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Baterna, Maria Zilla A.

ELT 01

BSED Major in English II-B. Prof. Luis Miguel Saludez

1. Suggest positive and negative reinforcements and positive and negative

punishments For the situation assigned to you. This is an Individual activity.
2. Put your answer in a matrix or a quadrant and discuss your answer in a
single paragraph of not more than 5 sentences.
3. The following are the situations and the students assigned

3. 1

You were and English language

teacher and your students have poor
speaking performance.

° Students can learn and gain ° As an English language teacher it is

confidence when you are encouraging necessary for students to speak in English
them and praising them when they during the specific hour of that subject, So in
did well on their task. For example as terms of speaking performance, recitation is a
an English language teacher it is must , so how will it works I’ll simply give a
important to engage students to these surprise recitation for all of them. So all of
kind of activities such as activities that them will stand and answer to the questions
deals with speaking, as for me I can which I will give, so all of them will have 10
give them a nodding my head and points and when that recit. Starts and if you
smiling at them, a genuine smile to fail to answer it -2 points and you will remain
lessen their nervousness in speaking standing but if you mange to answer it
the English language correctly you can sit and get a perfect score .


° As for the negative reinforcement I ° In a system of rewards, students have

can give them an assign task where learned to expect the reward and have lost
they need to recite a poem as that I sight of the value of the task. Since I am an
gave them a week before the said English language teacher my students are
presentation, so once they don’t expected to speak in that particular language
memorize it correctly they will remain which is English. So in this case to stop them
standing, so in that case if the from having poor speaking performance I will
students didn’t memorize it they will simply take away the reward for them, such
remain standing the same as their as giving points, nodding and giving them just
classmates who didn’t memorize the a serious look by taking away the reward they
poem, upon watching these scene will realize that they need to do well in
they will memorize the poem speaking performance to claim again the said
correctly and recite it confidently. reward.

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