Level 2 - Term 1 Objectives

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Introduc on to Learning Objec ves

Very young learners are introduced to the English language through visuals, music and movement
ac vi es, simple games, and repe on. The ul mate goal for these students is to begin to communicate
ideas, opinions and feelings. Ac vi es should enable children to express themselves crea vely and
imagina vely.

Our main learning objec ve is to engage children in English through ac ve learning. Ac ve learning
involves other people, objects, ideas and events that engage children for sustained periods of me. We
believe that children need to feel at ease, secure and confident in order to become engaged in the
learning process. In our classes, we try to cover the following six areas of learning and development:

1. Personal, social and emo onal development involves helping children to develop a posi ve
sense of themselves, to understand appropriate behavior in groups and to feel confident in their
own abili es.
2. Communica on and language development involves giving children opportuni es to experience
a rich language environment, to develop their confidence and skills in English.
3. Physical development involves providing opportuni es for young children to be ac ve and
interac ve whilst learning English.
4. Literacy development involves encouraging children to link sounds that will be blended together
in the future as they begin to read and write in English
5. Mathema cs involves providing children with opportuni es to develop and further their
skills in coun ng, understanding and using numbers, calcula ng simple addi on and describing
6. Understanding the world involves guiding children to make sense of the physical world as well
as Bri sh/American customs through people and places.

Objec ves: Level 2, Term 1

● Use high frequency words and phrases as well as gestures to express needs, feelings, interests,
● Enjoy using spoken language and readily turn to it in play (sugges ng favorite songs and games)
● Extend vocabulary, exploring the meanings and sounds of new words
● Introduc on of the first groups of Jolly Phonics phonemes, associa on of each phoneme to an
ac on, a song, and words beginning with that sound

Listening and Understanding:

● Listen with enjoyment and respond to stories, songs and other music, rhymes and poems
● Sustain a en ve listening, responding to what they have heard by relevant simple words or
ac ons
● Understand simple ques ons and follow commands
● Show an understanding of the elements of stories, sequence of events, game instruc ons
Visual Recogni on / Founda ons of Future Literacy:
● Recognize their name and numbers 1-10.
● Visually recognize the Jolly Phonics Group 1 and 2 phonemes.
● Be able to discriminate between words beginning with those sounds (from images accompanied
by a modeled pronuncia on of the word by the teacher)
● Be interested in looking at books/ stories

Vocabulary / Themes:
● Gree ngs
● Days of the Week
● Numbers
● Jolly Phonics Phonemes – S, A, T, I, P, N, C/K, E, H, M, D, R
● Animals
● Family
● Colors
● Feelings
● Weather
● Holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas

● Go Away Scary Monster
● Jolly Phonics Stories

Selec on of Structures:
● Simple instruc ons.
● What’s your name?
● How are you?
● I am… + feelings
● What is?
● Where is?
● Who is?
● Is it?
● How many?
● There is/are…
● It is…
● What is the weather like today?
● It’s + weather
● Today is…
● What is the date?
● What colour is…?
Our main focus with such young learners is not as much on language produc on, but on language
comprehension. We try to engage the children in interes ng, comprehensible ac vi es while
providing them with lots and lots of opportuni es for input. Once children are comfortable with English,
they begin to produce output in a natural manner.

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