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Jan 2018 - Master of Science, Software Engineering

Present Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Karlskrona, Sweden

Aug 2014 - Bachelor of Technology, Computer Science and Engineering

Jan 2018 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India

Feb 2019 - Master Thesis, Software Engineering
present Thesis: Data Integration from Multiple Historical Sources to Study
Joshika K Canadian Casualties of WWI
• Proposed a stepwise deterministic method to integrate datasets
Software Engineer without labeled data. The method performs comparably with a
method that incorporates a Support Vector Machine
• Tools: R, Python, scikit-learn, pandas
 (+46)76 11 29 108

 Academic Projects

 /in/kanneganti-joshika
Feb 2018 Visual GUI(Graphical User Interface) Testing (VGT) using VGT Tools
• Developed a test suite for ‘Cleartrip’ website using the automated
 joshikaknr testing tool ‘EyeAutomate’

March 2018 Continuous Integration (CI) Testing

• Setup CI environment which runs the unit and integration tests
Technical Skills using tools Git Desktop, Eclipse, Maven,Jenkins and JUnit testing
Overview framework.

April 2018 Evaluating Software Maintainability of an open source software sys-

Software tem - JEdit (Text editor)
• Extracted various metrics using open tools like STAN and Metrics
Reloaded. Evaluated the maintainability by comparing those metric
values of different versions of JEdit.
OOP DevOps
Engineering Sept 2018 Evolution & Maintenance of software – Specmate(Automated Test
• Evaluated the code quality to determine the maintainability of Spec-
Quality mate frontend source code using static code analysis tool ’Sonar-
Assurance Qube’.
• Understood the code structure to perform improvement task by
refactoring the bugs and code smells listed by the tool and also
implemented new features to specmate.
PostgreSQL • MySQL March 2017 Online Banking System
0 LOC 5000 LOC • Developed an online banking web application, where the user can
HTML • CSS • JavaScript perform some actions like register, login, transfer funds, bill pay-
ments, password recovery, etc... using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Java • C++


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