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a. learn and understand the difference between moral standards and other
rules, and identify moral from non-moral dilemmas


Norms – (etymologically, a carpenter’s pattern, from the Latin root norma, referring
to the laying down of the correct angles) the standards of wrong and right


One measure in which human act is evaluated morally is in reference to norms. A

norm, etymologically, refers to a carpenter’s pattern, square, or rule, from the Latin
root norma, referring to the laying down of the correct angles. With this, man can see
how the term “normal” works in geometrical terms. One can identify different types of
norms, namely:

a. Technical Norms
These are standards that has something to do with craft of art (from
the root techne) as an application of knowledge (in Latin episteme), hence the
term. These norms pertain to survival, well-being, and health.1

b. Societal Norms
These are standards for group cohesion and strengthening the bonds
that keep the community together. This primarily covers values, customs,
manners, and practices that are considered appropriate by the society.2

c. Aesthetic Norms
From the Greek root aesthesis, which means sense or feeling, these
are standards that correspond to human perception which become the basis
of our approval or disapproval of things that has something to do with material
appearances like color, taste, odor, texture, and sound.

Parry, R. Episteme and Techne. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2014 edition)
Fernandez, Apolinar Henry. 2018. ETHICS: Deciding What’s Right and Wrong. Philippines: smkc
d. Moral Norms
In this type, man and his actions re judged to be good or bad, right or
wrong. All other norms are to be subordinated to this moral norm.3

It is of high importance to learn to differentiate various types of norms. Such

knowledge would bring us guidance as to what is appropriate for a discussion in
Ethics and Morality.


You can also refer to the source/s below to help you further understand the

Bicchieri, C., Jeffrey, R. & Skyrms, B. (Eds.) (1997) The Dynamics of Norms.
Cambridge University Press


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