5 – L1– ex3a U5 – L1– ex3
На аудио нет слов: I’m full.
U5 – L2– ex1a U5 – L2– ex1a
Есть несколько расхождений с текстом.
U5 – L3– ex1a Смотри Tapescript
U5 – L4– ex1 U5 – L3– ex3
На аудио Cornflakes ,в учебнике – mushrooms.
U5 – L5– ex2a U5 – L4– ex3
U5 – L6– ex2a U5 – L4– ex4a
U5 – L7– ex2a U5 – L5– ex2a
На аудио нет слов: You shouldn’t go to work.
U5 – L9– ex1b U5 – L7– ex2b
U5 – L10– ex2a In PB, ex. 2a, p. 34 - 35
U6 – L1– ex2a U6 – L1– ex2a
U6 – L2– ex3a U6 – L2– ex3a
U6 – L3– ex2 U6 – L3– ex2
U6 – L3– ex3a U6 – L3– ex3a
U6 – L5– ex1 U6 – L5– ex1
U6 – L5– ex2a U6 – L5– ex2a
На аудио This beautiful city, в учебнике – our beautiful city.
U6 – L9– ex1a U6 – L6– ex1a
в учебнике пропущен предлог « to» в предложении Let’s
go Cotswold Farm.
U6 – L10– ex1b U6 – L7– ex1b
U7 – L1– ex1 U7 – L1– ex1
U7 – L2– ex2 U7 – L2– ex2
U7 – L2– ex3 U7 – L2– ex3
На аудио Old McDonald has…, в учебнике – Old McDonald
U7 – L3– ex3b Смотри Tapescript
U7 – L6– ex1a U7 – L4– ex1a
На аудио звучит «wood», в учебнике – woods.
U7 – L6– ex2c U7 – L4– ex2c
U7 – L7– ex1a U7 – L5– ex1a
U7 – L8– ex2c In PB, ex. 2c, p. 79 - 82
U8 – L1 – ex1 U8 – L1 – ex1
U8 – L1– ex3a-3b U8 – L1– ex2a
U8 – L2 – ex2b U8 – L2 – ex2b
в учебнике нет задания
U8 – L3 – ex1b Смотри Tapescript
U8 – L3 – ex2 U8 – L3 – ex2
U8 – L3 – ex5b U8 – L3 – ex5b
U8 – L4 – ex2 Смотри Tapescript
U8 – L4 – ex3a Смотри Tapescript
U8 – L5 – ex1 U8 – L4 – ex1
есть расхождения с текстом
U8 – L6 – ex1a U8 – L5 – ex1a
U8 – L7 – ex1b-1c Смотри Tapescript
U8 – L9 – ex1a U8 – L6 – ex2a
U8 – L9 – ex4a
U8 – L10 – ex1a U8 – L7 – ex1a
U9 – L1 – ex2b Смотри Tapescript
U9 – L1 – ex3b Смотри Tapescript
U9 – L2 – ex1b U9 – L1 – ex1b
U9 – L2 – ex2b U9 – L1 – ex2b
U9 – L3 – ex1a U9 – L3 – ex1a
На аудио звучит To New Zeland, в учебнике написано – To
U9 – L3 – ex2a-2b U9 – L3 – ex2a
U9 – L4 – ex1 U9 – L2 – ex1
U9 – L5 – ex1a U9 – L4 – ex1a
U9 – L5 – ex2c U9 – L4 – ex2c
U9 – L6 – ex1b U9 – L5 – ex1b
U9 – L9 – ex1a U9 – L6 – ex1a

YEAR 5, 2014-PART 2-Tapescripts

UNIT 5. Lesson 3. Is there any food in the fridge?

1a. Rotty plays a guessing game with Moldy. Listen and complete the

Rotty: Moldy, guess what I have in the box. It’s delicious.

Moldy: Is there a sweet in the box?

Rotty: No, there isn’t. There isn’t a sweet. There’s a biscuit in the box.

Moldy: Thank you. Munch-munch-munch!

Rotty: Moldy, guess what I have in the basket. They’re tasty.

Moldy: Are there any apples in the basket?

Rotty: No, there aren’t. There aren’t any apples. There are some
cucumbers in the basket. Catch!

Moldy: Thank you. Crunch-crunch-crunch!

Rotty: Moldy, guess what I have in the cup. It’s healthy.

Moldy: Is there any water in the cup?

Rotty: No, there isn’t. There isn’t any water. There’s some milk in the cup.

Moldy: Thank you. M-m, yum-yum.

UNIT 7. LESSON 3. Looking after farm animals

3b. Listen to the story and compare it with yours.

We are so happy we can help the zoo keeper.

The zoo keeper’s job is very interesting. I can say it’s exciting to look after
animals. The zoo keeper can drive a tractor, he knows the computer very well and
he is very good with animals. He knows a lot about them and can tell interesting
stories about them. There’s always a lot of work at the zoo.

6.00 a.m. – we check if the animals are healthy or ill.

7.00 a.m. – we feed the animals.

8.00 a.m. – we say hello to the first visitors.

9.00 – 12.00 a.m. – we tell visitors about the animals.

6.00 p.m. – we wash the animals.

7.00 p.m. – we feed the animals.

UNIT 8. Lesson 3. Animals and birds on different continents

Ex. 1b

Kangaroos and koalas live in Australia.

Rhinos live in Africa.

Ostriches live in Africa, too.

Whales and dolphins live in all oceans, cold and warm.

Octopuses live in oceans, too.

Sharks live in seas, oceans and rivers!

Eagles live in Europe, Asia, in America, Africa and Australia.

Polar bears live in Canada and in the USA.

Camels live in the deserts of Africa and Asia.

Pandas live in Asia (in China).

Cheetahs live in Africa.

Lizards live on all continents. They live in forests, deserts, grasslands, in the jungle
and in the mountains.

Penguins live in South America, in Africa and in Australia.

UNIT 8. Lesson 4. A blue-eyed country

Ex. 2. Listen and check.

Belarusian nature is very beautiful. Belarus is often called ‘a blue-eyed’

country because there are 10,000 lakes and 20,000 rivers in it. The biggest lake is
Lake Naroch . The most important rivers are the Dnepr, the Western Dvina, the
Neman and the Pripyat. 

There are not high mountains in Belarus but there are a lot of hills in the
country. The highest point of Belarus is Mount Dzyarzhynskaya (346 meters high).

You can see a lot of green fields, meadows and swamps. One third of the
country is covered with forests or pushchas. Belarusian forests are home to many
animals and birds.

UNIT 8. LESSON 4. A Blue-eyed country

Ex. 3a. Listen and check.

A is a lynx. B is a wild boar. C is a deer. D is a bison. E is an elk. F is a hedgehog.

G is a stork. H is a beaver.

UNIT 8. LESSON 7. On the island

Ex. 1b, 1c. Listen to a story about little Abbu, the chief’s son.

This is the story of little Abbu and the strange cave. Little Abbu was the chief’s
son. He lived in a village on the island. Every morning he went to collect nuts. One
morning he got up, said ‘goodbye’ to his parents and went out of the house. There
was a field with tall grass near the village. Abbu walked through the field. Then he
turned right. He went up the hill slowly. He went down the hill quickly. He went
past the lake and came to the river. Abbu swam across the river and came to a big
cave. Suddenly he heard some noise in the cave. It was very strange. Abbu was a
brave boy so he looked into the cave. At first he couldn’t see very well, but then he
saw … the Tree Monsters!
UNIT 9. LESSON 1. English-speaking countries

Ex. 2b

autumn - fall
bathroom - restroom
biscuits - cookies
chips – French fries
crisps - chips
flat - apartment
lift - elevator
shop - store
sweet - candy
the cinema – the movies

UNIT 9. LESSON 1. English-speaking countries

Ex. 3b

Hello everybody! In our programme we’re starting a new series about animals and
birds which are national symbols of different countries. You’ll learn about the bald
eagle, which is the symbol of the USA. I’m sure you know that the kangaroo is the
symbol of Australia, but perhaps you don’t know that the lion is the national
animal of Britain, and the tiger is the symbol of India. Today we’re going to talk
about the beaver, the national symbol of Canada. Beavers live in many areas of
North America.

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