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Conditions Year Methods

Treaty of Versailles 1919

1920 Founding of the NSDAP

The 25 point programme drawn up as the official

party ideology, mixing racism, nationalism,
WW1 Reparation sum was settled 1921 In a battle for party control, Hitler established
himself as Führer of the party

SA established as a paramilitary branch of the


Early propaganda strategies adopted, such as the

swastika, Nazi salute and uniform
1922 Göring joined the party
Ruhr invasion and hyperinflation 1923 Failed Beer Hall coup
Dawes Plan was passed (economic 1924 Trial against Hitler for treason, leading to a
stabilization), which was the starting lenient prison sentence of 5 years, which was
point of the Weimar Golden age further reduced to 9 months.

While in prison, Hitler decided on a new strategy

for the party (the Policy of Legality)
Locarno Treaty was signed between 1925 Hitler’s political treaty, Mein Kampf, was
Germany and France published.

SS was formed as Hitler’s personal body guards

Germany was accepted into the 1926 Hitler re-established his full control over the
League of Nations party.

Reorganisation of the party to reflect the new

Policy of legality. Since the aim now was to rise to
power using democratic means, rather than
violence, the party became divided into regions
that reflected the electoral districts in Germany.

The Nazi Party founded sub-organisations to

appeal to certain groups such as the Hitler youth,
the Nazi Teachers organization, and Nazi
women’s groups.

Development of a propaganda strategy, where

propaganda was targeted specific social groups
(NSDAP became a “catch-all” party). Propaganda
used methods such as a ‘cult of personality’
around Hitler, as well as appealing to mass
psychology, unifying themes and scapegoating.
They also used new technology such as media
and large rallies.
1928 The Nazi Party gained only 2.6% of the votes
The Great Depression starts 1929
Brüning became chancellor and ruled 1930 The Nazi Party gained 18% of the votes
increasingly through the use of the
emergency decree in the Weimar
constitution called clause 48
Brüning was dismissed as chancellor 1932 The Nazi party won 37% of the votes and became
and von Papen replaced him but failed the biggest party in the German parliament. Yet,
to gain support from the parliament. Hitler could not use it for anything. He refused to
Internal power struggle among the join any coalition government unless he became
political elites. chancellor, and President Hindenburgh refused
to appoint him.
Unemployment reached 6 million 1933 Hitler finally became chancellor on 30th January,
people after von Papen persuaded president
Hindenburgh to appoint him, by arguing that
“Hitler could be controlled”.

In February, the Reichstag building was burned

down. Hitler used it as an excuse to issue a
decree that allowed for the arrest of political
opponents (e.g. communists)

March election gave the Nazis 44% of the votes.

23 March: Hitler manipulated the Reichstag to

vote for the ‘Enabling Act’, which transferred full
power to the chancellor, so Hitler could rule as a
dictator. Only the Social-democratic party voted
against the law which constituted a “legal

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