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I _______ to Japan if _____. The clerk could check that room___.

a) would be go/ I would have the opportunity a) has been opened yet
b) would went/ I had had the chance b) had already being opened
c) would have gone / I have the opportunity c) had being opened yet
d). would go / I had the chance d) had already been opened

The boys did it ______ I couldn´t do it __. That’s the castle _____ last week.
a) himself / by meself a) whose was rebuilt
b) theyself / by myself b) which was rebuilt
c) themselves / by myselfs c) who was rebuilt
d) themselves / by myself d) when was rebuilt
juan is interested __ travelling and also keen
– “_____luggage do you for the trip?” languages.
-Just _____. a) of / on
a) How much / a little b) on / in
b) How many / a few c) in / on
c) How much / a few d) in / in
d) How many / a little Rewrite this sentence in reported speech:
My friend told me: “I have worked hard
they don´t like to be ____, the prefer to be today”.
____. a) My friend told me that he has worked hard
a) waiters / musicians that day”.
b) an waiter / a musicians b) My friend told me that had worked hard that
c) an waiter/ a musicians day”.
d) waiters / musician
________a soldier? c) Julian told me that he had worked hard that
a) How long has he be day”
b) How many time have he been
c) How long time has he been .d) Julian told me he had work hard that day ”.
d) How long has he been
_____ , but now they travel every weekend. ______information about the new stadium.
a) They were not use to travel a) There will been a lot of
b) They didn’t used to travelling b) There has been a lot of
c) They didn’t use to travel c) There has being a lot of
d) They didn’t used to travel d) There have been a lot
What _____ when the teacher ______?
Look at my new cat. a) did the children do / was entered
-Wow, ____ b) was the children doing / entered
a) what cute! c) were the children do / entered
b) what a cute! d) were the children doing / entered
c) how cute! he is a _________player he usually play ___
d) how a cute!
bad / bad
That girls brought a tasty cake, ______? well / badly
a) hasn’t she good / well
b) didn’t she well/ good
c) doesn’t she she _____________ a match
d) won’t she
never has won
Where ______ that beautiful jar? has never win
a) did you found has won never
b) do you found has never won
c) did you finded chance to passive voice
d) did you find he is going to play the film

You ________ pay here is free. the film is going to be play by him
a) should the film is going to played by him
b) don´t have to the film is going to be played by him
c) mustn´t the film is going to be playing by him
d) must there is noisy music.
such a
such that

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