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The first task to planning your trip to Disney World Florida is to pick your

Glasgow to Florida
Type of Ticket Price
Adult £548.00
Child £343.00

1) How much would it cost 2 adults and 2 children to fly from Glasgow to

Edinburgh to Florida
Type of Ticket Price
Adult £551.00
Child £346.00

2) How much would it cost 2 adults and 2 children to fly from Edinburgh to

3) Is it cheaper to fly from Edinburgh or Glasgow? What is the Price difference?

You Are flying from

Total Cost

How much of your Budget Is Left?

Hotel Cost Per Night Number of Total Cost
Disney Art of £120 7
Walt Disney £ 135 7
World Dolphin
Disney Corando £85 7
Spring Resort
Disney £94 7
Beach Resort

What is the most expensive hotel to stay in?

What is the cheapest hotel to stay in?

What Hotel have you decided to stay in?

Total Cost

How much is left of your budget?

Park Tickets
Type Of Ticket Price for week
Adult £457.00
Child £232.00
Family Pass (2 Adults & 2 Children) £1200

1) What is the cost for 2 adult park tickets for the week?

2) What is the cost for 2 child park tickets for the week?

3) Is it cheaper to pay for 2 adult tickets and 2 child tickets or buy a family pass? Please
show your working.

What Park Tickets have you decided to buy?

Total Cost

How much is left of your budget?

(Remember you have already paid for your flights so you need to take off flights, hotel and park tickets from
your budge
Well Hot Dog! Your hotel stay includes
both your breakfast and dinner in the
price! All you need to buy is 1 snack, 1
drink and lunch per day per person for
2 children and 2 adults for 7 days. You
cannot have the same meal, drink or
snack more than 3 days.

Snack Price
Mickey Pretzel £3.30
Mickey Ice Cream Sandwich £4.50
Chocolate Dipped Banana £2.30
Churros (serves 1) £2.80
Fruit Bowl £3.70
Cotton Candy £2.00
Apple £0.50
Bannana £0.80
Cake Pop £1.70
Nutella Waffle Sandwich £5.30
Doughnut £2.10
Snow Cone £3.10

Drink Price
Water £1.50
Juice Box (children only) £0.80
Small Soft Drink £2.20
Large Soft Drink £3.80
Slushee £4.10
Fresh Orange Juice £2.00
Fresh Apple Juice £2.00
Iced Tea £2.50
Iced Coffee £2.50
Milkshake £3.70
Peter Pan Ice Cream Float £4.20
Pink Lemonade £3.00

Meal Price
Mickey’s Special Pizza £5.00
Hamburger & French fries £8.00
Chicken Dippers & French Fries £7.30
Lasange £9.80
Panini £4.50
Salad Bowl £5.10
Burrito £1.90
Sandwich £2.10
Sweet & Spicy Chicken Waffle Sandwich £8.70
Corn Dog Nuggets £3.90
Mac & Cheese £7.60
Nachos £6.35
Child 1
Snack Lunch Drink 1 Drink 2 Total
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Overall Total
Child 2
Snack Lunch Drink 1 Drink 2 Total
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Overall Total
Adult 1
Snack Lunch Drink 1 Drink 2 Total
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Overall Total
Adult 2
Snack Lunch Drink 1 Drink 2 Total
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Overall Total

Food Budget
Child 1 £
Child 2 £
Adult 1 £
Adult2 £
Total Cost £
Overall Cost
Park Tickets

What was the total cost of your trip ?

Were you over or under budget?

How much money do you have left ?

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