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Parental Hopes for Objective.

Understanding parents’ hopes for therapy out-

comes is essential to family-centered care. This qualitative
study explored parents’ points of view regarding their hopes
Therapy Outcomes: for the outcomes of occupational therapy using a sensory
integration treatment approach.
Children With Sensory Method. Data were collected as part of a larger
research project on the effectiveness of rehabilitating chil-
Modulation Disorders dren who have sensory modulation disorders. Five inter-
views were randomly selected from 17 parent interviews
conducted in the larger study. Data were analyzed using
grounded theory methods.
Findings. Three themes pertinent to the occupations of
Ellen Cohn, Lucy Jane Miller, Linda Tickle- children and two themes related to the occupations of par-
Degnen enting and sustaining family life emerged. Child-focused
outcomes include social participation, self-regulation, and
perceived competence. Parent-focused outcomes include
Key Words: family • quality of life • sensory learning strategies to support children and obtaining per-
integration sonal validation.
Discussion. Interventions are proposed that relate to
children’s participation in contexts in which they live, learn,
and play, as well as the support of parents in the occupa-
tions of parenting.

Cohn, E., Miller, L. J., & Tickle-Degnen, L. (2000). Parental

hopes for therapy outcomes: Children with sensory modulation disor-
ders. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 54, 36–43.

he Individuals With Disabilities Education Act of
1990 mandates family-centered care for children
and families with special health care needs (U.S.
Department of Education, 1995). This legislation places
families at the core of the intervention process and
acknowledges the influence of families in their children’s
development. Numerous authors in the occupational ther-
apy literature have advocated a family-centered care
approach (Brown, Humphry, & Taylor, 1997; Burke &
Schaaf, 1997; Cohn & Cermak, 1998; Humphry & Case-
Smith, 1996; Lawlor & Mattingly, 1998; Miller & Hanft,
1998), arguing that successful intervention requires sensi-
Ellen Cohn, ScD, OTR/L, FAOTA, is Lecturer, Boston University,
Sargent College, 635 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston,
tivity to the perspectives of families. Specifically, providing
Massachusetts 02215. family-centered services requires that professionals under-
stand the hopes and outcomes desired by families who seek
Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, OTR, Assistant Professor, University of services. Listening to parents’ hopes for therapy outcomes
Colorado Health Sciences Center, Department of Pediatrics, is one way to understand the personal meaning that parents
Denver, Colorado. attach to the therapy process (Spencer, Davidson, &
White, 1997).
Linda Tickle-Degnen, PhD, OTR/L is Assistant Professor,
The importance of honoring parents’ perspectives on
Department of Occupational Therapy, Boston University,
Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Services, Boston,
outcomes of occupational therapy for their children is high-
Massachusetts. lighted by Dunn (1994) and Parham and Mailloux (1996),
and by Bundy (1991) specifically in relation to sensory inte-
This article was accepted for publication April 7, 1999, under the editor- gration treatment approaches. Parents have provided ardent
ship of Elaine Viseltear.
testimonials that occupational therapy with sensory integra-

36 Janaury/February 2000, Volume 54, Number 1

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tion treatment approaches improves quality of life for their which was videotaped, audiotaped, and transcribed.
family (Anderson & Emmons, 1995; Occupational Additionally, several standardized assessments were admin-
Therapy Associates, P. C., 1995). Other occupational ther- istered, including the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test
apy literature discusses parental views of experiences related (ages 5–9) (SIPT; Ayres, 1989) or the Miller Assessment for
to early intervention using other treatment approaches Preschoolers (ages 4–5) (MAP; Miller, 1982, 1988);
(Case-Smith & Nastro, 1993; Hinojosa, 1990; Hinojosa & FirstSTEP (ages 4–5) (Miller, 1993); the Short Sensory
Anderson, 1991; Miller & Hanft, 1998). Profile (SSP; McIntosh, Miller, & Shyu, in press); and the
This study explored parents’ hopes for occupational Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach, 1991).
therapy outcomes for children with sensory modulation Inclusion criteria for the larger research program were:
disorders (SMD), which manifest as an inability to react to scores < –3 standard deviations on the SSP, characteristics
sensory stimulation in a manner appropriate to task indicative of SMD during administration of standardized
demands, environmental contexts, social supports, and cul- scales, and concerns related to sensory processing and relat-
tural expectations (Ayres, 1972; McIntosh, Miller, Shyu, & ed daily living tasks on the clinical interview. Based on the
Hagerman, submitted; Parham & Mailloux, 1996). results of these evaluations, children were admitted to the
Clinically, persons with SMD present as hypo-responsive research study.
or hyper-responsive, or as having labile reactions to sensa- For this study of parental hopes, five videotaped inter-
tion (Dunn, 1997; Kinnealey, 1973). By understanding views were randomly selected from the 17 videotaped
parents’ priorities for treatment outcomes for children with interviews that had been administered at the time of this
SMD, occupational therapists can design intervention and study. The five videotapes include interviews with eight
research programs that are congruent with parents’ hopes parents (three couples and two single parents). Table 1 pre-
and values. sents demographic information about the parents and their
children. Two children lived with their adoptive parents
Method and three children lived with their biological parents. The
To research parents’ priorities for therapy outcomes, we used children varied in ethnicity, however, all of the parents were
a qualitative research methodology: a collective case study white. Table 2 presents standardized scores of the five chil-
approach (Stake, 1994). In qualitative research traditions, dren on the SIPT or MAP, the SSP, and the CBCL.
researchers are urged to locate themselves in the research
process to explore their assumptions and use them produc- Interviews
tively to interpret findings (Maxwell, 1996; Reay, 1996;
Parent interviews ranged from 45 min to 60 min and began
Riessman, 1994). As researchers, we each brought individ-
ual perspectives; however, it was our common perspective as with the question, “Tell me about (child’s name). Talk
occupational therapists that shaped the study. As clinicians about what is wonderful or special about (child’s name).”
providing occupational therapy using a sensory integration The interview included 11 structured questions (see
treatment approach, we have frequently heard anecdotal Appendix) but, because the interview process was flexible,
accounts of the importance of focusing on parents’ stated probes were added, wording was modified, and additional
outcomes for their children and their families. However, queries or explanations were provided as needed to clarify,
empirical examination of which outcomes are important to explore, or extend information pertaining to parents’ views,
parents has not been documented. As parents, we have first- concerns, and hopes for their children.
hand experience living with and parenting children; we
Data Analysis
believe that successful occupational therapy must be linked
to the daily functioning of both the child and the family We explored the cases collectively, using grounded theory
unit and the meaning and hopes parents attach to the ther- procedures (i.e., constant comparative method) recom-
apy process. We are committed to a top–down approach to mended by Strauss and Corbin (1990). Transcripts were
evaluation (Trombly, 1993, 1995), beginning with identifi- subjected to open coding—the naming and categorizing of
cation of parents’ beliefs systems, expectations of their chil- phenomena—for themes that related to parents’ hopes for
dren, and image of family functioning. therapy outcomes. The open codes or categories were com-
Data for this study were generated as part of an ongo- pared and contrasted to detect similarities and differences
ing program of research measuring the effectiveness of
occupational therapy in treating children identified with Table 1
SMD at The Children’s Hospital in Denver, Colorado. Demographics of Children and Their Parents
Child’s Namea Gender Age Ethnicity of Child Parent’s Education
Consistent with a top–down approach to evaluation, the Harry M 6 Asian College
pretreatment interview focused on understanding the daily Monique F 8 White Postgraduate
occupations of children and their families and their hopes Joanna F 5 African-American < High school
Kisha F 6 Hispanic High school
for therapy outcomes. The pretreatment intake procedure Adam M 4 White College
included a thorough semistructured interview of parents, a

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 37

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Table 2
Results of Children’s Scores in Four Standardized Scales
Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests Short Sensory Profile Child Behavior Checklist
Participant <–1 SD ±1 SD >+1 SD <–1 SD ±1 SD >+1 SD <–1 SD ±1 SD
Harry KIN SV, FG PRVC TS VAS Internalizing Withdrawn
LTS FI, GRA TSS MT Attn Prob Somatic
DC, MAC UR/SS Externalizing Anx/Depres
CPr, OPr AF Aggressive Social Prob
SPr LEW Thought Prob
SWB Delinquent

Monique KIN SV, FG MAC TS TSS Anx/Depres Internalizing

SWB PPr, CPr UR/SS LEW Thought Prob Withdrawn
PRN MFP, LTS AF MS Attn Prob Somatic
FI, GRA VAS Externalizing Social Prob
SPr Delinquent
DC, BMC Aggressive

Joanna GRA SV, FG MFP TS MS TSS Thought Prob Internalizing

SPr LTS UR/SS Attn Prob Withdrawn
BMC KIN AF Social Prob Somatic
SWB CPr, OPr VAS Externalizing Anx/Depres
Mac PPr, PrVC LEW Aggressive Delinquent

Kisha KIN SV FG TS TSS Anx/Depres Internalizing

GRA PPr, PrVC UR/SS LEW Delinquent Withdrawn
BMC CPr, OPr AF MS Thought Prob Somatic
DC, MAC Social Prob
FI Externalizing
SWB Aggressive

Adama TS MS Internalizing Anx/Depress

TSS Withdrawn Externalizing
UR/SS Somatic Delinquent
AF Thought Prob Aggressive
VAS Attn Prob
LEW Social Prob
Note. Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests: BMC = bilateral motor coordination; CPr = constructional praxis; DC = design copying; FG = figure–ground percep-
tion; FI = finger identification; GRA = graphethesia; KIN = kinesthesia; LTS = localization of tactile stimuli; MAC = motor accuracy; MFP = manual form percep-
tion; Opr = oral praxis; PPr = postural praxis; PRN = postrotary nystagmus; PrVC = praxis on verbal command; SPr = sequencing praxis; SV = space visualization;
SWB = standing and walking balance. Short Sensory Profile: AF = auditory filtering; LEW = low energy/weak; MS = movement sensitivity; TS = tactile sensitivity;
TSS = taste/smell sensitivity; UR/SS = underresponsive/seeks sensation; VAS = visual/auditory sensitivity. Child Behavior Checklist: Aggressive = aggressive behav-
ior; Anx/Depres = anxious/depressed; Attn Prob = attention problems; Delinquent = delinquent behavior; Externalizing = externalizing; Internalizing = internaliz-
ing; Social Prob = social problems; Somatic = somatic complaints; Thought Prob = thought problems; Withdrawn = withdrawn.
Miller Assessment for Preschoolers: Total score = 2%; Foundations Index = 1%; Coordination Index = 1%; Verbal Index = 1%; Nonverbal Index = 53%; Complex
Tasks = 1%

across the five cases. Categories that represent dimensions ticipants’ perspectives, we conducted member checks, test-
of overlap with each other were grouped and analyzed ing the validity of our conceptual categories. The categories
using axial coding. This process binds information in new were further refined based on participants’ feedback. The
ways, suggesting relationships and variations among cate- final analytic categories were reviewed by a group of expe-
gories (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). From this step emerged rienced occupational therapy researchers and by a group of
the two core categories of our analysis, child-focused out- sociology doctoral students, both of whom were familiar
comes and parent-focused outcomes. with grounded theory analysis. Both groups reviewed tran-
After creating conceptual categories, we analyzed the scripts and confirmed the researchers’ open coding and cat-
relationships between the key categories to generate ideas egory construction.
about phenomena (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). Thus, in the
selective coding phase of our data analysis, the core categories Findings and Interpretations
were refined and validated by selecting and systematically When asked to identify their hopes and expectations for
relating the two primary categories to other possible group- therapy, parents spoke about three outcomes for therapy
ings. We then constructed a taxonomy for classifying that focused on changes in their children. In addition, par-
parental hopes related to outcomes of occupational therapy ents identified two outcomes focused on themselves or
for their children and themselves. their families, viewing themselves as both change agents for
To confirm that our interpretations reflected the par- their children and recipients of service and support.

38 January/February 2000, Volume 54, Number 1

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Findings for each of the two core categories, child-focused Harry’s mother yearned for him to recognize how he
outcomes and parent-focused outcomes, are detailed below. feels and to develop a range of options to seek the assistance
he needs, learning how to regulate his own behavior in the
Child-Focused Outcomes valued context of school.
Social participation. Parents in the study wanted their chil- Kisha’s mother expressed a desire for Kisha to learn “to
dren to develop behaviors and skills needed to “fit in,” to be cognizant” of her own behavior in order to develop self-
belong, and to be included at school and in their commu- control. Kisha’s mother hoped that the self-control would
nities. They hoped that their children would learn appro- generalize to other situations.
priate ways to behave so they could conform to the cul- I would like to see her be able to stop and realize the consequences of
tural norms of their daily living contexts. Comments such her behavior and change her behavior. There are times she is totally out
of control, and she is not cognizant of what she is doing. She doesn’t
as “We’d like her to be able to sit in a classroom situation understand why I am so upset when she has been screaming for 2
and learn,” or “We want him to be successful in school,” hours. I would like to see her control that. I know she wants to…So
highlighted parents’ perceptions of the importance of the once she learns to control one thing, she is going to say, oh, maybe this
can apply here.
school context. One mother specifically identified com-
munity as a valued context. She stated, “I would like to be Perceived competence. Monique’s mother linked estab-
able to take him to the grocery store without him high- lishing internal feelings of self-confidence to Monique’s
jumping off my shoulder.” Social participation also ability to regulate her behavior. She hoped that Monique’s
included relationships with same-age peers, with siblings, recognition of her ability to help herself would lead to
and with other children. One parent stated that having greater perceived competence in the context of her emer-
friends and “being socially okay” was a major concern. gence as a young woman.
Another noted the difference between her child’s inability At this point in Monique’s life, when she is about to turn 9, she’s enter-
and her niece’s ability to interact with a baby. She ing a time in a young woman’s life that is one of the most difficult…the
expressed her hopes: more we can understand about her, the more she can help us to help
herself. If it gives her some self-confidence or additional tools to work
Tamara [her niece] has the ability to sit down…and sit by the baby and with on her own when she’s not around us, she can say, “I can help
be real quiet and just ask questions and look at the baby and touch the myself here and I feel good about myself.”
baby. Joanna’s bouncing and jumping, and I’m afraid she is going to fall
on the baby. I mean, it’s a totally different thing. Trombly (1995) defined competency as a sense of sat-
isfaction with one’s own implementation of the tasks asso-
Coster defined the construct of social participation as
ciated with valued roles. These parents hoped that their
“active engagement in the typical activities available to
children would feel satisfaction with themselves. That is,
and/or expected of peers in the same context” (1998, p.
they hoped that their children would get pleasure from
341). In this study, Coster’s construct describes the parents’
highest priority for outcomes: that parents hope that their what they themselves were able to do and who they were as
children will be “able to orchestrate engagement in occu- people. One mother stated,
pations in a given context that are positive, personally sat- What I want for Harry is, like, happiness or contentment or satisfac-
tion with himself…it is bigger than just self-confidence but includes
isfying and acceptable to adults in society who are respon- self-confidence…I wish he could get pleasure from what he himself can
sible for children” (p. 340). Valued contexts that the par- do and who he is as a person.
ents in the present study identified included school, home,
and the community. Two themes identified in our study were consistent
with valued outcomes identified by Anderson (1993) in her
Self-regulation. Parents hoped that their children would
study of parental perceptions of the influence of sensory
develop coping mechanisms to self-regulate their behavior.
integration therapy for children with autism. The parents
Adam’s mother said, “It is a good thing for children to have
in Anderson’s study reported that their children made gains
self-control and regulate themselves.” Although Harry’s
in socialization with other children (social participation)
mother hoped that Harry ultimately would be able to reg- and in their ability to express emotions and desires (self-
ulate his own hyperactive behaviors, she suggested that if regulation).
Harry could learn to seek help from others, that could be a
useful strategy as well. She expressed a desire for Harry to Parent-Focused Outcomes
learn to channel his hyperactivity:
The parents discussed desired changes for themselves, iden-
I don’t expect for [the hyperactivity] to go away, because I think it is so tifying two interrelated roles: provider of support for their
high right now, and it’s just part of [him]. But some way to be able to
have him know how to channel that, so it can get down to a level that’s children and recipients of validation as parents for them-
acceptable, for instance, in school. That would be really nice. Some selves. These parent-focused hopes can best be understood
overflow into being able to feel how he is feeling and whether he’s feel- when intervention is viewed as a collaborative process, co-
ing jittery and what to do about that, where he might be flying off the
handle. If he could kind of get a grasp on that, verbally or somehow
constructed by parents and therapists.
emotionally, so that he can either tell me, tell the teacher, get some help Learn strategies to support the child. The parents in the
somehow, or be able to do it himself. present study saw themselves as providers of support for
The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 39
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their children. In this role, they hoped to become collabo- so that they are sustainable, meaningful, and congruent
rators, combining efforts with occupational therapists to with the individual needs of family members and with fam-
assist children. Ruddick (1989) proposed that one of the ily themes. The families in the Gallimore et al. study con-
major tasks of parenting is to “shape children’s growth in structed and sustained meaningful routines to provide
‘acceptable’ ways” (p. 21), acceptable being defined by the proper care, supervision, and stimulation for their children.
cultural context of the family. The parents who were inter- Embracing a systems perspective, Gallimore and colleagues
viewed specifically asked for techniques that they could use noted that the well-being of the family depends on the
to help their children calm down or self-regulate. Because functioning of the whole system as well as the functioning
Adam was only 4 years of age, his parents indicated that of each family member. Their data showed that interven-
they were seeking tools to soothe him: “I think if we are tion with children with special needs can be effective only
just able to learn some techniques to help him calm down.” when the interventions are sustainably integrated into the
Many of the parents suggested that understanding routines of the family.
their children’s behavior would help them to support their In our study, Joanna’s mother wanted therapy to
child’s growth. Monique’s mother said, “The more we can improve the consistency of her daughter’s behavior. She
understand about her, the more she can help us to be able wanted to be able “to know that I can count on my daugh-
to help herself.” Drawing on the metaphor of “living with ter.” As reported above, another parent wanted to take her
an alcoholic,” Kisha’s mother described her frustration in child to the grocery store, and yet another parent wanted to
living with Kisha’s unpredictable behavior and wanted to feel “okay” about her child being near a baby cousin. These
understand what triggered Kisha’s behavior. are all examples of the parent’s desire to see changes in their
She’s very moody, it’s like living with an alcoholic. You never know. child’s behavior so that family routines can be sustained.
That’s the scary part. I still have not been able to figure it out, although Parental hopes for therapy outcomes are embedded in
I am starting to get clues…as to…what triggers it. contexts in which their children live, learn, and play, as
Understanding their children’s behavior was a dominant depicted by Figure 1. The figure also depicts the child-
theme among the parents and was consistent with Anderson’s focused and parent-focused outcomes derived from this
finding that parents value understanding their children’s study, including the following:
behavior from a sensory integration frame of reference. • Child-focused outcomes: social participation, self-
Personal validation. Closely related to receiving support regulation, and perceived competence; and
for parenting their children, the parents hoped that thera- • Parent-focused outcomes: learn strategies to sup-
pists would understand the challenges of living with chil- port child and personal validation.
dren with SMD. Joanna’s mother stated, “I just can’t take it Theoretical Validity of Interpretations
anymore,” and Adam’s mother said, “He is affecting our
To address the theoretical validity of our interpretations, we
lives and everybody around us…he’s bouncing off the walls
searched the interviews for themes other than the five iden-
and we can’t get him to stop…it’s exhausting.” In a mem-
tified and for themes specifically related to processing sen-
ber check interview, Harry’s mother declared:
sation. In the interview, parents were asked to describe their
I want confirmation that I’m not “weird,” that Harry isn’t “bad,” that children’s reaction to sensory stimulation including: olfac-
there are other children like Harry, that his problems are “real” and not
just in my head. I want to be accepted and bolstered for what I do for
Harry rather than people thinking that I’m a bad mother.

These parents wanted to understand their children.

They also wanted therapists to understand their experience
of parenting a child with SMD. The parents hoped that
this combination of learning tools to help their child, and
being understood and accepted themselves, coupled with
the child’s improvement in social participation, self-regula-
tion, and perceived competence, would ultimately facilitate
sustainable family routines.
We ultimately want to make it easier to live together as a family…if
Harry is getting better, and I am getting tools to help Harry, and I’m
getting confirmation that what I’m doing is OK, then the life of our
whole family will get better.

Based on interviews with families with a young child

who exhibited developmental delays, Gallimore, Weisner,
Kaufman, & Bernheimer (1989) hypothesized that the key
adaptation task for the family is organizing daily routines Figure 1. Parental hopes for therapy outcomes.

40 January/February 2000, Volume 54, Number 1

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tory, auditory, visual, tactile, taste, and movement stimuli. of children with SMD are primarily concerned about their
We selected these questions based on the assumption that children’s social behaviors and that sensory concerns are
because these children were identified as having SMD, we addressed within the context of functional behaviors.
expected that the sensory problems inherent in SMD Parents rarely talked about their children in terms of the
would be evident in the parental concerns and hopes for sensory components of function. For example, they did not
their children. However, reexamination of data generated say, “My child is unable to discriminate tactile input.”
by the question “How does your child respond to sensory Instead, the language the parents used embedded perfor-
stimuli?” revealed that parents’ responses were framed in mance components (such as tactile discrimination) in the
terms of social participation, self-regulation, and perceived context of everyday occupations.
competence. For example, Harry’s mother noted that his A thorough review of the five transcripts to search for
tactile defensiveness interfered with his social relationships discrepant data (i.e., data that could not be categorized as
with other children. social participation, self-regulation, or perceived compe-
He is a child that doesn’t like light touch…He is tactile defen-
tence) revealed only one discussion related to the skill of
sive.…When children are around him, they kind of bustle or touch balancing. Monique’s father shared that a therapist had told
him in the hallway, that’s very annoying to him, and it increases his him that his daughter had trouble closing her eyes and bal-
activity level and sometimes increases his aggressiveness. However, he ancing at the same time. Although all children had been
also needs to touch other children. So he constantly has his hands did-
dling in the desk of the person next to him. assessed by an occupational therapist prior to the parent
interview, and the therapists’ review of findings with par-
As a physical therapist, Harry’s mother used clinical ents may have educated parents about their child’s clinical
language (e.g., “tactile defensiveness”), yet she immediately issues, the preponderance of parent responses during their
embedded Harry’s behavior in the occupational tasks of interview related to their child’s daily occupations.
peer relationships. These findings provide a useful framework for think-
She elaborated when she discussed Harry’s reactions to ing about evaluation, intervention, and outcomes of chil-
auditory stimuli, describing how his sensitivity to such dren with SMD that are meaningful to our consumers. It
stimuli interfered with his ability to attend a sporting event should be noted that this information relates to only five
and have social relationships. families with children identified with SMD and may not
An overall crowd noise, a background noise, increases his activity level. represent all parents of children with SMD. Further, the
It makes him angry or more emotionally labile.…A sporting event is multidimensional contributions of temporal, socioeco-
pretty difficult for him. He can’t go with friends.
nomic, and cultural factors on parents’ hopes for therapy
Monique’s mother also responded to questions about outcomes were not analyzed for this study and might pro-
sensory sensitivity by describing functional activities of vide meaningful information related to parents’ hopes for
daily living, such as, “Monique must have the tags cut out therapy outcomes in future studies.
of her clothes.” She mentioned Monique’s preference for
cotton and terrycloth clothes but quickly shifted the con- Implications for Practice
versation to behavioral concerns. She explained that The findings highlight the import of understanding par-
Monique fixated on something that she wanted to buy, eat, ents’ realities and the contexts in which children live.
or do and constantly talked about it. To regulate her own Children with SMD have complex and multiple needs
behavior, Monique liked to know what was going to hap- extending beyond their sensory processing abilities. This
pen next. Although Monique’s mother began with infor- study documents that parents of children with SMD high-
mation about Monique’s sensory processing, she quickly ly value their children’s abilities to participate in the con-
transitioned to concerns about self-regulation and strate- texts in which they live, to self-regulate reactions, and to
gies that would help Monique enjoy activities. feel competent.
Adam’s mother also shifted her responses to questions The study design and findings provide information
about sensory processing to functional concerns. In response that will be helpful to occupational therapy practitioners
to the question, “Is he sensitive to tags and other things?,” striving to follow recommendations by Coster (1998) and
Adam’s mother talked about his behavioral rigidity. Trombly (1993), who urged therapists to use a top-down
I haven’t had to take tags out of everything, just the ones that he can
approach to the evaluation process, beginning with the
feel, he will complain about. Yesterday morning, he went to change his occupations the person needs and wishes to perform.
underwear. He looked and he said, “flowers, Fruit of the Loom,” and Further, our findings imply that these parents seemed to
he gets the other pair of underwear and he puts them right next to each intuitively believe Rogoff’s postulate (1990) that, for chil-
other, “flowers.” And then they were okay to put on. Rigidity like that.
dren, successful management of occupational tasks and
Instead of the question about clothing tags eliciting a participation in society depends on adults and children
concern about sensory processing, it evoked a story about structuring the environment. Thus, attending to parents’
Adam’s rigid behavior. concerns and how they structure their environment to sus-
These stories illustrate our overall finding that parents tain family life is advised.
The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 41
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In practice, the assessments therapists choose and the ingful activities, results in more adaptive behaviors (Fisher
outcomes they measure are operational definitions for their & Murray, 1991). The parents in this study described
priorities for change in intervention (Haley, 1994). If ther- hopes for changes in social participation, self-regulation,
apists begin evaluations with performance components, and perceived competence in their children. Although
they may miss meaningful outcomes such as social partici- there is an implicit belief in the profession that occupa-
pation for children and their families. The challenge is to tional performance (social participation), performance
evaluate social participation, self-regulation, and perceived components (self-regulation and modulation of sensory
competence in important contexts. Examples of assess- stimuli), and performance contexts (home, school, com-
ments that may be useful for documenting change in the munity) are related, it is crucial to recognize that this
occupational domains mentioned by parents in this study assumption has not been empirically examined. The rela-
are The School Function Assessment (Coster, Deeney, tionships are complex and require further exploration and
Haltiwanger, & Haley, 1998), which measures social par- empirical validation. To address the hopes of consumers for
ticipation in the school setting; the Child Behavior intervention and research outcomes, the links must be con-
Checklist (Achenbach, 1991), which measures self-regula- sidered between children’s underlying sensory processing
tion; and the Piers–Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale difficulties, the impact of difficulties on children’s behavior,
(Piers, 1984), which measures self-concept. Documenting and the effect that living with SMD and parenting a child
changes related to parenting occupations is also recom- with SMD has on the entire family system. s
mended (see Cohn & Cermak, 1998, for a review of assess-
ments related to the family system). Acknowledgments
Given the insights from this research, we recommend We thank the parents and children who participated in this study. We also
thank the following: The Denver Children’s Hospital Research Institute; R.
that therapists strive to understand issues that are crucial to Hagerman, MD, D. Matthews, MD, and other staff and faculty members at
parents of children seeking occupational therapy services. The Children’s Hospital, Department of Rehabilitation; D. McIntosh
Knowledge about parents’ priorities depends on under- (research director); J. McGrath (lab coordinator), K. Church, and J. Bonnell
standing what behavior, events, persons, or routines mean for invaluable lab assistance; J. Butler, R. Greer, P. Kenyon, N. Pine, R. Seger,
C. Summers, S. Trunnell, and L. Waterford for evaluation and treatment of
to those who partake of them. Meanings cannot be children; and J. Benzel for administrative support. The study was supported
assumed. To understand a family’s values, goals, and aspi- in part by a grant to Sargent College Health and Rehabilitation Sciences,
rations for their child and themselves, therapists must listen Boston University, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and
carefully to family members’ perspectives. Therapists Child Health Bureau (MCJ-000-901), and MCH grant # MC J 08941301.
should ask parents to describe hopes for treatment out- In addition, the Wallace Research Foundation provided primary support for
comes and how they will know if therapy is successful. the larger research project. This article was written in partial fulfillment of
the dissertation requirements for the first author’s degree of Doctor of
Queries might include “What are you hoping will be dif- Science, Sargent College, Boston University.
ferent about your child as a result of therapy?” or “What do
you anticipate treatment will do for you or your family?” Appendix A
Using parents’ language, rather than clinical language, will Parent Interview
help communicate to families that their perspective is 1. Tell me about [child’s name]. I especially want to hear about the
respected. Asking parents to describe their family and what kinds of things that you enjoy about [child’s name], what his/her
gifts and talents are; what his/her strong points are.
they enjoy doing together or asking about family routines 2. What has led you to seek occupational therapy services for
may provide valuable insights into the family’s experiences. [child’s name]? (If necessary: what have you noticed about
Because parents are the primary decision makers for their [child’s] development that concerns you?)
children, they should be actively involved in constructing 3. Tell me about [child’s] abilities in: daily care activities; play; making
and keeping friends; following directions; communicating; regulat-
intervention plans. True collaboration involves discovering ing his/her behavior; activity level; and falling and staying asleep.
solutions that best fit families’ needs and circumstances. To 4. What do you notice about [child’s] reactions to sounds; reactions
be effective, intervention must be sustainable within the to lights and other visual stimuli; reactions to being touched;
contexts of family life. reactions to smelling things; and reactions to moving in space?
5. Tell me about your pregnancy, delivery and [child’s] early history.
Implications for Research 6. Tell me about [child’s] hospitalizations or medical problems.
In addition to using assessments to examine the constructs 7. Tell me about [child’s] previous therapy or treatment.
8. Tell me a little about whom else is in your family. What things do
of social participation, self-regulation, and perceived com- you enjoy together?
petence, research is needed to examine the ways in which 9. (If in school) What is school (preschool) like for [child’s name]?
sensory processing, occupational performance, and perfor- Is there anything that you would like to see changed about his or
mance contexts influence each other and how changes in her school situation or the way she or he is at school?
one domain may or may not lead to changes in another 10. What kind of toys or outdoor equipment do you have that
[child’s name] enjoys? What does [child’s name] do after school
domain. Occupational therapy that uses a sensory integra- and on weekends?
tion treatment approach is based on the assumption that 11. What are your expectations and/or hopes for therapy? (Or what
enhanced sensory experiences, within the context of mean- is it about [child’s name] that you are hoping will change?)

42 January/February 2000, Volume 54, Number 1

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