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Short Internal Environment analysis- Villa College

Beginning in the twenty-first century, the Maldives saw an increase in the number of high school
dropouts while seeing a decrease in the availability of scholarships for international study. The
state-owned institution with few chances was the only choice for high school graduates seeking
higher study. Villa College reinvented private higher education in the nation at a time when it
was viewed as inferior, placing itself on an equal footing with public higher education. Today
Villa College has quickly reshaped tertiary education in the Maldives by dominating various
fields and raising the bar for other institutions of higher learning.
On January 28, 2007, Villa College registered its first institute, the Villa Institute of Water
Sports, followed by the Villa Institute of Information Technology (VIIT) and the Villa Institute
of Hospitality and Tourism Studies. The Department of Higher Education registered and created
Villa College as the first entitled Private College of the Maldives on October 17, 2007 Since
then the Institute has come a long way in 15 years.
Villa College has achieved enormous milestones and is First and Largest in many fields. Among
all HEIs in the Maldives, they have the greatest postgraduate population, which is followed by
the largest population of students enrolled in degrees and master's programs. Additionally, they
are the first to provide bachelor's and master's degrees in a number of other fields that are not
available in the Maldives. offering master's degree programs in Atolls first. the first to establish
an independent examination office and receive the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England
and Whales as partners in learning. Last but not least, they were the first to acquire the ACCA's
approval learning gold status.
Referred to their mission/vision statements: Their mission is to sustain, develop, and disseminate
knowledge and understanding by providing internationally recognized higher education at an
affordable price, through teaching, research, consultancy, and training that develop intellectual
capacity and values critical to the dynamic Maldivian community and economy.
Vision: To be leading higher education provider in the Maldives, highly valued locally and
recognized internationally.
With a sizable rose garden, an orchid garden, and beautifully manicured grass all across the
college, the QI campus is created to be both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally
sustainable. Additionally, it makes use of solar panels installed on building rooftops, enabling the
utilization of renewable energy for the majority of daylight activities.
The cost of the courses varies significantly between Avid college and Villa college. Let's look at
an example, despite the fact that Avid College may have more affordable monthly payments than
Villa College. The cost of the Bachelor of Business Administration in Avid is 2800 MVR per
month and the Bachelor of Arts in Business Management in Villa is 3450 MVR per month
although under the government's free degree grant scheme it becomes 1608MVR per month.
Villa College is offering this government grant as a means of advancing its objective to provide
education at a reasonable cost. In this manner, Villa College continues to be preferred to Avid
despite Avid's lower cost due to Villa College's superior quality.
1. ‘created Villa College as the first entitled Private College of the Maldives on October 17,
Strength- Villa College is able to tap into consumers first and make a strong impression
in order to establish firm brand awareness and client loyalty, allowing it to be a trailblazer
in private higher/tertiary education.

2. ‘the largest population of students enrolled in degrees and master's programs’

Strength- They are more profitable and can generate money to expand if there are more
enrollees. As more people become aware that you are a student at Villa College, this also
builds Villas brand image.

3. ‘receive the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Whales as partners’

Strength: Unique Global Learning-Professional academic recognition and an exceptional
global learning experience. The Maldives' educational system is being expanded by
international contacts and affairs. joining forces with internationally renowned
institutions that will enable villa to fill any gaps in the market's services and be profitable.

4. ‘by providing internationally recognized higher education at an affordable price’

Strength: Despite being a private educational institution, it strives to make sure students
can afford the services offered. The majority of the programs have competitive fees
among the private HEIs: Villa students are engaged in flexible payment plans, A student
financing option through the Maldives Islamic Bank ,Waivers of fees for those with
exceptional circumstances.

5. ‘makes use of solar panels installed on building rooftops, enabling the utilization of
renewable energy’
Strength: savings on both a financial and environmental level. Lastly, decreased
emissions to combat climate change and air pollution provide the college the appearance
of being an ally to social responsibility through cost savings and expanded financing

6. ‘Villa College continues to be preferred to Avid despite Avid's lower cost due to Villa
College's superior quality.’
Strength: Where villas' higher quality renders Avids' low pricing inferior, quality
triumphs over quantity.
Weakness: This could potentially turn quite badly. We were discussing first degrees, but
under the program, those who fail their first degree are not eligible to register for the
program twice. If they are unable to pay the initial tuition costs for Villa College, their
choices would be Villa's competitors. Since other colleges would be more affordable than
Villa College and Villa College does not offer a grant program for those enrollees in C3,
C4 or foundation . Nevertheless, this becomes a weakness for Villa as they are losing a
share of the market that they can initially capture.
Justification of the above facts :
All of the following can be justified in part because Villa college filled the market gap as the first
private college in the Maldives by offering many values and services that the Maldives had never
offered. Since they were the pioneers in this sector, they still set the trends since they have
greater sway and influence over it. As a result, no other college has been able to overtake them.
While not nominated, enrollment data suggests Villa college was chosen as the most dependable
and cutting-edge educational institution in the Maldives. Villa College is a part of the Villa
Group conglomerate company, providing it more than adequate brand image of the most well-
known Qasim Ibrahim Founded Company. Villa College also has collaborations with
internationally recognized international institutes and localized campuses through urban atolls.
Due to its affiliation with the Villa Group, Villa College is able to finance its technological
advancements, utilize its own research center, and look for other methods to raise the bar for
educational standards.


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