Mercado Christopher Lyod B-BSCE-3B-ACT#1

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Name: Christopher Lyod B.

Mercado Date: 14/11/2022

Course & Section: BSCE – 3B

Summa Theologiae

B. Guide Questions

a. Who is St Thomas Aquinas?

► St Thomas Aquinas was a 13th century Italian philosopher and theologian. He
is considered one of the most influential thinkers of the medieval period, and
his work has had a significant impact on Western philosophy and theology.
Aquinas is best known for his work on the nature of God, which he argued is
both simple and perfect. He also wrote extensively on the nature of human
beings, morality, and politics.

b. What is Summa Theologiae contents?

► Summa Theologiae is a compendium of all of Christian theology, written by
Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. The work is divided into three parts: the
first part deals with God, the second part with human beings, and the third part
with Christ. Aquinas' aim was to provide a comprehensive summary of all of
Christian theology in a single work Summa Theologiae is an essential work of
Christian theology, and its contents are essential for understanding the Christian
c. Explain “Happiness” that the Summa Theologiae of Aquinas wanted to
► Aquinas' Summa Theologiae is a work that has been influential in shaping
Christian thought for centuries. In it, Aquinas discusses a wide range of topics,
including happiness. In this essay, we will explore what Aquinas meant by
happiness and how this concept can be applied to our own lives.

Aquinas defines happiness as "a perfect and sufficient good possessed in the
present life." In other words, happiness is not something that we can hope to
achieve in the future; it is something that we can experience in the here and
now. This is an important distinction, because it means that happiness is not
something that we should strive for; rather, it is something that we should
appreciate when we have it.
There are two key components to Aquinas' definition of happiness. First,
happiness is a perfect good. This means that it is something that is complete and
lacking nothing. Second, happiness is a sufficient good. This means that it is
something that is enough to satisfy our needs and desires. When we have both
of these things, we are able to experience happiness.

Aquinas' definition of happiness can be applied to our own lives in a number of

ways. First, it can help us to appreciate the good things that we have. Too often,
we take the things that make us happy for granted. When we stop and think
about what it is that makes us happy, we can begin to appreciate them more.
Second, Aquinas' definition can help us to set our priorities. If we want to be
happy, we need to focus on the things that will truly make us happy. This may
mean making some changes in our lives, but the effort will be worth it in the

Aquinas' definition of happiness is a useful tool for understanding what it takes

to be truly happy. When we appreciate the things that make us happy and focus
on them, we can begin to experience true happiness in our lives.

d. What is the concept of “Pleasure” according to St Thomas Aquinas

► The concept of pleasure according to St Thomas Aquinas is that it is a good
thing, and that it is something to be pursued. However, he also believes that
there is such a thing as too much pleasure, and that it can be a bad thing if it is
not kept in check.
Aquinas believes that pleasure is a good thing because it is a sign that we are
doing something that is in line with our nature. When we take pleasure in
something, it is a sign that we are doing something that is good for us. This is
because our nature is to seek the good, and so when we take pleasure in
something, it is a sign that we are doing something that is good for us.
However, Aquinas also believes that there is such a thing as too much pleasure,
and that it can be a bad thing if it is not kept in check. This is because if we
pursue pleasure to the exclusion of all other things, then it can become a bad
thing. This is because we will start to pursue pleasure for its own sake, and not
for the sake of anything else. This can lead to all sorts of problems, such as
addiction, and so it is important to make sure that we do not pursue pleasure to
the exclusion of all other things.
In conclusion, the concept of pleasure according to St Thomas Aquinas is that
it is a good thing, but that there is such a thing as too much pleasure. This is
because if we pursue pleasure to the exclusion of all other things, then it can
become a bad thing. This is why it is important to make sure that we do not
pursue pleasure to the exclusion of all other things.

e. Why He was pronounced as the “Angelic Doctor” by Pope Pio 5?

► Thomas Aquinas was an Italian Dominican friar and Catholic priest who is
widely considered to be one of the greatest theologians and philosophers of all
time. He is especially renowned for his work in the fields of natural law and
moral philosophy, and his Summa Theologiae is one of the most influential
works of theology ever written. In addition to his philosophical and theological
works, Aquinas also wrote a number of commentaries on the Bible and other
theological texts. He was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius V in
1567, and is also known as the “Angelic Doctor” due to his great intellect and

There are many reasons why Thomas Aquinas is considered to be one of the
greatest theologians of all time. First and foremost, he was a brilliant thinker
who made groundbreaking contributions to the fields of natural law and moral
philosophy. His work in these areas was hugely influential, and his Summa
Theologiae is still studied by theologians today. In addition to his philosophical
works, Aquinas also wrote a number of commentaries on the Bible and other
theological texts. His writings on theology and philosophy were so significant
that he was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius V in 1567.

Aquinas was also known for his great holiness, and this was another reason why
he was given the title of “Angelic Doctor.” He was a devout Catholic who lived
a life of poverty and chastity, and he was known for his kindness and humility.
Aquinas was a man of great faith, and he is an excellent example of how to live
a life according to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Thomas Aquinas was a brilliant thinker, a great theologian, and a holy man. He
made significant contributions to the fields of natural law and moral philosophy,
and his work is still studied by theologians today. He was proclaimed a Doctor
of the Church by Pope Pius V in 1567, and he is also known as the “Angelic
Doctor” due to his great intellect and holiness. Aquinas is an excellent example
of how to live a life according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, and he
is revered by Catholics all over the world.

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