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Background of the Study

Pechay (Brassica Rapa) is one of the most known vegetables in the Philippines. It
is known as one of the oldest green vegetables in Asia. Pechay is cultivated in
temperate regions worldwide. The Pechay has the largest terminal bud known for
any plant. Both terminal buds and the leaves are edible.
The Pechay is a healthful food and easy to digest. It is rich in Vit. A, B, C, D and
E. Also sulphur, phosphorus and iron. Aside from nutrients, you can also use the
Pechay in many ways. Just like the broth and leaves which can be use as remedy
for diff. illnesses and it can also use in cooking Pechay is one of those leafy vegetables
that can easily grow in containers. It is a very popular vegetable in Chinese and
Southeast Asian cuisine. In western countries, they are also known as “bok choy”
or “pak choy”. The pechay leaves are smooth and dark green in color forming a
cluster similar to mustard greens. In the Philippines, we usually add pechay leaves
to beef or pork broth soups, or on their own, they are best sautéed with garlic.

soluble fertilizers.
A basic guide to water soluble fertilizers.
This article published on Essortment.
A basic guide to water soluble fertilizers. Including information pertaining to it’s
contents and usages, as well as, how what’s on the label can differ from what’s
Water soluble fertilizers are fertilizers that can be dissolved in water and added or
leached out of the soil easily. With water soluble fertilizers it is easy to control the
precise amount of nutrients available to your plants (the control is more exact with
soilless mixes).
Soluble fertilizers usually have N-P-K numbers listed on their label. The numbers
listed are not always the exact percentages; they are an indication of the smallest
percentage that the fertilizer contains of the listed element. The reason for this is
that companies do not want their competitors to know the exact amount of
nutrients they have in their product, so they list the lowest levels their product
might contain to thwart any copying of their secret growing compounds. The N is
for nitrogen, the P is for phosphorus and the K is for potassium or potash. Of the
16(12 of which are contained in water soluble fertlizers) known elements necessary
for plant life, N-P-K, are the three that are of the most importance and always
listed on water soluble fertilizers, in that order (except Eco-Grow, which lists N-K-
P). Following N-P-K, calcium (Ca) and magnesium(Mg) are the two, second most
important nutrients listed on the label. The rest, iron(Fe), sulfur(S),
manganese(Mn), boron(B), molybdenum(Mb), zinc(Zn) and copper(Cu) are trace
elements or micro-nutrients.
Nitrogen is the most important of the nutrients. It controls the processes used to
make proteins vital to new protoplasm in the cells. Nitrogen is essential to the
production of chlorophyll and is responsible for leaf growth, as well as, overall size
and vigor.
Phosphorus is necessary for photosynthesis and provides a mechanism for energy
transfer within the plant. Phosphorus is associated with overall vigor and is used at
it’s highest levels during germination, seedling and the fruiting or flowering stages
of growth.
Potassium, or potash, provides the manufacturing and movement of sugars and
starches, as well as, growth by cell division. It also increases chlorophyll levels in
the foliage and helps regulate the stomata openings so plants make better use of
light and air. Potassium is important in all stages of plant growth.
Magnesium is the central atom in every chlorophyll molecule and is essential to the
absorbtion of light. It aids in the utilization of nutrients and also neutralizes soil
acids and toxic compounds produced by the plant. Adding dolomite lime before
planting (found at most retail garden supply stores;follow directions for usage on
the label) helps stabilize pH and adds magnesium and calcium to the soil. The
other secondary nutrient, calcium, is for the manufacturing of cells and overall
Trace elements are vital to chlorophyll formation and must be present in minute
amounts. Little is known about the exact amounts needed. They function mainly as
a catalyst to plant’s processes and the utilization of other elements.
The ultimate goal of fertilizing is to supply your plant with the right amount of
nutrients, yet, at the same time not toxifying the soil via over-fertilization. Once a
plant is placed into a container, with new potting soil, the plant will have enough
nutrients to last about a month and will then need to be fertilized for continued
growth. Fertilizers are in mass abundance and it should be no trouble locating one
in a retail garden center that fits your plant type. The directions for usage, given on
the products label, should be followed accordingly to acheive

Granular fertilizers are solid granules, while liquid fertilizers are made from water
soluble powders or liquid concentrates that mix with water to form a liquid
fertilizer solution.
Granular fertilizers deliver food to a plant slowly but have the advantage of
longevity. This method, which covers large areas well, is used to apply granular
fertilizers to lawns or to new beds before they are planted. Also, Granular Fertilizer
are meant to be worked into the soil or sprinkled around plants. They last 1 to 9
months, depending on the type. Granular Fertilizer must first break down before
releasing nutrients, it usually takes a watering and a few days to begin to see their
results. It’s often good to work them into the ground before planting.

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