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: a small hollow place on your skin, especially one on your cheek or

chin, when you smile

Broad-shouldered: with wide shoulders, sturdy

Well-built: sturdy, strong

Dyed: coloured

A brunette: a woman with dark brown hair

Blond(e): with pale yellow hair

Mous(e)y: dull light brown colour

Straight: not curly or wavy

Neat: tidy and looking nice

Plait: braid (AE), a long piece of something, especially hair, that is divided into
three parts and twisted together

Fringe: bangs (AE),  short hair that hangs down over your forehead

Swept-back: brushed backwards from your face

Bun: a hairstyle in which the hair is tied in a tight round ball at the back of

the head

Balding: beginning to lose your hair

Thinning: becoming less dense or thick (with thinning hair)

Cheekbone: one of the two bones below your eyes

High: extending above the normal level

Forehead: the part of your face above your eyes and below your hair

Turned-up nose: when the tip of the nose turns up a little bit

Snub nose: short, flat and turned up at the end

Cleft: split, divided, or partially divided into two

Chin: the part of the face below the mouth and above the neck

Double chin: a fold of fat under a person’s chin, that looks like another chin

Sideburns: sideboards, hair that grows down the sides of a man’s face in front
of his ears
Scar: a permanent mark that is left on your skin after you have had a cut
or wound

Unshaven: not having shaved or been shaved recently

Clean-shaven: without a beard or moustache

Spot: pimple, a very small red lump on someone’s skin, especially on their face

Blackhead: a small spot on the skin, often on the face, with a black top

Beauty spot: a small natural or artificial mark such as a mole on a woman's face,
considered to enhance her attractiveness.

Mole: a small dark spot on the skin

Fine lines: mild wrinkles, less deep

Sophisticated: having a lot of experience of the world and knowing about

fashion, culture and other things that people think are socially

Amusing: funny or entertaining, humorous

Shy: timid, bashful, reserved

Grey (hair): when hair starts to become white

Eyelashes: small hairs that grow along the edge of your eyelids

Eyebrow: the line of hair above your eye

Bushy: very thick hair, dense

Sunburned / sunburnt: 1. Suntanned / tanned, having skin that is

attractively brown as a result of spending time in
the sun

2. having a red and painful skin as a result

of spending too much time in the sun

Olive-skinned: with olive skin, which is yellowish brown in colour

Smart: elegant, chic, stylish

Casual: informal

Petite: a woman who is small and thin in a beautiful way

Stubble: the short hairs that grow on a man´s face when he has not shaved for
some time
Auburn: reddish-brown hair

Parting: a line on someone´s head made by brushing the hair in two different
directions (a centre /side parting)

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