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Soumya- Everyday we start our day by worshipping god and

chanting prayer. Have you ever wondered what actually
prayer is? So here we have aanya to tell about the importance
of prayer?
Aanya- Prayer is a way to express devotion and gratitude to
god who has provided us all the comforts. It also purifies mind
and takes away all the negativity. So pls join your hnds and
close your eyes and bow your heads for school prayer
followed by the devotional song.
Aanya- We always say thought for the day, thought for the
day but why do we say thought for the day?
Soumya- A thought for the day is a daily quote that gives you
positive opinion to start your day with encouragement and
wisdom. So lets have the thought for the day by Urwashi.
Soumya- A virtue is a great habit that helps us do good and
empowers us what god wants us to be.
Aanya- A virtue not only means a great habit but also teaches
us that we must think, act and speak based on moral
principles and not based on how society and media tells us to.
Soumya- So, lets have the Virtue talk by Kashish.
Religion Prayer
Aanya- Marvellous! Now I request the students of 8H
Special Day
Soumya- Everyday is unique and remarkable. 17th Oct every
year is observed as World eradication of poverty. Now, I
request my friend prisha to come forward and tell about it in
Soumya- Did you hear that NASA is targeting its next attempt
to launch artemis I soon. But the technical difficulties and bad
weather condition forced it to delay...
Aanya- that’s awesome, To enlighten us with current
happenings and update ourselves I would like to call my friend
Tongue Twisters
Soumya-Yesterday, my brother told me that enjoyed playing
tongue twisters in his class. Butt..what that actually
it something in which our tongue gets twisted.
Aanya- giggles.. No, Tongue twisters are phrases that is
designed to be difficult to say. Listening and trying to say
tongue twisters is one way of improving our English
pronunciation. So, I request aaradhya and manan to encharge
us with some tongue twisters.
New Words
Soumya- This time I scored less in my grammar exams because
i made many spelling errors. Can you give me some time so
that I can improve my faults.
Aanya- Sure, I would like to call shanum to tell some new
words and help in boosting our knowledge.
New words
Soumya-अब मैं अपने मित्र चै तन्य शु क्ला को आमं त्रित करना
चाहं ग
ू ी कि वे आएं और हमारे सामने एक कविता प्रस्तु त करें जो श्री
रामधारी सिं ह दिनकर जी ने लिखी है ।
Aanya- Isn’t it too hot today , lets know about today’s
weather forecasts by pranjali.
Aanya – To remind us of our duties and responsibility I would
like to call Sidra for the school pledge.
Goden lines-
Soumya- Now, I would like to call rishil to end this golden hour
of assembly with golden lines.

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