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When Mclendon wanted to get Mayes out of the car, Hawkshaw also demands to be
ejected. He jumped out of the car. When the car passed again he saw that one person
was missing from it. Then he limped back into the city.

5. The men kidnapped Will then 1. Minnie's friends helped her get
handcuffed him and put him in the dressed to go to the cinema
2. When the movie was going on, Minnie started
4. When Mclendon and three men go to attack Will
laughing more and more hysterically.
Mayes at the ice factory where Will works nightly as
a guard, Hawkshaw tries to reason and follows them.
3. her friends took her home in a taxi
and put her to sleep, then called the
3. Minnie Cooper's life is RAISING ACTION
depicted by the narrator.
4. Minnie's friends started to wonder "did
something really happened between Minnie
and Will?"
2. A barber named Hawkshaw didn't
believe it and tried to stop his attack.
When McLendon came home at midnight and found his wife
waiting for him, he was annoyed and then molested her.
1. Mclendon came to the barbershop and
made people angry to attack Will At the end of this story we are made to assume by the narrator
Mayes. that Will Mayes has been killed by McLendon


Several men at the barbershop
discuss rumors of the alleged
sexual assault of a white woman, Kelompok 2
Minnie Cooper, by a Negro man,
Will Mayes.  Yesa Damongayo
 Arini Dali
 Safina Nur Khalisah Hiola
Character: main character (protagonist, antagonist, and supporting characters)
 Main Character : Protagonist: Henry Hawkshaw  Supporting characters: Minnie Cooper
Antagonist: John Mclendon Will Mayes
The youth
Client 1
The Drumme
The Soldier
Mclendon Wife
Minnie Cooper Friends
Barber 2

 Henry Hawkshaw:
3 Henry Hawkshaw is a thin middle-aged man, a sand-colored man with a gentle face. when he spoke he was soft and stubborn.
- Inner characteristics
He is a stubborn person who does not give up easily. Even though in the end he was desperate to persuade McLendon and the other men not to kill Will
Mayes. In addition, he was very focused on finding out the truth of the rumors and tried to encourage others to do the same. So it can be said that he is a fair
and wise person.
 John Mclendon:
McLendon has a stout build ready with ease and has a hot and bold look. He is depicted wearing a white shirt and wearing a fur hat.

-Inner characteristics
McLendon is an irritable and vigilante, unwilling to know the truth of the incident. He is also light-hearted because at the end of the story he molested his
 Minnie Cooper:
Minnie was a woman in her late thirties about thirty-eight or thirty-nine. She was on the slender side of her usual appearance, with a bright and faintly
haggard manner and dress.

-Inner characteristics
Minnie is an innocent and popular person when she was young, she also has an energetic and lively personality. She never had a serious relationship except
with a widower who worked as a bank cashier. As she got older she became a victim of rumors. But when she was hit by rumors that she was being abused
by a Negro man, she didn't deny it and instead went on with her life without thinking about how the accusations affected her.

 Will Mayes
Mayes is a black man. Actually, Mayes is not explained in detail because his presence is very limited in this story. He appeared only when he was kidnapped
by McLendon.
So if you look at it from that point of view, Mayes is somewhat polite because he didn't fight back when some whites led by McLendon kidnapped him from

4 There are two characters that cannot be determined if they are the protagonist or antagonist. This character is only a source of issues in this story. the
narrator does not show how the role of these two characters, which can be used as a basis for determining the type of character. These two characters are Will
Masey and Minnie Cooper. Characters can be determined whether they are protagonists or antagonists if the narrator gives the description directly or
indirectly. However, for these two characters, there is no depiction of the two forms

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