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1. Name 3 alkali metals.

2. Name 3 halogens
3. How is the behavior of Hydrogen similar to the above 2 groups.
4. Name the 3 isotopes of Hydrogen


1. Give balanced equations for the following

a. Dilute Hydrochloric acid is passed through a thistle funnel to a woufl’s bottle
containing zinc Granules.
b. Sodium is dropped in Cold water
c. Iron reacts with steam
2. Write observations for the above.
3. Zinc reacts with hot concentrated Sodium Hydroxide.Write a balanced equation
for this.Name the compounds and products.
4. Explain why the following are not preffered in the preparation of Hydrogen
a. Potassium
b. Lead
c. Iron
d. Copper


1. Observe the diagram given below

a) Write a word equation and
a skeletal equation for the
b) Mention any 2 precautions
to be taken.
c) What do you observe in
the reaction below?
d) What happens when a glowing splint is introduced in the gas jar.
e) State why Zinc granules are used and not Zinc.
f) Zinc granules being impure release certain impurities,Name these impurities.
g) Mention how they are removed
2. Why is hydrogen passed over anhydrous Calcium Chloride?Why is Hydrogen
3. Why is Hydrogen collected by the downward displacement of water?
4. Why can’t we use Nitric acid ?


1. Write equation(balanced skeletal and word) (with condition) for the Bosch
2. Write a balanced equation for Electrolysis of acidulated water?Why ia acidulated
water used?
3. Complete and balance
a) Mg + HCl→
b) Al + NaOH + H2O→
4. Mention any 3 physical properties of Hydrogen.


1. Mention 2 tests for Hydrogen.

2. Define
a. Catalyst
b. Promoter
3. Write a equation with condition for the Haber’s Process.
4. Write equation and condition for formation of Hydrogen Sulphide.How does it


1. State the use of Hydrogen in

a. Metallurgy
b. In metal industry
c. As a fuel
2. State 3 differences between oxidation and reduction
3. Why is Hydrogen present in the Activity series of metals?
4. How is Hydrogen prepared from
a. Metal Hydride
b. Water
c. Acid

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